Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Who Is Paul Ryan?

By all accounts, it seems Paul Ryan will be Mitt Romney’s choice for the Vice-President nomination on the Republican ticket.  Ryan currently serves the 1st Congressional district of Wisconsin, in the House of Representatives, a seat he has held since 1998.

As soon as Ryan’s name was announced, political commentators began re-hashing his voting record and digging up as much information as possible about the man who may very well be our next Vice President.  A staunch Catholic, Ryan is pro-life, and doesn’t support same sex marriage.  He also caused controversy with his ambitious plans for Medicare and Medicaid, in which he wants to privatize both for those individuals currently under 55.

Often students tell me they don’t vote, because they don’t know enough about the issues or the candidates.  So, my question to you this week is, “What is one fact that you found about Paul Ryan?  Does this information make you more or less likely to vote for him?”  You can’t use a fact someone else has already posted.  Do the research, and find something new!  Answers are due no later than Sunday, August 26th, 2012.


  1. I read on Huffington Post that he's a young candidate and the media is trying to use it against him but it isn't working. Many articles said he has new ideas and things to try if he got the spot.

    It makes me a bit more likely to vote for him, someone with new ideas to bring into the mix might have a good (or could have a bad, but hopefully good) outcome.

  2. I found out that, if elected, Ryan will become the first president to drive the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile. This is a silly fact, but it makes the man more relatable to me. I share his views and I like the "commoner" stance he takes when he speaks to the people. He is fully qualified and passionate about he does. If I vote Republican this election, it will be because of Ryan and not Romney.

  3. I read here, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/17/us-house-elections-2012_n_1791650.html, that Paul Ryan plans to "overhaul Medicare", and make deep cuts in their government spending. It also said that many Republicans feel that the topic is a politically toxic issue.

    Sounds like a big hot mess to me and future problems with Medicare.

    I don't vote. Both sides are to biased for my taste. All the smear campaigns are a bit to much like each candidate is like a child calling names and pointing fingers.

    Even if I did vote. No, I would not vote for Ryan. I am a very high supporter of same sex marriages and I do not agree with or hold the same views of which that is Catholic (mind you there is nothing wrong with being Catholic) nor to I believe with a lot of with his pro-life liking. Granted gender selections are not right in any way.

  4. I found out he was prom king. This fact is just fun, but does make you think people in high school at least liked him. I tend to vote more liberal and don't agree with all his views. But he seems to be a nice person, and much more relatable to the everyday citizen then Romney.

  5. I found out that Paul Ryan is a very large pro life person even to the point of endangering women he once voted for a bill that if passed would have made it illegal for women to have abortions even if life threatening. He also wants to kick ten thousand students off of pell grants to save the government more money. he also doesn't believe in same sex marriages. I do vote and i can tell you that just these facts alone are enough to make me not want to vote for him.

  6. This is a really good/funny website to check Ryan out for yourselves. http://jezebel.com/5934190/9-depressingly-kooky-facts-about-paul-ryan

    I found that he doesn't believe in global warming.

    To go more with Tommy's post, Ryan loves personhood. He loves the idea that life begins before pregnancy begins, when the sperm touches the egg. If he could, he would have completely outlawed abortion and probably outlawed most forms of birth control and IVF.

    Another thing I found is that he is catholic and not even bishops like him. His suggestion that food stamps be cut in order to support tax cuts for corporations and millionaires was so egregious to one group of nuns that they went on a cross country bus tour to protest him.

    He had people arrested and kicked out of his town hall meeting for asking questions he didn't like in 2011.

    Ryan thinks that college is a thing only rich people should be doing. Like sex.

    Seriously it was a great website!

  7. While doing a little research on Mr. Paul Ryan, I found out that he is very conservative, and that his believes are out of touch with some American values today. I learned that according to the source from http://www.barackobama.com/romney/ryan/, he (Paul Ryan), "cosponsored a bill that could ban in-vitro fertilization, as well as many common forms of birth control, including the pill. It could also ban all abortions, even in cases of rape or incest. He supported letting states prosecute women who have abortions and doctors who perform them." Knowing this information definitely make me less likely to vote for him. I understand his beliefs but I think some of it should be modified and thought through.

  8. 1.In an interview Paul ryan n says that he personally believes that rape is just another “method of conception” and not an excuse to allow abortions

    2. Ryan was one of the original co-sponsors with Akin on the bill that would re-define rape as “forcible rape,” a bill that would also allow rapists to sue their victims for custody if the rape resulted in pregnancy

    3.Ryan calls this a side issue, and suggests that President Obama is manipulating women to care about their own lives.

    no i will not be voting for him AT ALL specially after i look up pregnancy related deaths

    Medicine Net explains that before the 19th century the major health risk of an ectopic pregnancy was rupture and thus the mortality rate exceeded 50%. But now that we have surgical intervention (abortion) the mortality rate dropped to 5%. Ectopic pregnancies are the leading cause of pregnancy related death in the first trimester.

  9. First off, after reading all the facts posted above I already know I won't be voting for him. I pretty much hate his guts. As I'm thinking this and reading other known facts about Ryan, I thought I'd try to find things that made him seem a little more likeable. He enjoys some nap time while in his office. He has a cot and everything in his House of Representatives office. He is also great at noodling catfish which is catching catfish with his bare hands, no rod, no line, all hands. I wish I had the courage and skill to even attempt something like that. I'm still not voting for him, but at least I can think of him as human and some-what down to earth.

  10. I tried to find something different then everybody else but couldn't really find anything different. Paul Ryan just recently lied and he accused the nation's top military leaders of using smoke and mirrors to remain under budget limits passed by Congress. Ryan later said that he misspoke on the issue and called General Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to apologize for his comments. It may not be an issue but something sounds a little funny to me.

  11. I am liberal, so my opinion will be highly biased and covered in seething hatred. Anyways, no, I will not vote for Romney because of his VP nominee. Ryan does not support gay rights in any way. I looked back on his voting record... He does not support gay couple adoption. Which is asinine. Why deprive orphans possible families? Gay couples are just as good as straight couples, in my opinion. He also does not support enforcing anti-gay hate crimes. Apparently, we deserve to be beat up. To sum it up: he does not like me, I do not like him.

  12. I found out that he is a fan of rage against the machine and the guitarist stated in rolling stone magazine that, "Paul Ryan's love for Rage Against The Machine is amusing, because he is the embodiment of the machine that our music has been raging against for two decades." I just found this funny but yeah i would not vote for anyone with such narrow minded views on gay marriage, abortion, and climate change, etc.

  13. Paul Ryans education plan is a JOKE! He wants to lower the pell grant qualification from $33,000 to $23,000 meaning that a million plus students would lose their government aid. He also wants to make it so student loans acquire intrest while students are still in school. This is a complete joke and completely unfair to the students who have no choice but to take out loans to gain a better life for themselves.

  14. Paul Ryan catches catfish with his bare hands! That's pretty cool I guess... Everything about him is a little off... Sounds like him and Romney may be close on the "strange" scale. All of Ryan's beliefs are completely radical and irrational and I already despise this man.

  15. Paul Ryan was voted the biggest brown noser in high school, as for the information i've read above i most certainly WILL NOT be voting for some nut-ball like him.

  16. I found out that Paul Ryan and I have one thing in common; our favorite band is Led Zeppelin. I am usually able to get along with anyone who worships the band like I do but in this case, I don't see that happening. I don't particularly care much for the guy and this little fact will not persuade me to vote for him. However, Led Zeppelin is the shiz!

  17. The one thing I found out about Paul Ryan is that under him and Mitt Romney 10 million sutdents will have their Pell Grant Scholarships cut while giving tax cuts to the wealthy. That whole thing right there irritates me because I am a student who needs these Pell Grants to continue with my education smoothly. What some republicans don't understand is that everything isnt all about the wealthy and the priveleged. Broke people make up more in the population than the rich. Look out for everybody and not just the people you associated with

  18. Here is one person's opinion based off of factual knowledge given to them:

    "9. Ryan thinks that college is a thing only rich people should be doing. Like sex.

    Under Ryan's plan, a million needy students would be knocked off of Pell Grants over the course of 10 years. It's probably best that we don't educate The Poors. That way, they never know exactly to what extent they're getting fucked."

    Source: http://jezebel.com/5934190/9-depressingly-kooky-facts-about-paul-ryan

    Personally I agree with what they're saying and think the raw manner in which its being presented helps to drive the point home. Ryan has stated that he plans to cut back on the amount of funding granted via Pell Grants which will put a lot of people in trouble and ultimately leave them in a financial crisis.


  19. I found out that Paul Ryan's father died when he was 16. He said the other night that he just misses him and wants to make him proud and proud of what he is doing. That just showed that he has a big heart and it makes him more relatable because most of us know what it's like to lose a loved one and still want to make them proud. My dad is my best friend and I don't know what I would do if I ever lost him so I feel his pain and respect him.

  20. Heather Clarks, response helped me find mine. Paul Ryan thinks only rich people should go to college, and that we should keep the poor ignorant, so they don't know the extent they are getting screwed. I think that sounds like a form of slavery. Ryan does not sound like a candidate that I would support after reading just a few different articles about him.
