Thursday, January 26, 2012

America:Built to Last

President Obama gave his last State of the Union address for his first term on Tuesday night. Each year, the President gives a big speech to a joint session of Congress and the American people to update them on, well…the state of the union. I hope some of you caught all or part of it, but just in case you missed it, you can access the video link here:

In his speech, President Obama discussed creating an American economy that is “built to last, where hard work pays off and responsibility is rewarded”. So for this week's blog post, I would like to know, what was one thing you liked about President Obama's ideas for the future? What was one thing you didn't like, or thought he didn't speak enough about?" Answers are due no later than Wednesday, February 1st, 2012.


  1. I find it very difficult to understand the things that are talked about in State of the Union addresses. But it was easier to understand when I researched some of the summaries of what he talked about. It seems Obama talked about a great number of things. I like knowing that the income equality (the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer) was being addressed. I agreed with most other people's opinion that I read about that Obama was more giving a re-election campaign rather than a State of the Union address.

  2. Obama's ideas for the economy all seem great my problem with it is that he wants to reach out to those under the poverty line to give them more. I feel he needs to aid to the people under the poverty line in more ways then just giving these people money, because as our economy has showed people are not responsible with the money they are given. I believe he has taken the correct steps in helping the economy and the damage that was done before can't be changed over night. With the opinions of people saying it seemed like a re-election campaign I agree but it is the first time he has spoken during this election year so of course it came off that way.

  3. I do agree with hard work pays off and responsibility is rewarded.If everything was just handed to us and we never had to work for it,then we would never appreciate it at all.I teach my son that if he does great in school for the week then the weekend we could do something fun.If the progress report is not great then he stays at home and does nothing.So I feel like why would I reward you for doing something bad or something you should be doing right in the first place.

  4. I had a really hard time watching the state of the union. I did watch bits and pieces when it was aired and could not get thru it online. The old saying, "If their lips are moving they must be lying" comes to mind. I liked some of what he said like that hard work and responsibility are rewarded. How is taking more money from the richer to give to the welfare recipients rewarding hard work? As I grow older it is harder for me to be a compassionate toward all people. I have worked since I was 13 years old, for 37 years, longer than most of my classmates have been alive, and I have been poor, dirt poor and I have now got a comfortable life. I have worked for that. I did not ask for help, I did not expect anyone to GIVE me anything along the way. I have not overextended myself on credit, although it would have been easy to do, I have lived within my means. Obama talks constantly about talking from one class to give to the other, that is nothing more than socialism. He talks about his "shovel ready jobs" but yet would not approve the Keystone Pipeline. Politicians are just people who pander to the audience they are addressing. I have lost all respect for them and can not believe 99% of what they have to say.

  5. I'm pretty sure this is the first State of the Union I've ever watched. I hate to admit it, but most of the things said went right over my head. However, I really liked the plans made for the American future I'm education. At a very young age, my parents taught me the importance of a good education. I believe EVERYONE should have the chance to get a higher education, even if they have to use government money to get it. I also liked the ideas of clean energy, but I wish more was said on the topic, such as how we as citizens can help with making clean energy possible.
    --Rebekah Cage

  6. The thing i liked most was the part about simplifying the taxcode. I didn't really understand what he was saying about the taxcuts for people in different tax cuts so i didn't like that part. I'd like to know more about the proposed nuclear energy portion of his clean energy program and how he plans to implement it with the large opposition against nuclear power following the crisis in Japan last year.

  7. I read through the transcript and what intrigued me during his speech the most was Obama's emphasis on setting higher standards for education and pushing for cleaner energy sources. I also agree with his statement about how the passion for education starts within the home. Unfortunately, I do feel that many households that are along the lines of poverty are not putting a great importance on learning and innovation, I am just saying this based on personal experiences.

    I oftentimes feel that our media, especially for younger audiences, is constantly pushing for the viewers to aim to be "the most popular kid in school" or "get the most youtube views for your idiotic video." If there are public programs for lower income households that teach the parents/caregivers the importance of education, innovation, and passion of learning in a child's life, rather than training them to be a materialistic consumer, I would feel more comfortable with Obama's words. We can put more money into the quality of public school systems, but the children won't change if they go home every night to their family environment that does not really care about being literate or educated in any way.

  8. I really love President Obama. I feel like this is the first President that I have seen truly working towards what he promised. I agree 150% with the taxcode simplification that he proposes. The rich should not get richer and the poor should not be left to fill out a million papers for help or die!
    President Obama is right to want to help balance the money and use it to fix our economy. The war on Terrorism has killed people I knew, be it physically or mentally or emotionally. I don't feel like it is fair for us and for our children (whom did not support the decision to go to war) to pay for the damages. Let the rich, those who made money from the war, pay for the repairs.

  9. I agree that our country should focus on the expansion of domestic energy. I can see most to all cars converted to electric with in the 10 years to come. I am all for the expansion of energy

  10. As many other's stated it is kind of hard to follow this speeches but I understood everything for the most part. I love that he addressed that the poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer. This is something that needs to change especially since the poorer population is consumed by minorities. I also agree with Bailey Ellis though. When people are given money they tend to not use it for what is needed but for what is wanted. I would have liked Obama to talk about different approaches in helping the people living in poverty other than aiding them with money.

  11. President Barack Obama vowed during Tuesday's State of the Union Address to establish a new Financial Crimes Unit dedicated to investigating and prosecuting "large-scale" financial fraud. By naming New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to the squad, Obama put enormous pressure on the outspoken Wall Street critic to join a foreclosure fraud settlement that Schneiderman has frequently rejected as overly acquiescent to the financial establishment.
    It would be interesting to see this in full action, however fraud and embezzlement along with outsourcing seems to be the way companies make their profits. To see this begin to come full circle would be a step in the right direction.
    Other than that typical democrat crap about the environment, renewable resources etc. Were in a recession when our economy begins to come back around; after you FIX the economy can you invest in commodity. How about minimizing foreign trade out putting a large tax on exports and imports.
    Obama how about a lesson from one of the greatest presidents this nation has ever had. T Roosevelt, how did he combat a depression?

  12. I liked how innovative he was with his address and how he outlined some new topics he wants to press and cover for his new campaign. I liked how he wants to make a point to bridge the gap between economic inequality amongst income and taxes paid. I also liked how he wants to reward those teachers who are performing well as well as to try to enforce students to want to stay in school as long as possible. I didn’t think he spoke enough about what’s going on currently and his plans on how he’s going to end his term. Overall, I thought it was a pretty engaging state of the union address.

  13. Like those above said, I had trouble understanding his speech but I just thought it was just me unable to follow any political lingo. But I did like how he talked about the issues dealing with the rich and the poor and the whole class situation. Even though he could be saying that because of the election I'm just glad it was said. I wish there would have been more detail about it but what can you do.

  14. The President spoke of many changes that are important to me, particularly increases in education and innovation. Nearly every part of his speech intrigued me, but it was hard to follow that intrigue with hope, as so many promises seemed hard to fulfill simultaneously.

    The president spoke of reducing our government spending, particularly in health-care, but the many programs that we are launching are going to be expensive. The graph shown in the video clearly illustrates that spending has not gone down during Obama's previous term, as well as the intention for them to sharply fall through his next term. I feel that might be too hopeful. Even so, I would rather reach high and fall short than to not reach at all.

    I think that changing industry by increasing the technological basis and revitalizing the system would be a great way to move America into the future. Increasing emphasis on education is a goal that I believe in, I do believe that our future depends on becoming smarter.

  15. One thing I liked that President Obama said was the competition for jobs is real and that should't discourage us, but challenge us. President Obama also said the future is ours to win; and I completely agree with that statement. I agree with that statement because I feel it's our responsibility to successfully move America into the future and make the changes we want in our country happen. Like Caleb said I believe our country's future depends on us becoming smarter. I feel people need to make more of an effort to bring about change. By educating ourselves and working hard we can make a greater impact in our country's future.

  16. I'm with Caleb on the educational changes. I hope President Obama increases emphasis on education. Aiding people under the poverty line is another big issue that I hope he does as well. In a way the two are linked. If the President aids the poor, they will be able to afford more things like high education etc.

  17. I agree with most of the things the President mentioned during his address. We need the reform to education and tax codes and the improvements to our infrastructure. I also liked how he subtly called attention to the fact that we celebrate sports more than academic progress and achievement. The thing that threw me for a loop is that all this reform and improvement is going to happen, but through some miracle the federal deficit is going to be reduced. Infrastructure and innovation and reforms are expensive and trimming some government spending here and there will not be enough. It also irked me that for half an hour it felt like I was listening to campaigning and not a State of the Union address.

  18. Unfortunately, this is an election year and my thought is your lips are moving, but do you really mean the things that you are saying or are you just trying to "get those votes?" Promises, promises! I agree that there needs to be cleaner energy, but what steps are being taken to accomplish this? I also agree that there needs to be increases in educational learning. When Obama says that he wants to challenge state governments to require students to stay in school until they graduate or turn 18, how's that going to be accomplished? Is it going to become a law and if violated, kids be put in prison? I don't think so. Accomplishing education means a better chance at better jobs, but if you don't have that motivation beginning in the children's homes, it's not going to work. There were many issues discussed in his State of the Union Address and it will be interesting to see if any of them will come to fruition.

  19. I, also am not a big follower of politics and didn't follow the speech too well. However, I agree with others that education and income disparity needs to be improved. But as Sara above me stated, is this really an initiative or is he fishing for votes?

  20. I thought the state of the union address was really interesting. This is the first time I ever took the time to look at it honestly I have never been interested in politics before. I thought it was cool he mentioned giving equal rights to women and that we have an opportunity to bring manufacturing back in the United States and we need to seize it soon. I felt his comments on education was interesting where he mentioned to keep our kids learning not just learning test and to make it mandatory they stay in high school till they reach 18. I think these are great ideas and should be taken into action immediately.

  21. I to found it difficult to watch the state of the union in its entirety and kept putting it of, which is part of the reason I am commenting last minute. I was taught never to watch politicians speak about what they stand for but rather to look it up. But i did my best...

    I did like the emphasis he put on the education system and how we are falling behind other countries, but i dont know that he really provided any actual solution. Yay for making college more affordable and all that but will we actually or is this all about reelection?

  22. One of the first things I noticed was how much planning goes into this speech. From a photographer's perspective, he poses his hands better than most hand models I've ever seen. His clothes are literally perfect and his face had prestige posing as well. This was like watching a giant fashion shoot.

    I did actually enjoy the optimistic talk of better education, but it seems like most of the increase in education has only proved effective in poorer schools. I understand the thought process behind his decisions. He wants to start at the very root of the problem. It's more conceptually thinking and the only problem with that concept is the time it's going to take to actually build up effective momentum. I'm more of a conceptual thinker myself and I'm willing to sacrifice myself if it calls for a better future, although, I'm not too sure everyone else will be as self sacrificing. We all have the survival instinct in us, we all also decide how to interpret it.

  23. first I just wanted to say that the blog posts length and content are getting a lot better. I'm skimming through them more that I use to to see what everyone has to say.

    I have lived in southern Indiana most of my life and I'm sure the geography of northern and central Indiana play a major role in the weather. In my year that I've lived here it's been more hectic than I have ever remembered like the ice sheets last year.

    I personally think that global warming is fictional; consider Mt.Saint Helen erupting and the impact it caused on the atmosphere I do believe equaled about 20 years worth of man made ozone degradation. This sounds like Al Gore emphasized fictitious information; Penn and Teller had a t.v. series called Penn and Teller: Bullshit! Which has an episode about global warming which really puts recycling, ozone degrading, etc. in perspective.

  24. What i did was read the transcript, it was a very long read! One thing that bothered me was "bring me this and ill sign it"...who? nd if its so easy then why isnt it getting it done. It was a bit confusing. The idea that i liked was to raise taxes for those businesses who outsource (instead of it being cheaper) and to keep taxes low for the businesses who stay in the united states. I dont understand why it wasnt like this to begin with!
