Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Your Thoughts and Feedback Are Appreciated!

Well, summer is finally here!  It has been a pleasure getting to know all of you this quarter and I wish you well in your future endeavors.  For our last blog post, I would like to get your thoughts and feedback on the class.  "What did you like or dislike about the class?  What could I do to make it better?"  Answers are due no later than Tuesday, June 14th, 2011.  After that, the blog will be down until class resumes next quarter.

Have a wonderful summer break filled with sunshine, good conversation and hopefully some rest and relaxation. I hope you all continue to follow the blog, and post comments whenever you like.  For those of you who are graduating - congratulations!  All you hard work finally paid off!


  1. LeSha Tues Morn
    Stephanie, I have to admit that I thought this class was going to be terrible. I didn't know what to expect. I am not much of fan of History of Political Issues because I thought that alot of the information was false. I really appreciate the way you set up the class. It was enjoyable, an easy way to learn, got tons of great information, loved your personality, and you were very professional. You made the class much more effective and easy to learn about difficult subjects.
    I hope you have a fantastic summer and look forward to seeing you in another class.

  2. I too thought this class was gonna be long,boring and somewhat hard. I have never really had an insist in Polities. This class really opened my eyes up to whats really going on around us and how WE THE PEOPLE need to do our part and speak up. I really enjoyed this class and you as a teacher. You did a great job teaching and how you got us more involved in the political Issues that are going on in the world.

  3. I think I benefit from this class because it made me want to think outside the box. I want to go investigate who's behind what issue and constantly wonder what they are feeding us through the media is true or not. Tell you the truth, when I first came into the class room, I didn't have my schedule in front of me. The whole first class, I was thinking I was in Spanish class and was like oh I didn't know Stephany knows Spanish.

  4. James Thomas
    Tuesday morning

    I learned a lot from the class. I hated the idea of politics and everything to do with it. When the class started we had a lot of great conversations and debates and those things made the class more interesting. It wasn't just read and study , it was those things and some fun little twists thrown in as well. I'm not saying that I love politics but I'm saying I understand it a lot more and don't totally hate it anymore. I do not think the class should be changed one single bit. I think it is perfect the way it is.

  5. Rachel Leigh
    Thurs AM

    Stephanie, I wish you taught more classes here! I found all of the lectures and discussions to be really stimulating. Thanks for being transparent and always telling us what you really think. I think the class also strikes a good balance focusing on all the different authority structures that we are under, from this school to the United Nations. I learned a lot and am even more curious about a number of issues now.

    What would I change? Just some tiny things. I don't think you need to show us all the visuals from former projects, or at least not all at once. Maybe one or two of the very best ones, or the ones currently on the boards in the hallway. Seeing so many becomes overload and, I feel, makes it a little harder to think outside the box. Ooh, and maybe expand that part of the project to allow for different media,, like dimensional, interactive, or animated pieces too.

  6. Tuesday Morning

    Not knowing a whole lot about politics and the history behind it, i figured this class would be a slow boring class that i had to push through. The way the real life examples are put throughout the lectures and the "oh that makes sense" moments you were able to describe during the quarter was what kept me interested.

    The only thing i would change would be the amount of meetings with the nations. When i say that, i mean more of them. The two times we discussed as if we were a country, it was interesting to see how others perceived a country would react. I had a thought throughout the quarter that we'd be meeting with our country members more than twice; so maybe in the future if time permits, that'd be a nice break in between lecturing the chapters for the day.

  7. Danielle Kraus
    Tuesday Morning

    I was really not excited to take this class but I found it interesting. I enjoyed the group decisions and the fact that this course wasn't all about reading. I comprehended the lessons more than I would have if we just had to read the chapters. One thing I wish was that you always reminded us of the extra credit. Besides that I had a great time in this class. Thank you for teaching us in an interesting way.

  8. Sarah Green Tuesday morning class
    I thought this class was a bit interesting because my first thought about this class was LONG,& BORING... But I think by you teaching this class you made it fun and easy to listen in on helpful information and facts about law and politics. I felt you were an EXCELLENT TEACHER for this class!...well done I felt I've learned alot as well as having fun without being BORED!!!!

  9. I like that the class was involved. Although there was note taking and some lecture, we got to have open discussions and make the topics more understandable between us. I like that there was laughter in this class as well. I have been in lecture classes where no one wanted to talk to one another and it made it very boring. I dreaded going to those types of classes. This class was the exact opposite; I loved going to this class and it always seemed to pass very quickly

  10. Cristiano Mattos
    Thursday Morning

    I was not expecting a very exciting class to be honest. But surprisely everything was very enjoyable. I had fun and learned a lot. The slide show was very easy to follow and the conversations were very interesting. I really liked how comfortable you made the students to feel to express their opinions in difficult topics. Today I can say that after this class my knowledge about United States history has been extended a lot. I ended up gaining valuable information that for sure is making difference in my life. Thank you very much for everything and I wish I have had the opportunity of having you as instructor before.

  11. Mariana Beduschi
    Tuesday Morning

    I really enjoyed our GE201 classes, they were always filled with interesting lectures, topics, and discussions - and we always had so much fun. I also liked our UN groups, it was a great way to learn a little more about different countries and their politics, economy, and culture.

    For me, it was so nice to know more about U.S History and politics, and see how freedom lead the steps that built this nation. I must say that I am really glad and proud to call this country my second home.

    In conclusion, I would like to thank you for being our instructor this quarter: your motivation, commitment, and enthusiasm certainly made all difference in our classes. It was an honor to me to be your student the last three months, and hope to meet you in future classes as well.

    Wish you all a great summer break!!

    June 14, 2011 12:12 AM

  12. Bethany Hackman.
    Tuesday Morning.

    Like some others, I wasn't sure what to expect for this class and I thought I was going to hate it - just because I hate when people debate too much and things get outta hand. But, they didn't. I really enjoyed this class and I learned a lot. I also liked the blog. For me, someone who didn't say much in class, this was a way for me to give my opinion and to let you know what I was thinking.
    There wasn't anything that I disliked about the class, or how you taught it. Like I said, I learned a lot. I wouldn't change anything. I liked the weekly quizzes and loved the final project!

  13. I enjoyed this class. I feel that your humor and enthusiasm is something that made this class much more enjoyable than it could have been.
    I think that this class is very important for students to take because no matter what field you are going into, the knowledge from this class will help.
    I like the way the class is planned out with plenty of time for everyone to share their opinions.
    Also, the final project was very enjoyable and got the students thinking hard about their issue.
    Thanks Stephanie!

  14. Brett A. Williams - Tuesday Morning Class

    I really enjoyed this class. I feel like I learned a lot and can at least speak about politics in a somewhat knowledgeable sense. I disliked all the technical difficulties. I am just kidding, to spite the set backs I loved the discussions and debates that were sparked in class. I have always known what I believe and how to speak about it and I would like to think that I can to a reasonable extent that I look and speak about topics unbiasedly. I believe this course has further my ability to do that. To make the class better I have no suggestions other than enjoy the time with the students who will someday be in charge.

    -Brett A. Williams

  15. Janelle Birkey
    Tuesday Morning

    When I think of Politics my mind goes blah! However, you kept the class interesting with allowing us to have conversations and teaching us more recent politics that have affected our generation. One of my favorite parts about the class was United Nations. I am not much of a group person, but it was fun learning other nations and all. Would not change a thing about this class.

  16. Natalie Farrell
    Tuesday Morning...

    I really enjoyed this class...I was getting more and more interested in politics as the quarter went on. I do feel that its important to know what kind of role the government is playing in our country and in the world, now that I have had this class...No suggestions, the class discussions and videos were my favorite. I learned so much.

  17. Jake Kawaguchi
    Tues AM

    For the last couple of years (since I got a smart phone that let me have news everywhere I went) I have had a almost constant need to always be reading something if I'm not doing anything. This lead to a lot of news eventually and has given me a solid foundation of information to work off of. So I came into this class with lots of knowledge and insight one the topics that were covered.

    While this can lead to a lot of me hearing things I already know, I found it refreshing to get so many perspectives on issues I had strong feelings about. Growing up in a backwards small town it was nice to hear so many views that weren't the narrow minded, mexican hating ones I grew up around.

    The only thing about the class that seemed to not really mesh with the rest was the fake U. N. group projects. It's not that they were bad but they were few and far between. I feel like there should either be more of them, or not have the same emphasis on keeping the same groups/countries. By the time we did our second one most students seem to have forgotten everything about the country they were, and even who was in the same group as them.

    Overall I'd call the class a success. There wasn't a whole lot more for me to learn when it comes to our politics, which is my fault for taking the class so late, but I always find it nice seeing that people deserve more credit than I give them ;)

    Jake K

  18. Justin Mog
    Tuesday am

    I really liked the amount of discussion in the class. It's informative to hear the different viewpoints of fellow classmates. Also, you do a good job playing devil's advocate and making students think outside their own box. I wouldn't suggest that you change anything pertaining to the structure of the class or the subjects that you touch on. I thoroughly enjoyed being there even though it was at 8 am. Take care!

  19. I enjoyed this class. I really like discussions we had. I felt like the lectures went to fast. Certain things that were on the quiz were not touched on enough. Overall, I think everything was great.

  20. Taylor Fleeman
    Thursday Morning Class

    I like several other people in this class, was pleasantly surprised. Politics, for me at least, was always the kind of thing that I was never too happy to talk about. Everyone has an opinion, everyone always has something to say - and with so many people expressing themselves and having something to say, I was always caught up in the middle, that kid just sitting in the back just trying to keep up with what everyone is talking about. This class was different. I was interested in what we talking about, and I felt comfortable enough to express myself, and my views. It was a new experience, and I enjoyed. Now, I don't want come off cheesy or cliche - but, it was. I greatly appreciated and feel like I have benefited from taking this class. This class made me see, and be aware of all that is going on in this crazy world, and that I needed. Thank you.

  21. Stephanie Harrison
    Thursday Morning Class

    When I first heard that I had to take this class I was worried. I’ve taken government and history classed before, and hated them. I am not a historical or political person, or so I thought. I’d have to say I was pleasantly surprised with this class. It has made me really want to follow the political issues more and really look at why we do things. I am going to miss this class; I really liked the flow of it. How it was part discussion, part lecture. As well and the fact that you, Stephanie pointed out the most important points that we needed to remember. I haven’t put on fox news or cnn yet ,but I do try to make and active effort in participating in our government.

  22. Stephanie you know I love ya! I also wish you taught more classes at Ai because you can take a class that seems boring by the title and turn it into a class I don't even mind waking up at 7 am for! I actually have told several people that complain about a morning class it's noooo big deal when I notice you are teaching it. I have never been into politics and I won't lie and say something cheesy like "this class totally changed my views and I am keeping up on politics daily" but it definitely changed my thoughts and feelings toward the subject. Just like how you always say you want us to challenge what seems to be "normal" and always question why something is the way it is, I think I gained that for sure. So here' s my congrats to you because your mission was accomplished with this one :) thanks so much!

  23. I enjoyed taking this course. It was educational and I got to engage in intelligent conversation with my classmates. Their is nothing I like better than intelligent conversation and kindly debate. I thought the United Nations game was quite fun as well, and I think I made a fine Mexican. I don't think you should change a thing, keep up the good work Stephanie!

  24. I like the way that the class was done. Getting engaged and interested in what is happening in the world around us, and this class really pushed us to do so. There are some things that maybe are not the most interesting, but they are a part of who we are as a nation, and I believe that it is necessary to learn about and discuss them

  25. Gabrielle Banks
    Thurs AM

    I really enjoyed this class. Even though I follow politics, I learned things that I still didn't know about our government. I feel this class was very enlightening and gave a lot of room for discussion and debate. I also enjoyed the United Nations game, but we didn't get to do it too many times. Other than that, I wouldn't change anything.

  26. Tiffany Needler
    Thrusday Am

    I enjoyed this class the most. There is not anything that i can really think about when it come to changing the class. The only thing would be allowing time for more debaiting. the united Nation game was ok, other than that. I totaly enjoyed the class thanks...
