Monday, August 26, 2013

When Will It Stop?

Yet again, I must write a post about what could’ve been a devastating school shooting.  Last week, 20 year old Michael Brandon Hill walked into McNair Discovery Learning Academy in Decatur, Georgia armed with an AK-47 and over 500 rounds of ammunition.  Thankfully, he encountered school bookkeeper, Antionette Tuff who was able to talk him into surrendering.  By keeping her composure, detailing her own struggles in life and offering to pray for Hill, Ms. Tuff became a true American hero.

Whenever I blog about an issue that relates to a previous post, I always post the link so you can read my thoughts and your fellow students’ comments.  It was with a heavy heart today that I realized just how many times I have posted about senseless gun violence on this blog: Fort Hood, Virginia Tech, Aurora Colorado, Tucson Arizona, and of course, Newtown Connecticut.  If you’re interested in reading any of these posts, you can use the search word “shooting” in the search bar located at the top of the page.
Each time we have a mass shooting such as this (and there have just been far too many in my opinion), our nation’s political dialogue becomes more focused on our country’s gun laws. Some have felt that we need stricter gun laws to prevent tragedies such as this from happening. According to Senator Dianne Feinstein, “weapons of war don’t belong on our streets”. Colorado Governor, John Hickenlooper, expressed skepticism that tougher gun laws would’ve prevented the Aurora, Colorado tragedy stating, “If there were no assault weapons available – this guy’s going to find something right?” Senator Ron Johnson agrees, “I don’t think society can keep sick, demented, individuals from obtaining any type of weapon to kill people. Somebody who purposely wants to harm another individual is going to find a method to do so”.

 I’ll be frank – I’m torn on this issue. I don’t come from a family that owns guns. I don’t think I would want one in my home. That being said, I strongly support the U.S. Constitution and the people’s right to bear arms. I just think there should be better background checks, waiting periods, etc. I think the real problem here is a lack of mental healthcare in this country – which might be a whole other blog. I know I don’t have all the answers, but it’s clear to me that something must be done to stop, (or at least try and stop) this senseless violence.

So my question to you this week is, “How do you feel about our country’s gun laws? What should the government’s responsibility be, if anything, in preventing crimes like this in the future?” Answers are due no later than Sunday, September 1st. My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone affected by senseless violence, especially the community of Decatur, Georgia.




  1. I don't think that people should be restricted from guns. There just needs to be better gun control by the government. Like you said, there should be better background checks and waiting periods. I agree with you though, I think the real problem here is a lack of mental healthcare in this country. If they can weed out some of the wackos and stick them in a loony bin, I think the world might actually be somewhat safer. Unfortunately, there is still going to be those people that are determined to find a way to harm others...

    God Bless Us All.

  2. It doesn't really matter, because certain individuals will find ways to get guns no matter what. I agree on your point about mental health care. I also think that gun laws are appropriate especially in cities with a high degree of crime. How else is one gonna protect themselves? I believe the only way to compromise is to have harsher punishments on those who break the rules and misuse guns in any way. I am a high advocate for death penalties. No bail.

  3. I am actually with you on the issue Stephanie. Better background checks or a more sound application process to own a gun would be great but even some of the most sadistic psychopaths can pretend or get through the process just fine, then turn around and abuse the privilege of owning a weapon. I dont think guns should be banned in the US all together, but like you said, I am also very torn on the issue.

  4. I think there should be tougher gun laws. When someone wants to buy a gun, it should be really hard to get one. They should do a couple of background checks, have a license, does not have a criminal background, and should be in good health.

  5. I think we should absolutely bring back the assault weapons ban, and I would love to see a ban on semi-automatic weapons that can be converted to full auto with a 20 dollar kit (which the manufacturer sells separately in some cases) however better laws and better mental healthcare are important, but at the crux of this problem is the way the NRA has lobbied to de-fang regulatory bodies like the ATF.

  6. This topic is very conflicting. We have the right to bear arms, yet some people are trying to change that law. Throughout the years I do believe gun control has become a lot more strict.
    But how is having a better mental healthcare going to help? Most of the random shootings are by people who are your average person and if you suspect someone for owning firearms just because they are quiet, then how is that any different of accusing someone of being a witch back in 16th and 17th century?
    People will always find a way to own firearms regardless of them being banned. Americans are smart and we have ways of attaining what we want.

  7. Akif -

    Many times the shooters have had prior mental health problems. Having better and more afforable mental healthcare in this country, means people can access counseling, therapy and medication. It's not the only solution, but I have to beliebe it would help.

  8. I feel like our gun laws are strict enough as it stands right now. The real issue in my eyes is the mental health care. Also to think about is bullying. Somewhere along the time of the shooter's childhood, he was more than likely bullied.

  9. The government should make sure that the people owning a gun can be trustworthy with it. They need to not give guns to people who may kill innocent people. I am against guns, but even without guns we have knives that can kill people too.

  10. I think the laws are inadequate. The second amendment does allow people to bear arms but at the same time the government should try and control what weapons are out on the streets and for what reason. They can also have background checks of the people buying weapons.

    There are three aspects to government’s responsibility. Stronger laws, enforcement and control on the weapons that contribute to mass killings like AK-47 and semi automatic guns. I feel that laws do exist but they just need to be made stringent and enforced. Also, the person buying weapons should take responsibility of using it for a lawful purpose.

  11. I completely agree about the mental healthcare issue. There is no way to actually control how people are going to use their guns, and just because they are sane at the time, doesn't mean they can't have mental issues later in life when they already have a gun. Also, guns were out of reach for killers, then they will find another way to kill someone. I think cheaper mental healthcare and easier access to these facilities will help tremendously.

  12. I absolutely hate guns. So I would have to say I would like to see a more serious law to prevent things like this from happening. I feel like they should be responsible for things like that happening only because they wouldn't necessarily happen if we had a better control. People are crazy as it is so guns just add fuel to the fire either way.

  13. I think we should ban guns completely but it would never work. The people who really want them will find a way to get them. I believe we need better healthcare in our country and we need stricter gun laws in certain cities.

  14. I remember this song by The Click. The lyrics went like this:

    I remember when the world went crazy back in 1985
    I remember when rock cocaine used to be rich man kind of high
    Till one day in my neighborhood motherf---ers started havin' fetti
    They was hangin' on the corner yellin' "BASE ROCKS NI--A!"
    Bumpin' Too Short "Blowjob Betty"

    What's the point I'm making? Well it's this. You have to identify what was the cause for any type of problem before you can fix what has gone wrong. Just like I remember what my childhood neighborhood was like before crack cocaine was introduced to it. I remember what life was like before kids started shooting up one another in school.
    Let's evaluate...
    First of all we didn't have a bunch of violence and sex on TV. We played outside. If you wanted to send someone a message, you had to actually write a letter. You didn't wear bicycle helmets. If you wore skimpy clothes you were a slut. We said the pledge of allegiance. It wasn't against the law to get a spanking. You didn't eat breakfast lunch and dinner at a fast food joint. Things were actually made in America. Parents attempted to raise their kids not the school system or TV...
    So what is Shana saying? Shana is saying that this is the world we are living in. It is f--ked. Oh well. The answer to the gun problem is not in our government. It is in our homes.

  15. I'm kind of in the same boat as you, Stephanie. I didn't grow up around guns. My mother didn't like them so we didn't own any. However, it is a Constitutional right and I feel like everyone has the right to own a gun because of that. There are some people though, that even though they have the right to own a gun, don't have the sanity or the capability to be responsible with a gun. I do think that there should be some kind of way to test a persons mental health when purchasing a gun to ensure the safety of the public and to ensure that the buyer isn't going to go on some kind of rampage. Where I'm conflicted about this, though, is that there are ways to get a gun illegally. I wouldn't know of these ways but I do know they exist so I'm not sure if stricter gun laws would really make much of a difference in that aspect of it.

  16. I agree with senator Ron Johnson if someone twisted is going to come up the a plan to kill someone(s) then they will do so. I personally feel like that gun laws could become stricter but it will not stop someone from purchasing a gun. So that wouldn't even matter. Getting the permit just gives them something else to do. The government could increase security in schools ensuring that no one is entering without being identified, I know a lot of schools like that that prevent the everyday pedestrian from entering.

  17. So I feel that the right to bare arms is very constitutional. While I feel that way I feel the application to obtain a gun should include a psychological review. I do understand that these days lots of people seek therapy but those found to be mentally unstable should not be able to purchase a firearm. I also realize that anyone wishing to cause harm in someone else would just get one illegally but to me the effort to screen the more carefully would maybe discourage others for even trying. I want to know that I have the right to protect myself by any means necessary if need be. I don't want someone telling me that I do not have that right simply by not allowing me to carry a gun. More importantly than the gun laws I feel like there should be more of an emphasis on mental health and getting those disturbed individuals the help they need instead of telling others they can't protect themselves.

  18. I didn't grow up around guns either, and they make me nervous. That being said, I still think people should be able to own them. I think better background checks would prevent some of these school shootings. I also think it would be a good idea to offer help to people that don't pass the background checks.

    Kelly G.

  19. I personally think gun laws should be stricter than what they are now. It is too easy to obtain such a powerful weapon in such a short period. The criteria should be thorough background check and a mental analysis to see if the person is even in their right state of mind. I know we can't stop gun violence all together but I do think we can at least curve it because these gun crimes are getting senseless, out of control, and hurting many families.

  20. Gun laws should be stricter, with maybe at least 4 year sentence. So many people carry guns not for self defense but for crime and depending on their actions should be punished so that they never do it again.
