Monday, September 10, 2012

Yout Thoughts And Feedback Are Appreciated!

Another quarter has almost passed.  When we started out together, it was hot, dry and summer was in full swing. Now, there’s no doubt that fall is just around the corner. It’s been a pleasure getting to know all of you this quarter and I hope that you stay in touch, continue to post on the blog whenever you want, and most importantly vote in the upcoming election.

Tomorrow in the 11th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.  I hope that we all remember the unity that we felt that day – and that we take the time to call a loved one, be there for a friend, or help a stranger. Our country grows stronger when we stand united, not divided.

With that being said, my final question to you is, “What did you like or dislike about the class?  What could I do to make the class better?”  Answers are due no later than Sunday, September 16th, 2012. For those of you who lost loved ones in the September 11th attacks – my heart and prayers go out to you.  For those of you serving in our armed forces – thank you.  You are truly American heroes.  For those of you who are graduating this quarter – congratulations!  Your hard work has finally paid off.  To everyone else – may you enjoy a nice fall break.


  1. Stephanie this goodbye post is sad!! Lol

    I enjoyed having you this quarter. The class was great and I love how you have it structured. United Nations was an awesome group activity. I personally am unsure of what you could change, if anything. Lets see... lectures, United Nations, bagels n' cream cheese, easy final project... Nope were all good!

    You have a good fall break too and I hope to see you around.

  2. I liked the united nations activities, I got a chance to get to know people. The power point presentations could use some spicing up. Everything else was cool.

  3. I thought your style of teaching was good on how you worded everything. I think teaching politics is hard to teach in a way for other people to understand thoroughly without questions. If this class was not in the morning it would have been more fun.

  4. This class took a subject that would make me cringe and turned it into me wanting to get up for morning class! I loved the blogs, i'm a blogger so naturally it was perfect! The United Nations was fun learning how other countries really do think, and I will always want to vacation in Qatar, thanks to this class!
    Have an awesome fall break!

  5. This class was something I dreaded at first but the way you teach made it totally tolerable! Blogs were fun and interesting. The quizzes weren't hard at all and the United Nations was an interesting way to get to learn about other nations. This was a great class and very enjoyable compared to what I thought it would be! Thanks for a great quarter!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree with Kylie on vacationing to Qatar! I did enjoy the class. I liked how we always got into discussions and everybody could say their view without anyone being negative. I've always liked how you can keep upbeat at 8am and keep me entertained enough to pay attention and take notes. Awesome quater & have a good fall break :)

  7. I loved the Untied Nations activities i wished that we had done it little more but overall the class pretty awesome I had a lot of fun while learning. IO loved how we always got into discussions and everybody could say their view without anyone being offended of angry. The united nation was the best part.

  8. I loved this class!! The subject matter was extremely interesting and you taught it in a unique and fun way. It was nice that you set up an open environment and encouraged people to voice their opinions. Thank you so much for a great quarter!!

  9. I didn't expect to enjoy this class as much as I did. I never cared about political stuff but we focused on a lot more than just that and it really opened my eyes to how important one person can be and now much of a difference one voice can make. The only thing I wish we would've seen more of was the United Nations activities. I think those times allowed us to bond with some of our classmates and get more active. Other than that, I loved the class and I learned a lot.

  10. With the class name being so long I just knew I was going to pass out from boredom . But each and everyday I began to realize that I was genuinely interested in the class. This is my first time having you have a teacher and you are absolutely wonderful. Your personality is great and you are hilarious and I couldn't have asked for a better teacher to teach this course. The way you have the class organized is great because it not only gets you involved in class, but you also get involved in the world because you can relate the things that we learn, back to our lives today. I honestly have no changes for you, your class is great and I hope you never change.

  11. I really enjoyed this class because it got me thinking. Historical and political issues are now something I can discuss freely with people and actually have a stronger opinion about where I stand. To be honest, I didn't quite understand the united nations exercise however I know what the point of it was. Other than that, I thought the class went very well and I'm happy with the knowledge I have gained. Thanks for the bagels!

    *P.S I finished last weeks blog also*

  12. I liked everything about this class honestly! I agree with Kylie & Conner on wanting to vacation in Qatar! I love your style of teaching so when I saw I had you for this class from the beginning I was excited. You are my favorite teacher here so far at AI. Things I would have never found interesting, you make interesting to me by the way you put the information out there in fun activities. I really liked United Nations. I didn't dislike anything, just wish you taught more classes here! Have a great fall break :)

  13. I really can't see anything that would need to be changed. Everything was pretty groovy. I was so stoked for some heated debates, but I think since it was a morning class, no one wanted to push the envelope either out of exhaustion or they didn't want to step on any toes. I just can't think of anything I would have like to see be done differently.

  14. You don't have to change anything in my eyes. I loved your class and it made me look at politics differently. I was not interested when i first started the class but now I've grown to discuss it with my friends and family.

  15. One major thing that I loved about the class is that we were able to state our opinions in an organized environment where it was heard and maybe accepted by others. I liked the open conversation about controversial topics.

  16. I can say that i did enjoy the class, i don't think i could say i would change anything. I was honestly glad about not having any really heated debates in class. Mainly because it was a morning class but also I've heard heated debates about politics and it's something that makes like the topic less. I did like the united nations group activities, I'm not sure if it made me want to visit any of those places but it was still interesting.

  17. i really enjoyed the class before taking the class i really didn't pay to much attention to politics now i pay more attention to whats going on. and whats going on with different issues. I was also glad to see that things were discussed in a calm manner and not a heated one. also learning about other countries and there laws was good as well its nice to see what other nations do.

  18. I wouldn't change anything about this class. This was my favorite class of the quarter, that's saying something too because I had 2 photography classes. I liked the quizes each week, I liked the final projects, I liked the movies, etc. I liked hearing your prospective and others too. I do like politics better now after having thins class, I liked them in the first place, but now I understand what's going on. I wish you could teach my fiance about politics; he still won't register to vote or care about anything. He could learn a lot from you. I liked the United Nations thing too. I liked all the culture I learned in this class. It was just an awesome class and I am glad the Art Institutes can see this as a valuable class for us. Thanks!
