Thursday, February 2, 2012

Baby, It's Warm Outside!

On the way to work this morning, I had a flashback to this past summer when we had what I considered a massive heat wave. Other than being pretty cranky due to not having air conditioning in my car, it didn’t affect me too much.  You can read my thoughts, as well as what your fellow students had to say here:

So this winter, I was all prepared for a pretty severe winter to match the severe summer weather we had already had. Back in November, I ran the Drumstick Dash, and I remember thinking “How nice that it’s not too cold.”  On Christmas day, I took my parents’ dog for a walk and actually extended the walk because the weather was so nice. By the time January rolled around, I was bracing myself for the massive snowfall I was sure was going to hit.  I mean, its Indiana…in January….that means snow…right? Now here we are kicking off February with temperatures in the mid-fifties and sixties. Granted, Puxatawny Phil the groundhog did forecast six more weeks of winter this morning, but if its anything like the winter we’ve been having it will feel more like Spring.

In a few weeks, we will spend sometime in class discussing global warming, or climate change as some refer to it, and in light of our weather this week, I thought we could kick off the conversation right here on the blog.  I’m not one to complain about temperatures in the sixties, but even I’m starting to feel that something isn’t quite right.  So my question to you this week is, “Do you think our unusually high temperatures are due to global warming, or is it just a freak of nature? If you do think it’s occurring, what if anything could we do to stop the effects of global warming?” Answers are due no later than Wednesday, February 8th, 2012.  Have a happy and safe Super Bowl weekend – and stay tuned for a post about how Indianapolis prepared to host the Super Bowl and how much it cost in the upcoming weeks.  Go Giants!


  1. I do think that it is very odd that it is so warm, almost scary actually. I feel that global warming exists or the ice caps wouldn't be melting as fast as they have been? Although i know this is happening i feel i am doing nothing to help stop it, but honestly because i don't know what to do to help??

  2. I want to say this is the result of global of warming, but it's hard to decide when this is only the first occurrence. If this keeps happening almost every winter, then I believe it's global warming. I am also unaware of how to stop it from happening, not that I really want to. I rather have this weather every winter.

  3. I can't be sure because some winters result in winter being warm but considering last winter's ice storm I'm questioning it. I talked about this with my parents stating that it's a tad warm for winter, not that I'm complaining. I've seen Indiana have warm summers but not for a whole week. But like Indiana weather it'll be cold again and we'll miss the warm weather, isn't that it always works?

  4. I've lived in Indiana my whole life so it's safe to say that the weather out here in this state is a freak of nature and basically we are going through some subtle climate changes. The reason we are all freaking out over it is because people are actually taking a notice of it all. Global Warming? Maybe. Not to scare you all, but the world could be heading into the next ice age or it's all adapting to the threat of humans. Hopefully in ten years when it all gets worse I'll be in my summer house on the moon sipping cocktails.

  5. I'm relatively new to Indianapolis, but I definitely believe in global warming, although not solely from pollutants and aerosols. Global warming naturally occurs on Earth in cycles, lasting thousands of years. I think we should be environmentally conscious anyway, whether we are getting crazier weather or not.

    Secondly, in addition to using cleaner fuels and products, etc, maybe we should prepare for climate changes that being 'green' won't be able to prevent. It is natural for our environment to change over time, it is also natural for survival to take place as a result. I think we should be at a point of intelligence that can give us an edge in 'surviving'.

  6. I'm from southern Indiana, so I'm used to not a lot of snow. However, the warm weather has been really weird the last few weeks. I think it's because of global warming. However, I think we as humans have created too much damage to completely reverse it. We can help stop it, though, by using alternative fuels or by walking to places close by instead of driving everywhere.
    --Rebekah Cage

  7. It has been unusually warm, and I have been a hoosier for my whole life. I know last year we had a "snowpocalypse" that I might even consider one of the more violent and cold winter spells in my lifetime (that I remember at least). Maybe this is Earth's way of re-stabilizing itself after last year's winter.

    If we are not the only state experiencing such a warm winter this year, then I would consider this to be stronger evidence of global warming, which I do believe in. Makes me a bit concerned about what our summer might be like later on this year... years down the road what if our winters will end up being 70+ degrees on a normal day in January?

  8. It is hard to say that the climate change could be result of global warming, however living in Indiana majority of my life, you would know that Indiana has the strangest seasons and weather. Some winters are very harsh with plenty of snow and ice, while others are very mild with very little snow or ice at all, kind of like we are receiving now. Could it be global warming? Sure, but I do think that the earth is going through some sort of climate change.

  9. I honestly look at the changes in our weather from a religious stand point.In the bible it says that winters would feel like springtime and vice versa.Initially that was how I was raised to view the world and the changes within it.Unfortunately I dont know much on Global Warming and the little that I do know is hurting the Earth and everything on it.So I'm actuallu looking forward to the discussion in class.

    1. I feel the same way, can we really help? I think this discussion will be a good one, I hope I can learn more about it.

  10. I think this is wHy I have a cold right now, it was really warm yesterday but tonight we might get snow. I haven't really thought about global warming until my mom told me about it, she believes in it. I am starting to feel the same with the weather lately for sure, but how to stop it or make it better I have no clue. I feel like in years to come soon we won't have snow at all in Dec and are seasons are going to be off. Can we really help? or it is out of are hands. I wouldn't mind looking up and learning more about global warming, I am gald we will be talking about this in class.

  11. I'm not sure what I think about this whether. I mean yes it's been unusually warm but I can remember a couple of winters where it was warm, maybe not like it's been the past couple of weeks but warm none the less. I mean global warming probably is the cause of this whether I don't know, but I don't want to jump to conclusions when I know that this hasn't been the only warm winter.

  12. Well, for me, it's a very complicated answer.

    There's some incredibly smart people in the past who developed our season's schedule, and the yearly schedule. Based on the technology they had at the time, it's incredibly accurate to what's been going on. Sometimes I wonder though if their calculations might have been even say....a few minutes off.

    Over time those few minutes would build up...say in several thousand years, it'd shift the calendar by days, or even months. So then there's the leap year, which happens once every 4 years. Perhaps this is their way of evening out the glitch in the system. This can only mean they realized their calculations were off by 6 hours a year, but if you can be wrong by 6 hours, who's to say that a few minutes aren't added onto that?

    Now then we have the issues of global warming. It's near obvious that winter has been pushed back, seeing that there's no snow on Christmas(this year at least), snow begins in january, but our winter isn't even that powerful. Could this be by global warming?

    It's been proven that there's exhaust fumes clogging the atmosphere. Over time, this does get built up, and we've taken measures to lower it. But does this cause global warming? I think if a scientist a few thousand years ago can develop a yearly calendar then a scientist of modern day would be able to calculate the physics behind global warming, and whether it would be possible or not. One thing's for sure, the gases in the air do make it more difficult for the heat to escape, and if more heat enters than leaves, we're in for some trouble.

    We can take measures by not driving as much, getting vehicular filters, cutting down on factories, and by finding more natural energy sources. Pretty much anything that supports the burning of fossil fuels, expending wastes into the air, or destroying anything natural is certainly against what we need to do to prevent Global Warming.

    So really I think it's not just any single thing, but a mixture of a lot of things, say miscalculations that makes us realize the problem more effectively than we should, as well as the problem actually existing, and more factors that may be involved. Either way, we should definitely work to solve the problem in several ways, we each can do our part in it.

  13. I been in Indiana for a good while now and if there was anything that I could say to Indiana weather is that it's bipolar weather.. with that said I believe that next winter will be a cold one but this summer is going to be crazy.. to add on to this if our air was cleaner and we stopped polluting the air I highly believe people will live longer the weather would be not as crazy and earth would be healthy...

  14. Personally I think it's normal for the weather to fluctuate some over time. I'm sure some global warming is in affect that is causing extremes but not as much as we think it is. I read some books a while back on recorded weather from bad weather to really cold or wet weather. It's main point was proving global warming is not as bad as we think it's occurring it's more of an natural climate change occurring. It is strange I agree that the winter's are warmer than usual over the past few year and they used to be colder.

  15. I personally think it is due to global warming. Yes the weather does fluctuate over time but the changes we have seen in the past 5 years have been quite obvious and dramatic. I don't believe their is can way to stop global warming but possible to lessen the effects by putting regulations on air sanitation. I know that there are already regulations but I believe that it should be more strictly enforced.

  16. I do believe that Global Warming is happening and has been for years. Obviously the temps are much higher than normal, high enough that the snow caps are melting. Maybe when humans are facing water shortages they will start to believe that something is definitely going on with the Earth. Stopping deforestation(clear-cut) will help as well as reducing pollution by using bio-fuels.

    Denise Halcomb

  17. I am a winter lover and I do think it's rather strange how long we have gone without a real snow. My brother studied environmental science at the University of Alaska and he concentrated on glacial studies. It is true that ice is melting and temperatures are changing. I have friends that live in Central and South America and they say that winters are colder than they used to be. I agree with ZCronin that there are a number of things that can be done to prevent this change. I'm in the interior design program and we discuss ways to minimize "footprints" and decrease wastes that we are expending. Options definitely exist, people just need to follow through.

  18. I think our unusually high temperatures could be global warming, or it could just be a freak of nature. I don't know enough about global warming to say if that's why the weather has been unusual. I'm also not sure how the weather should be in February, but the weather we been having seems to be a little strange. I was in Louisville, Kentucky last month and the temperature was low and it was snowing one day. Then the temperature raised about eight to ten degrees the next two days and it was raining; which didn't seem to be unusual. However the next day their were a few small tornadoes. Then about three days later the temperature was in the fifties and that seems like some freak of nature weather to me. So I could't really say whats causing the change in weather; but if it is global warming I feel we can't do anything to stop it from happening.

  19. If you look at the average recorded temperatures since they started recorded them, it is easy to see that there is a sharp rise in the past few decades. I definitely think that there is something wrong. As far as slowing this warming I can’t think of any other than reducing the amount of green house gasses we produce.

  20. Man, I almost forgot the blog!!! I believe global warming exists... At the same time, what the heck is going on in my home land??? France is like the new north pole!!! Haha. Well, I actually don't think pple have much control over the weather. God is in control... I mean, if a forest catches on fire accidentally, it messes with global warming. So, i say, don't make it worse y'all but dont sweat it either. Feel me?

  21. Yes I do believe it is due to Global Warming. Many people think that it does not exist but I believe it to be very true. I took a environmental issues class in high school and this was a major topic. We watched how glaciers are melting, how the arctics aren't nearly as cold as they use to be and the fact that we're experiencing serve weather changes. The summers and winters are not what they use to be at all. I'm not complaining because I have been loving this weather, but it makes me nervous about the near future.

  22. What is this global warming thing? There is no such thing. I think people have been conned into believing it exists and that has made some people a lot of money. The scientists say that carbon dioxide is bad, but did everyone forget 5th grade science. Trees and plants need carbon dioxide. The world goes thru cooling and warming trends. We are entering a warming trend. I remember when I was in elementary school I was scared to death by the fact that we were all going to die before the year 2000 from global cooling. The world was going to freeze and we would all die. How horrible. But since that didn't catch on let's go to the other extreme and we'll scare everyone with global warming. Sorry, not buying it!

  23. Climate shifts have happened in the past and will continue to happen in out environment. Its sort of like the ebb and flow of the tide. We just think it is a huge deal because we weren't around the last time it happened.

  24. I believe it is a little of both actually. Indiana is kind of known to be a bipolar weather state but this has been a very unusual winter. As far as stopping global warming my family has strived to recycle everything recycleable and make more round trips in our cars rather than short trips back and forth.
