Monday, August 5, 2013

The Modern Day Picasso

It might surprise you to know that I’m a big Jay Z fan. His first album, Reasonable Doubt dropped the summer I graduated from high school.  His songs filled the clubs and parties when I was in college.  Several years later, I saw him in concert on the Hard Knocks Life tour.  To this day, I can’t hear an old Jay Z song without remembering my good old college days.  Makes me feel kind of old.  J

Jay Z and I kind of grew up together.  Wherever I was in life – his music was right there with me.  Which is why I was excited to watch the premiere of his new video “Picasso Baby: A Performance Art Piece,” which premiered on HBO this past Friday.  Inspired by the performance artist Marina Abramovic,  (who is also featured in the video) Jay Z rapped for six straight hours, as individuals approached him and were able to interact with him.  You can check out the video here:

I love performance art, and I really enjoyed the concept of this piece.  Even if you’re not a Jay Z fan, I encourage you to watch it.  Several quarters ago, I wrote a post on public art and the value it brings to a community.  Public art can educate, increase property values, draw more tourism to a city and lower crime.  You can check out my thoughts and what you fellow students wrote here:
So my question to you this week is, “If money were no object – meaning you didn’t have to worry about how much money your project would cost – what type of art piece would you create for the city?  Would you consider doing a performance art piece?  What would your message be?”  Answers are due no later than Sunday, August 11th, 2013.


  1. I don't like rap. I barely like Jay-Z at all. If money was no object I would try to create an architectural marvel and make a building similar to the ones in Beijing. It would be dedicated to video games and media arts.

  2. I would make a huge butterfly chair with paintings or drawings on it. Art is everywhere and you need to see the beauty of nature. This chair lets people sit down and think about it.
    I would not do a performance art piece, because I'm not good at doing things in front of a bunch of people.

  3. I would have a huge runway on the roof of a art building. The roof would be covered in a glass dome so that people in helicopters or other buildings around could see the flashing lights making them curious. This will also protect the people from the weather so neither wind or rain could ruin their experience.The runway would be plain white so that it may not conflict with anyone's ensembles. Anyone could walk down the runway and pose at the end for a souvenir photo finish.
    This in a way is a performing art piece all on its own letting everyday people become part of a fashion show.
    This concept would show the average, or even not so average, person show off their styles and them experience a bit of runway fame.

  4. O my O my! My are would be a mural of realism. Images of real people (non-famous) doing everyday real things. I'd paint pictures of life in its purest form, from all the kindness people share to the unsuspecting greediness we all posses. I would love to paint a mural in downtown San Antonio on the Riverwalk under the bridges so that when you walk through you'd get a different picture every time. My message would be one of forgiveness and change.

  5. I would do a fashion show with my designs that anybody could wear. It doesn't matter what size you are, you can wear the designs. All of the items would be donated. The fashion show would be epic with many different themes and styles. This would get people inspired, to do something amazing.

  6. I would make elaborate outfits and have the models skin painted like stone. It would look like a dress on a statue. I would then have them go pose all over town. Just to see peoples reaction!

  7. Using photography and the ever-growing technology in our society, I would somehow merge large print photography and digital photography together in some digital interactive montage showing photos and various art pieces made by local artists. I think it would be a neat way to promote the city's large and diverse range of artists this city is filled with. It would also be a stimulating and eye-catching screen that every one would be talking about.

  8. If money were no object, i would have a runway show inside of the empire state building. The garments in the show would all consist of different fabrics from different cultures. The models would be of all ethnicity's representing the different cultures.

  9. I would design something on the lines of the “Cloud Gate” or “Crown Fountain” in Chicago, which would allow people to reflect, introspect and interact with the city from a new perspective.

    No, I would not consider doing a performance art piece, as I’m not much into performing in front of a crowd.

  10. Honestly, this is a hard question for me to answer. Now granted, since coming to this school, I have become a fan of many art types, but I'm not quite sure which art form allows me to best express myself.
    It's without fear of contradiction that I say that God is the ultimate artist. When He created the world, he did it with such care and detail. Men still today are trying to figure out and, as if it were possible, trying to perfect how and what God does. Unfortunately they jack it up every time. Therefore if I had to create an art piece for the city, I wouldn't. I would just put a frame around the universe. In essence I would just be saying, "Look at God!"

  11. I love this weeks Blog topic. I grew up not a huge fan of Jay Z but enjoy his new album so much. This is a hard question for me to answer because I'm a singer and music has always been my first love, fashion my second. I would do a mixed media performance. I would want to collaborate music with clothes and also with how expressive it can be. I'm very big into "Embracing it all" and being who you are even if people judge you. There are all types of everything out in this world. But we are all Fabulous in our OWN way. ;)

    Akif- I love your idea, so chic!!!!!

  12. I would create some kind of interactive sculpture. I would like for it to be in a public space, where pedestrians could interact and control it. For example, I would like to install lighting on a large metal sculpture, with a digital interface on the ground that people could play with. I think this would work best in a public park, or somewhere like the IMA grounds.

    Kelly G.

  13. I would build a museum about science and technology. it would cover both topics entire history and then focus on two themes: the many parts of our every day lives that technology and science has made possible and the awe-inspiring wonder that science and technology can deliver if you look for it.

    This museum would be unique in a number of ways to set it apart from other museums. each exhibit would have additional information provided with augmented reality, via mobile apps or special glasses. It would also very heavily use gesture controls and 3D display technologies in its exhibits.

  14. I really don't listen to Jay Z,but I have heard some of his music.I would build a community center for arts.Where they can come and get lessons and training.They will be able to take fashion course and fine art classes .As well as dance lessons and studio lessons.Also motivational speakers,job fairs and fundraisers.Give back to the community andbtry to make a difference. That's what I would do for my project

    1. Hello my name is Crystal Miller I'm so sorry but my gmail was not acting right .

  15. I would create the most complex and coolest light show to go with some EDM. Would be set up in the Chicago. I would take elements from Daft Punk and Deadmau5. The message would be that electronic music is here to stay.

  16. That is a little surprising that you are a Jay Z fan but again its not. I am myself a really big Jay Z Fan especially after his most recent album Magna Carta Holy Grail.
    If I could create a piece of art for the city I would want to make a mosaic image of different pictures of events that are important to the united states and have it somewhere placed along the canal.

  17. I would definitely want to do something related to fashion. I would want to maybe put on a fashion show that would maybe involve the community somehow. I would try to get well-known designers to participate as well. I think I would give local designers a certain amount of money to create a garment to enter into the fashion show, and then have a certain amount of famous designers judge the pieces and the winner gets some sort of grand prize.

  18. If money weren't an object I would have a giant fashion show on the largest and highest rooftop of either New York or Chicago. I would have my models parachute down to the rooftop and just walk the runway. They would interact with the audience not by words but by movement. This would be my interpretation of fashion being in the sky and that I breath it.

  19. I would not consider myself a huge Jay Z fan, but I do respect his music and appreciate his style.
    If money wasn't an issue, I would probably build a really cool looking house somewhere downtown. It would be a crazy ass, Tim Burton looking house that's really cool inside with all kinds of art figures, paintings, and so on. It would be open for anyone to go in and take pictures or leave their art work somewhere in there. I think it would be something a lot of people would enjoy checking out. As far as performing an art, I couldn't see myself doing anything like that. I get too skittish on stage.

  20. If money weren't an issue, I'd want to create a piece that had something to do with animals and rescuing animals who have been abused, neglected, and malnourished. We've all seen the Sarah Mclaclan commercials with "Arms of the Angels" playing in the background while clips of sad animals flash across the screen. But I don't feel like those commercials educate the public on how horrible and how common animal abuse is. When I was growing up I would watch Animal Cops on Animal Planet and my heart would break for these poor animals. That's what I want to do with my education and my career. I wasnt to work with rescue teams documenting the lives and stories and recovery of animals that have been abused and neglected. I'm not sure how I would do it, probably showcasing pictures of animals like dogs or cats that were malnourished and injured next to the same animal completely healed and recovered. It would take a lot of planning and I'm not sure how I would go about it but my main goal would bet to raise awareness.
