Monday, August 13, 2012

I Was Here

August 19th is World Humanitarian Day, a global day celebrating humanity and the spirit of people helping people. It’s also the anniversary of the 2003 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq, which killed 22 people.  World Humanitarian Day recognizes those who face danger and adversity to help others.  This year, the campaign aims to get 1 billion people around the world active. You can see a promo clip for the campaign done by Beyonce, here:

Those of you who know me know that I’ve always believed in giving back and contributing something to the society. I hope to leave the world a little better than I found it. So this week, I’m interested to know “How could you change your little corner of the world?”  I’m challenging you to think outside of the box. Sometimes the simplest, random acts of kindness are the best idea of all.  Answers are due no later than Sunday, August 19th, 2012. Leave your mark.


  1. I was overseas when that bombing took place i remember the mood the heightened security measures and a whole mess of other things that went down as a result, it was truly a terrible tragedy. The world however has become a nasty place. For every one person actually in the system trying to make things better there are two more trying to take advantage. some would say donate more food to the local food pantry or give money to the homeless both great ideas however i would like to make sure that the food or the money I'm donating is going to the right people meaning those that really need it. more often than not the same people i see collecting welfare or getting food from the pantries are still in the bars on the weekends or walking around the town high as hell on whatever drug was handy at the time. so my question is why should i help those that abuse the system. i quess that if you'd like me to answer your question my answer would be to wait around in a grocery store on the holidays until i hear a family that works talking about how they can't really afford anything for there kids and then help them out at least that way i know my help went to someone who needed it not to someone taking advantage of the system.

  2. I have always been a giving back person too. It was just natural in me; my parents never taught me about helping others, I mean we really didn’t have the means either. I would always sneak around and give food to others in my neighborhood and drinks; my mom would get so mad, but I felt like we had enough cans to get us by. My mom stockpiled cans of food like no tomorrow back then, actually she still does. And I still give her cans to the food bank! I also say hello to everyone to show kindness. I will just be walking in school, Home Goods, wherever and say hi to everyone I pass. My fiancé gets so embarrassed, but it’s what I do man. It shows people that there are still nice people out there. I do buy local as well. I love the farmer’s market! Also my parents have a huge garden and so does my fiancés’ uncle. I don’t go to Kroger or Target unless I need meats, home products, etc. Even then I like to see where those products are coming from, no China for me. I reduce, recycle, and re-use. I like to buy recycled products too. I walk dogs in my apartment complex for older couples. They don’t get out much and dogs need exercise. I am a huge animal lover. I took photos free of charge for a local animal shelter for that reason too. They needed the coverage and now my fiancé and I volunteer there once every two weeks because they need the man power too. I feel like I am making a difference in my town of Westfield, but I want to do more for the world. I can’t wait to be done with school and starting my career. I want to make lots money to donate to charities and food banks. It's going to be so awesome!

  3. How I would change my little corner? The most common donations are donating food and donating money. I participate in many different volunteer organizations with my mother such as American Heart Walk, March For Dimes, Healthy kids club, Food Pantry, Back to school, Walk for breast cancer, and the Polar Express. It's fun to volunteer and give back, but I would like to give back to something serious.If I could donate to find a cure for these people that are dying every day from these deadly diseases that have no cure, I would happy with just that to help put my money into finding a cure for someone that is dying would make me feel better.

  4. Well i'm can to help out the elderly in the town i live at, pick up and throw away any litter, and voting for once since i finally got my registration finalized, help take care of some local wildlife

  5. My town I'm from has a lot of children that need to be away from home because of living conditions. I always volunteered in Big Brother Big Sister and spent time with them after school eating a meal, working on homework, bonding, and playing games. It felt good to know I was someone they could trust when I feel like at home they were scared.

    I would like to keep helping unprivileged kids in someway.

  6. Giving back is on the top of my list of favorite things, next to flats and Jackie Kennedy of course. I was president of FCCLA (Family, career, community leaders of America) all through high school and i'm still an honray member today. This organization means the world to me. It showed us as teenagers how to go volunteer at nursing homes doing crafts, or curling their hair, or going to the food bank, baking cookies for the homeless, and giving Christmas gifts to children in need. This being said, it helps me remember even if you can't do something big, pay for someones Starbucks behind you in line. Its the little things. :)

  7. Honestly, I didn't even know there was an actual World Humanitarian Day,that people almost had to be told to do something nice, I felt like I have helped out throughout my entire life naturally. I simply help out with my family and my friends. It extends from the to volunteering for a teens no drug seminar and for PBS Kids in the park, and also at many IUPUI school functions. I like to do a lot of volunteering that is geared toward kids. I feel by setting a good example for them they will turn around and do the same.

  8. I really didn't know that there was a Humanitarian Day.

    Back home (Florida) we have a lot of troubled teens. A lot involved in some nasty things. I would like to start a center and give these teens the help and guidance that they need to over come all the madness instilled in their lives. The kids are our future. If we can not help them, then the world is lost. Because in the end I believe they can revers the destruction that the generations of people before them have done to the world.

  9. There are a lot of things I would like to do to change my corner of the world for the better. My twelves year old cousin has CP but she is still so lively and loves to be active. She is always interested in sports and playing games. I would like to start a league of sports for speical needs kids in the area. They deserve the same opportunities and benefits that other kids gets from playing sports. They make friends, learn teamwork, leadership, and not to mention is it just a fun time. As a kid, I played every sport available and I think it made a major impact on me and shaped who I am today. I want all kids to have the same experience I did.

  10. Once I read this blog all I could think about was my friends facebook status the other day from his trip to the grocery store,

    "Today I helped an elderly lady at the grocery grab something off the top shelf and she thanked me and handed me $5... I insisted she kept it and she made me take it. I over heard a kid (no more than 6) ask for candy in line but he was denied when his mother replied with "I can't, I don't have enough money" seeing the kid didn't argue and respectfully say ok, I turned around to see his disappointed face and said "hey someone gave this to me for doing something nice, now you have it". Not only did his face light up and he said thank you, but he offered to buy me, his little sister and mom something. We need more people like that little guy:) what good deed have you done for someone lately?"

    It couldn't be more true. It's the little things, I think we all could be like that little guy. The smallest things could easily make someones day.

  11. I personally just try and be the best person i can and treat others with the same respect i would want. Just doing small gestures and acts of kindness can go a long way. Last Christmas a customer actually came into my work and brought me a Christmas present I felt bad because i didn't even remember who she was but she said i stuck out to her and made a big impression on her with my kindness. That really mad me feel good and made me feel like I was doing something right!

  12. I used to do a lot of volunteer work when I was in high school. What I learned is there are many people who have it much worse in this world than I, and every little gesture or random act of kindness leaves an impact on someone, somehow. We impact others whether we fail to recognize it or not. I believe if you are truely kind-hearted towards people, and you really care about their well-being, then karma will see to it you are treated the same. The way I have found to do my part in the community, is by sharing my music and art with anyone who cares to stop, look, and listen. Every piece I create has a part of me entwined in it, and the truthfulness that is projected has an impact on people. It's the way I feel when I listen to Ludwig Van, or gaze upon the artwork of Chuck Close. Nothing matters but the simple beauty that lies within something so truthful. I hope one day to achieve this with my own abilities, and to leave behind a story for others to learn from.

  13. Being kind to others is the best way to leave your mark. I everyday stay kind to others as I would want others to be kind to me. I always told myself if I die or when I die people would at least remember me as the person who always cared. Everyday would be humarities day , because I make sure I change people mood from a smile to a frown. I leave my mark, almost everyday hoping one day I leave the earth knowing that I made someone or the world with a smile. DeSiree Williams-Molin

  14. I feel like my act of changing the world would be to just be kind and do unto others as I would want to be done unto me. Being nice or smiling at someone or encouraging them can make their day. Be the light that shines in their darkness.

  15. I try to be as kind as I can to random people whether it be holding doors open, letting someone pull out and merge into traffic... Bigger things I wish I could do is volunteer more of my time. I woud want to help locally with kids who do not have a stable home. Making an impact that early in lives would have lasting effects.

  16. My mission in life is promote the importance of education through art and music. Art and musc are two of the most import ways of inspiring children to learn. My goal is to incorporate more art-based programs in schools, youth centers, etc. I think this will inspire more creativity in today's youth. While in high school, I volunteered with the middle school art program and I noticed that kids were way more excited about doing something of their own imagination.

  17. I wish that people would stop and take time to hold the door or elevator for someone else. A little bit of kindness goes a long way. I would also like to see those people pay it forward as well.

  18. I plan to give back not only through donating to charities and organizations but to also be active in community groups and organizations that back. Upon completing this art degree I am planning to pursue a nursing degree. In the field of health I will be giving back each day that o help someone.


  19. I plan to give back any way I can. I've always felt I should be doing something outside of my life. I have always loved helping people whether it be being someone to talk to, making someone laugh or just putting a smile on their face! I want to do charity work with children or veterans of our military and travel the world to help needy children. One day I hope to have alot of disposable income so I can give to many different organizations.

  20. Every year for the past three years I have been a part of Relay for Life which birngs awareness of cancer and raises money to help find cures. Each year I get all my friends, family, and sometimes strangers to come and walk a few laps around the track and/or donate to the cause. Not only do I donate my time and money to help a good cause, I voulenteer myself to take pictures of every moment and give them to the organization to help bring awareness. Just like I have touch those people, they have touched me with their stories. I plan to do this for many years to come or until a cure is found. It's amazing what can be done when people come together for a cause.
    Fight Back.

  21. Before i moved to Indy i was a little more active in giving back, usually through my church. A family day would come like once a year or so where people could donate clothes, food, school supplies, and other things like that to help out families in need. We also helped out at the mens shelter from time to time.

  22. Something I've always wanted to do was to pay for someone's groceries. See someone who looks like they're struggling, and lend a helping hand. I've had someone do that for me before when I was going through an awful time. My faith in humanity as a whole was shattered and I was a crying mess for about a month. A stranger payed for something small at the grocery and it started me on the right direction and made me believe in the good in people again. I want to do this for someone else.
