Monday, July 22, 2013

I'll Follow You Until You Love Me

I woke up this morning to news that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton is in labor.  After weeks of paparazzi being on “baby watch” the frenzy is now even more heightened as they camp outside the hospital hoping to capture a picture.  I understand this baby will be third in line to the Royal throne, but I can’t help but feel they should give the woman some space.  I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that Princess Diana, was tragically killed in 1996 after being pursued on a high-speed chase by paparazzi, who then stood over her dying body and continued to snap photos of her last moments alive.

Here in America, we have even more lenient laws towards paparazzi.  The list of celebrities who have had altercations with paparazzi is long, and usually results in the celebrity being criminally charged.  Consider the following:
  • Chris Martin, the front man for the band Coldplay was charged with malicious damage after attacking a paparazzi’s car for getting too close to his wife Gwyneth Paltrow, who was pregnant at the time.
  • In 2010 Russell Brand was arrested for battery after he pushed a photographer for trying to take an up-skirt photo of his then-girlfriend, Katy Perry.
  • In January, a paparazzo was killed after pursuing Justin Bieber on a high-speed chase down the Los Angeles freeway.
  • In June, Kim Kardashian was boxed in by four cars on the freeway, who then forced her to slow down so they could photograph her through the windows.  When she complained, she says they subsequently threatened her life and the life of her unborn child.
  • Last week, Kanye West was involved in an altercation with paparazzi at LAX, which is currently under investigation and may result in charges for the star.
Many say this is just the unfortunate price of fame.  Celebrities know what they’re getting in to when they choose high profile careers.  The paparazzi have a job to do, and the better or more scandalous the photos, the more money they make.  Others say it’s a dangerous violation of privacy and there needs to be tougher laws.  In a few weeks, we will discuss the right to privacy, which is an implied right in America, not an enumerated one.  We will talk about how the Courts have ruled in privacy cases that don’t involve celebrities.  So my question to you this week is, “What do you think about paparazzi who will “do anything” to get the shot?  Should we enforce tougher laws and restrictions on them, or are they only doing their job?  Would you feel differently if you were a celebrity?”  Answers are due no later than Sunday, July 28th, 2013.


  1. I think there absolutely should be tougher laws against paparazzi, but I'd rather have really hefty fines than possible jail-time for them; judges and juries are much more likely to hand out the former than the latter, and fines would really hurt the income on pictures they get fined for.
    However, the no amount of laws will go after the real people responsible for paparazzi; the people who obsess over celebrities are just as if not more guilty than the paparazzi, after all if not for those people, would the paparazzi be trying so hard to find candid photos? I highly doubt it.

  2. As a photographer, I think being a paparazzi photographer is a sad excuse for a photography line of work. I see it as being soulless way to earn a paycheck and being nosey is no way to earn decent money. I think there should be laws that will properly charge the media for harassment that happens when limits are pushed to get "the perfect shot". I'm no celebrity (thank god!) and I even believe the paparazzi is ridiculous.

  3. The paparazzi should not get into a celebrity's personal business. These celebrities need some space. We need tougher laws to keep anyone famous more safe.

  4. Well as a fashion major I hope to be in the spotlight of fame one day. However I do believe that Celebrities know what they are getting into when they become famous. I feel like it's the paparazzi's job to "do anything" for a good photo. It's what they get paid to do. I feel like negatives and positives come with being in that kind of lifestyle. My overall goal in life is to become known, I feel like if I were a celebrity I would eat the paparazzi up. It's all apart of fame and who you are trying to portray. 123.... say cheese!

  5. Disclaimer: Shana is pretty much anti-everybody...
    So anyway, I don't have much love for celebrities. I do not know them. I find them very irritating. As for the Royal Family, the question needs to be, "What in the hell do they do?" Who cares? When will the United States truly be independent of England? Give me a break! I just hope when the baby is born it doesn't look like Prince William's daddy.
    Now as to answer the question... Maybe when celebrities are being chased by the paparazzi, they should buy a piece of property in a state where the stand your ground law is in effect, lead the paparazzi there and then shoot them. In this instance I could see where this law would be very beneficial.

  6. This is a major concern and a invasion of privacy. I understand that some people now might not want to become a big star just because of the lack of privacy celebrities get. A photo taken of a popular celeb may bring the person who took the shot a small fortune. So major magazine companies or entertainment shows are a big reason for giving paparazzi a job to go past the limits of boundaries.

  7. I believe there needs needs to be a limit to paparazzi. If the person is outside walking, sure. But if they are driving or spending time with family, leave them alone. They are just normal people. It's scary to have people want to come after you just for a photo.

  8. There should be tougher laws for paparazzi's. They should not pressuring celebrities for there picture. They need to give the celebrities there space. Paparazzi's need to think about how they would feel if someone was forcing them to get a picture. If I was a celebrity, I would not want to be forced to have my picture taken by them.

  9. I truly believe that there should be more restrictions on how far the paparazzi can go. Celebrities shouldn't just be blamed for being too famous because our lives would be so boring without them (no movies, music,etc). They shouldn't have to plan their daily lives based on whether or not they feel like being attacked by nosy photographers. They are people too and deserve their own space.

  10. There is a fine line where freedom to take a person's picture in public and when personal privacy is invaded. I feel that since they are celebrities, that the desire to exploit them is much higher.

  11. I have a friend who works in this business. The paparazzi send him all of their pictures. He chooses the best photo, edits it, and sends it on to be sold. He told me that a lot of celebrities will have their publicist call and let the magazines know where they are going each night. They actually want the paparazzi there, but they act annoyed when they see them. This keeps them in the public eye. I doubt that all celebrities do this, but I thought it was an interesting point.

    I do think that paparazzi go too far, and there should be some kind of law limiting them. They should not put anyone in danger by taking pictures of them. This would probably be a hard law to pass though, since we have freedom of press. I do think that the paparazzi will continue to push boundaries as long as people keep buying their magazines.

    Kelly G.

  12. As far as putting “the celebrities” life at risk is concerned, I think what the paparazzi is doing is not right. They have no right to take people’s lives for their own benefit. They can do what ever they like to take the shot for example climb over roof tops or trees et cetera as long as they don’t endanger other people’s lives.

    We stop people from texting while driving and DUI because it can be dangerous for other safe drivers. So why not restrict paparazzi from doing it too. There should definitely be tougher laws and restrictions on them.

    I think I would have felt the same way as I do now if I were a celebrity, as they are human beings too and have the right to live an ”intrusion-free” life like we do. Just because they are celebrities doesn’t mean they can’t have personal space.

  13. I totally understand that paparazzi are "doing their job," but putting their own lives, and the lives of the celebrities they're photographing, just for a "more scandalous shot" is just ridiculous. Being a photography major myself, I feel like paparazzi are embarrassing to the field of photography. They're known for being rude, invasive, and reckless. All for the sake of an unnecessary picture of a start without their makeup on or walking down the street with their children.
    Some may argue that celebrities put themselves into this lives and should expect their privacy to be taken away, but sometimes it's just taken too far. I do believe that boundaries should be put in place and more laws or regulations should exist to make sure the lives of the stars, and also of the paparazzi, aren't in danger.
    And honestly, most of the shots the paparazzi get aren't all that interesting. Who really needs to see Demi Moore buying groceries? Sooooo scandalous!

  14. Everyone has a job to do. With that job though, come responsibilities as well as rules. I do think the paparazzi over-step those rules and disregard their responsibility at times. Halle Berry just recently went to court because her daughter was afraid to go to school in fear of paparazzi jumping out of bushes just to get a picture of her. This would be an extremely terrifying thing for any civilian so to think that just because they are celebrities we have a right to invade their privacy in the most disrespectful was is absurd. While I understand news is news, but to what extent? Are we so consumed with gossip that we say its okay to frighten young children? Have we forgotten the Prince Charles' own mother died in a crash caused by paparazzi? The lives of these people should be no more important than plan old Stan who works at the factory trying to support his family. Their jobs are to entertain us... at the movies... on tv... there is no reason that they should be ambushed every time they walk out the door just because of their celebrity status. With all this reality tv crap going around, heck anybody could be a star. I guess I just don't see the need to follow and harass others who put their pants on just the same way I do. I think the paparazzi should back off. After all, they aren't news reporters and nothing they have to report makes any difference in whether or not the world still spins day after day.

  15. We should enforce harder laws on it, but all in all, media just tries to get what people are interested in hearing or seeing. People are more interested in knowing how many pounds Snookie lost instead of hearing about serious issues around the globe. Media caters to it's audience, and the audiences are stupid.

  16. I feel there should be tougher laws that should restrict paparazzi from harassing celebrities & no I wouldn't feel differently if I was celebrity, because I think that everyone should have there privacy and personal space. Maybe paparazzi should be have to be registered to submit photos and a certain distance applied with that. Being harassed and threatened or even violated is something no one should have to withstand.

  17. We should enforce tougher laws on the paparazzi tremendously. Although most count on the pictures from the paparazzi to get information about their favorite celebs, there has to be some type of line that needs to drawn. They need to be treated as human beings just as any other person would.

  18. They really need to let her live her life. It not right for the paparazzai to feel that they can do what every.They don't realize how hard there making for people. So yes, it need to be a stronger law.

  19. I feel that yes, these people did choose the "celebrity lifestyle" and the things that come with it, but that doesn't give anyone the right to invade on their privacy as a human being. I honestly don't care about a celebrities personal life, but a lot of people do. The generation of today only cares about gossip and scandal and will do just about anything to get it. I just think its wrong on so many levels to chase these people down, follow them, and photograph some of their most intimate moments of their life.

  20. I think it's absurd that Paparazzi will go to desperate measures just to get a shot of celebrity pregnant or eating something unhealthy. It's just a sad job, I think. Sad world, really, if you think about it. If I were a celebrity, I would not appreciate people snapping shots of me and my family just so that they can tweak it and publish it, only to humiliate me somehow and make money off of it. As a celebrity, I would understand that people want to take pictures of me and such, but I would wish for somewhat of a private life. Even now as an average person I don't think I could be the one taking the pictures-the ones paparazzi aim to get. It's dangerous for everyone involved. I get that it's a "job" and that's how they make their living, so since it's kind of unavoidable, I would say that celebrities just need to be more cautious and maybe have a little bit more security around them.
