Going into it, I knew water was a
scarce resource for many developing countries.
I also knew that the United States is a big consumer of all the world’s
natural resources and I wondered just what effect that would have on my
experience. What I didn’t know is the
extent of our wastefulness. Consider the following:
- Americans use about 100 gallons of water at home each day.
- Millions of the world’s poorest subsist on less than 5 gallons per day.
- 46% of the world’s population doesn’t have water piped to their homes (yet we have a water cooler in our office!)
- 1 out of 8 people in the world lack access to clean water.
- 3.3 million people die from water-related health problems each year.
- In Florida, 3,000 gallons are used to water the grass for each golf game played – and that’s just in Florida!
- U.S. swimming pools lose 150 billion gallons to evaporation each year.
So my question to you this week is
two-fold, “Do you think the United States should spend money to help the
developing world obtain access to clean water – even when we have our own
problems right here at home? What are
some things you could do to lower your own water usage?” Answers are due no later than Sunday, August
5th, 2013.