Wednesday, June 1, 2011

There's No Place Like Home

I would be remiss this quarter, if I did not devote a portion of the blog to the devastating spring weather most of the country has been experiencing. The flooding of the Mississippi River in April and May was the largest and most damaging flood recorded in U.S. history. Many people, including some of your fellow classmates lost their possessions and even their homes as they rushed to stop the water from flooding their communities. As of June 1st, there have been 1,415 tornadoes, resulting in 520 deaths throughout the country. 2011 has been the deadliest year for tornadoes since 1950. The Midwest, South and Great Plaines states have been the hardest hit, with Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Virginia, Louisiana, North Carolina and Missouri all reporting deaths, and many more states, including Indiana reporting injuries from these deadly storms. To donate to the relief effort, or see how you can help, please go to:

A few weeks ago, we watched the movie The Inconvenient Truth in class and discussed whether or not global warming was actually occurring. Since I was out of town that week, I would love to hear your thoughts. So my question to you this week is “Do you think global warming is a cause of these deadly weather patterns, and if so, are humans contributing to it?” Please make sure to explain your answer whether or not you agree or disagree. Answers are due no later than Tuesday, June 7th, 2011.

By the way, here in Indiana it’s easy to get complacent about crazy weather. The sirens go off so much that many times, we tend to just ignore them. This spring has taught me just how deadly these storms can be – and how quickly they can go from bad to worse. It makes me sad to know that people had to lose so much for me to actually pay attention. So, I’m taking a vow. I’m promising to create a “weather kit” including flashlights, batteries, water, first aide and other items I may need in case of severe weather. Even more, I’m promising to start paying more attention to the sirens and actually take cover when they tell me to. A few hours lost by taking cover may just mean a few more lives saved. I hope you will pledge to join me in this endeavor – it’s the very least we can do. To those of you who have lost possessions, homes and loved ones during this storm season, my heart and prayers go out to you.


  1. I very much believe that global warming exist and is a huge concern. That being said, I don't believe that it is completely responsible for the deadly weather patterns of late and in the past. The weather is unpredictable and quite frankly very difficult to study its origins. If you look back in history the weather patterns over time have changed drastically, even before global warming was even a possibility. I do think that if we don't do something global warming will get worse and I do think it has somewhat of an effect on weather patterns. But I don't think that it is solely to blame.

  2. I would agree that global warming may have some impact on the changing weather.I've noticed that over the years it's been more and more difficult for them to even predict the weather. I believe that all the chemicals and gases that we release into our atmosphere are causing damage and that we should really look deeper into what we can to do slow that process down. And because we are so big on making things better and faster we didn't include all the aspects and how that would effect us actually being able to preserve the earth in the process. We have fewer trees which is less carbon dioxide conversion to oxygen, which we breathe. There is a natural order to nature and we need each other to survive but we take out many of the elements that we feed off of each other. So I would agree that we are definitely contributing to the "jacked up" weather. And I'm with you Stephanie. I have a weather kit. And my husband gets pissed every time the siren goes off I have us smashed in this little closet taking cover. And the issue is we have never had a tornado really hit our home, just bad storms, so he feels it's unnecessary. But I've watched these storms move closer and closer so I am aware and try to keep up. The predictions aren't always right nor are they on time.

  3. Tuesday morning

    i have heard multiple rumors about global warming and scientist proving it wrong then right again and that's why I do not believe in it. I've also heard that the earth's axis tilted and thats the reason for all these drastic weather changes. I am a skeptic when it comes to all of this because science changes all the time, the stats always change and thats a huge reason why I'm not a huge fan of science.
    As far as the weather goes, it's always changing; however, it always seems to repeat itself somehow. I think all we can do is ride it out and do all we can to help fix it afterwords. I do agree with the comment where people in indiana are not taking the weather so seriously or think it can never happen to them. I live in Bloomington and when a tornado hit 10 miles away from me, i was complaining about EAS taking away from the one time in the night I'm able to watch TV. Seeing the aftermath of it was when it hit me that I need to take the weather and mother nature more seriously.

  4. I don't believe Global warming has anything to do with the weather we have had in the last few months. The weather is always changing and is never 100% predictable. I'm a firm believer history(past) repeats its self. Just like Danielle said about the scientist proving its wrong than right is a little fishy to me. I have a hard time believing anything the government has to say and anyone that is doing work for the government. MONEY CAN BUY PURSWAY PEOPLE.

  5. I believe that global warming could be a cause of the crazy weather patterns recently, but I don't think that its the only thing causing it.

    I mean you can do tons and tons of research but never know what the weather is really going to do. This could just be a really bad year for storms. Just because the records are getting beat and things are more severe than they have ever been, doesn't mean that its all because we aren't taking care of our world.

    Although I do have a special place in my heart for all of those who lost their possessions, homes and loved ones during these terrible storms. The storms came up so fast that hardly anyone had time to prepare. I hope that all of those who suffered are being taken care of and blessed in their time of need.

  6. I think that the increase of deadly storms that has occurred recently is due to the Earth getting warmer. I know that many storms such as hurricanes and tornadoes occur when warm and cold air meet, so naturally increasing temperatures would increase their strength and number of occurrences. However I do not think that we as humans are doing much to contribute to global warming. I believe that the Earth has a natural pattern of warming and cooling that is out of our control. I think that doing little things like recycling, renewable energy, and driving electric cars can help the planet. But when it comes to harming the Earth I think we have only some impact. Sure we can pollute and cut down trees, but we are a long way from completely spoiling the planet. The Earth is able to take care of itself and if we get out of hand the Earth can just destroy us with natural disasters. That is what we are seeing now as our storms get more powerful and frequent.

  7. Yajaira Hermosillo
    Tuesday Morning

    I think that global warming is affecting the weather right know, but at the same time that is not the only thing that is affecting it. People should care more about he world and pay more attention on what is going around them. I do think that people should take care of Earth because it's our home and there is no better then home but at the same time if you think about it Earth is getting hotter by the years not just because people are doing it.

  8. Rachel Leigh
    Thurs AM

    Al Gore made some convincing arguments about the earth's temperatures rising and the effect on weather patterns. The world is become a more dangerous place to live, and our short-sighted, poor decisions over time have certainly contributed to that fact.

    I would also acknowledge spiritual factors behind natural events. The middle of Romans 8 talks about how creation is groaning in the pains of childbirth, waiting for the sons of God to be revealed. Everything that happens in the earth works together to fulfill the highest purposes of an incredibly good God. By proactively helping the victims of natural disasters, we communicate His heart.

  9. I must say that I was really impressed by the documentary, that was a big eye opening for me and definitely made me think of what can I do to make things a little better.

    However, I do not think that global warming is the only responsible for the natural catastrophes ocurred in the last months. It is known that tornados and storms are common in this time of the year, especially in the states mentioned above. On the other hand, I truly that believe global warming has everything to do with their increasing intensity and frequency.

    Besides, we cannot deny that global warming interferes in nature's cycles and phenomena in a intensive way - an example of that is the extratropical cyclone that hit Southern Brazil in 2004 (and Brazil had never suffered any natural disaster until that day).

    I am extremely sorry for all of those who lost their loved ones and possessions, and may God fill their hearts and souls with peace, comfort, and light.

  10. I have believed in global warming for awhile. It's all around us how can anyone not think that is whats going on. This winter seemed like it was never going to end, so there were a lot of people saying there couldnt be global warming going on since the winter weather never seemed to end. I can see where there coming from, but "hello" doesnt that change in the pattern of how the winter is now from just a few years ago seem a little odd. Our seasons seem to be getting more and more exreme, with crazy long cold winters and insanely hot summers. For me i think this change is all because of us, we take everything on our earth for granted. And those who dont think that, might just be to lazy to care or do anything about it. not saying that im totally innocent, but i do try to do my part when i can. maybe if we all did our world wont be destroyed in a few years.

  11. Tiffany Needler
    Thrusday Morning
    I dont think that Global Warming has very little to do with the weather. Every year the weather seems bad, at the time but the next year the weather dont seem that bad. I can remember just a few years ago that we had a summer that was cooler that the rest. Does that mean that Global warming was getting better? Do I think that we need to do our part in the world? Yes, there are thinks that we can change to make the world better and that is what I believe.

  12. I definitely believe that global warming is a real threat. I don't know if I believe that global warming necessarily caused these recent storms but it wouldn't surprise me if the evidence surfaced.
    I do absolutely believe that humans are causing global warming, however. All of the deforestation and burning of fossil fuels is a definite factor in the creation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
    I have researched this topic because it is the subject of my final project. My feeling is that we do see some effects of global warming. However these changes that we see are slight at this point. The big fear is that the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere will continue to get worse which will only speed up the global warming process. This could end up making over a million species go extinct as well as cause an increase in severity and amount of tropical storms and heat waves etc.

  13. It is clearly evident, the change taking place in the weather patterns both in the U.S, as well as around the world. Every disaster that takes life is devastating, and makes a big impact in our hearts, souls, and minds, especially when it involves our closest family, and friends. However, at the same time I can’t help but, want to scream at the top of my lungs when cities and building contractors decide to build buildings, in the same area they previously cleaned up, and then decide to replace them with the same stupid designs. It is total stupidity, if you ask me. Here is what’s so crazy, Areas that have floods are known to have floods, and areas within the’ tornado alley’ have no other than tornado’s. My point is this most of these places hit had prior notice that the Potential for that kind of devastation was in fact predicted by scientist’s years ahead of time. No don’t get me wrong, I am not at all heartless, my heart does go out to anyone inflicted in this kind of devastation. But at the same time I think that building houses specific to those areas would be smarter. For instance dome homes are less likely to be sucked up by tornado or houses lower to the ground, or what about houses with boat like bottoms for flooding areas, as for tsunami’s….uh yah I got nothing for that… But, I’m sure there can be a solution for that.
    My opinion on global warming is slim; I’m not sure whether to believe in global warming or some kind of event that naturally takes place every 3012 years according to Mayan Indians, and ancient Sumerians. The truth is I gave up on the conspiracies, and the end of the world thoughts, I’m simply tired of trying to figure it out. I mean if it were to happen, how am I supposed to stop it? And even if I did try to convince everybody to recycle, I have the feeling; it would be like the days I would argue with my brother about washing his own dish, and then try to explain to him how, if everybody did their own dish, no one would get stuck with a bunch of them. But it goes in one ear and out the other.

  14. Bethany Hackman.
    Tuesday Morning.

    I believe that it is global warming causing this bad weather. You can look back in the past few years and see that each storm is getting stronger and causing more damage as we continue to do nothing about it (just like they mentioned in that movie we watched).
    Yeah, weather is unpredictable. It changes. We can't control it. But, we can start making changes to make it better.
    I actually have a weather kit, not totally complete yet, but I have one nonetheless. My mom made me. And I'm glad I have it. Even though nothing bad has happened around where I live-yet, it's always good to be safe and to plan ahead for emergency situations.

  15. Janelle Birkey
    Tuesday Morning

    Unfortunately, I was not in class that day to see the global warming video that everyone else watched. I do not know anything about global warming so I did a little bit of my own research. Global Warming is supposedly caused by us emitting CO2 into the atmosphere. Altogether Earth's temperature has risen and polar caps are starting to melt. I did not believe in global warming after hearing this because we have been having freezing cold winters. I then saw that they attribute the cold winters to global warming as well. Since the artic is warming the cool wind shifts our way. I still do not believe in it because if the Earth was warming everywhere, why would there still be cool weather? I did see that our Earth axis has shifted causing extreme weather change. This seems more of a solution to me then global warming.

  16. Brandon Weifenbach
    Thurs am

    I'm no fancy big city scientist, so I have no idea. I'll say the evidence seems to support the theory of global warming for the most part. However, as far as the increased tornado activity, one has to wonder what was going on in 1950 if current trends are due to climate change. If global warming is occurring, I find it hard to believe humans aren't exacerbating it to some extent.

  17. Sarah Green Tuesday Morning class
    I agree that global warming has alot to do with how the whether is changing arounhg the global. Due to the many cahnges it has effected our economy and hardship. I say that if we do not save resoyurce now on earth we will not have a future for our next gerenration

  18. Taylor Fleeman
    Thursday Morning

    The weather just keeps getting crazier and crazier doesn't it? The winters seems colder and icier. The summers seem to be hotter and more hazardous. The weather is changing, and it has changed. I do believe that there is a chance that global warming may be the cause. There are so many things that go up into our air, our atmosphere and mess with too much of what is important. We just mess with too many things, we use to much, and we are changing and shaping this country not for the better but for the worse. It does scare me, and I do become very concerned for our future. It saddens me that possibly all of this could have been avoided.

  19. Temo Morales
    Thursday Morning

    I think it would be unwise to think that we have no affect on the weather. There are almost 7 Billion people in the earth. Companies pollute, we pollute and use natural resources like no one's business. To think that the world has no affect is mind blowing. Global warming is real and we are seeing the early effects of it. I think everyone can tell that the weather is getting crazy each year. Example is how we have had the 4 seasons. Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. Now it seems more like Winter and Summer, nothing in between. There are many factors that affect our weather and people with their pollution is one of them. The world wont end in 2012 or anytime soon. But the as the world population grows and we pollute more. The earth can only take so much before it's done.

  20. Stephanie Harrison
    Thursday Morning

    The weather is an unpredictable thing: there are so many things that contribute to the weather that it is had for me to say that it is all from global warming. However I do think that it is part of it. I think we, as humans don’t help the situation at all. We are so busy with our lives that we take everything, even the air we breathe for granted. We look at how we can get ahead rather than the damage it will cause getting there. That is so much pollution in the world that we need to start revaluating how we do stuff.

  21. Thursday AM

    I don't believe that global warming is the cause of these disasters, but I am not well versed in planetary make-up. I do believe that the planet may be going through a protective phase where it clears space for it self. If self preservation is the innate of life and the planet itself is alive then it makes sense that it would do what is necessary to preserve itself. If that means destroying a few things on its surface then that is what it is going to do.
    Global warming may play apart is a small scale but like with the dinosaurs the planet will always make sure that it survives.

  22. I definitely think global warming plays a part in the crazy weather patterns but I'm sure there are some sort of studies done somewhere bringing other reasons to light as well. Humans have a lot to do with damaging our environment as well. Anyone who says otherwise is sadly mistaken. Not blaming all of the weather and environment issues on humans, Earth definitely has its cycles, but what we do , how we live, and what efforts we take to do things to help the Earth all make a difference.

  23. Jake Kawaguchi
    Tues AM

    I am not a meteorologist. The only scientific knowledge I have relates to human anatomy, which is no help when trying to understand weather patterns. Unlike a disturbingly large amount of people here i do, for the most part, trust the scientific community.

    I understand that in our age it is very easy to be cynical about what we are told. However letting ones mistrust of the government spill over into other facets of life is a dangerous thing. The one thing that sets the scientific community apart from almost every other organization is the fact that a theory or finding from a group is constantly being peer reviewed. Nothing is just set aside and assumed to be fact. That is why relativity is still a theory.

    For an example; the FDA just declared the the safe cooking temp for pork (What temperature pork has to get to before all the pathogens have been killed) has been lowered from 160 to 145 (that's degrees Fahrenheit). Now if you really don't trust science are you going to assume that they are lying to you and go and cook your meat to 160 anyway? What if they were lying to you then? Well the only option would be to cook your pork until it's black on the inside! But wait, that's just crazy. Why would the FDA want to get you sick? And to bring it back home, why would scientist who study climate change want to lie to you? Someone mentioned money, but do you really think that politicians, the same ones who regularly deny any and all evidence of climate change, really are making deals with these people to continue funding research they don't believe in? That's the same as an atheist funding a church while also claiming there is no god.

    I can honestly say I am disappointed by the amount of people stating they don't believe in science or global warming. It actually made me a little sad. I'm not trying to say people shouldn't be allowed to think what they want, I'm just saying, on a personal level it made me sad. But even if you don't believe in climate change, for whatever reason, so what? Do what the crazy hippies want, can it hurt you? There is no downside, and if they're wrong then you get to say a great big "I told you so", but if they're right you don't help cause the elimination of what could possibly be the only life the universe will ever see.

    On a final note I was going to make a comment about the Flying Spaghetti Monster helping all who have lost due to these storms but I'm fairly certain someone would flame me for it. However take this as a chance to realize that this is a school and there is no place for religion here, no matter what you believe, so please just don't.

  24. Ryan Pluckebaum
    Thursday Morning

    I think that these deadly weather storms are out of control. It must be from all of this global warming. Al Gore was right! We all need to do our part and make this place cleaner so these deadly storms stop. We all need to start doing our part. We can start riding bikes and car pooling and being careful with what we burn. We need to think about how our actions are changing the Earth.

  25. James Thomas
    Tuesday morning

    I think that it is the cause but as far as if we are contributing to it, then I must say not enough to make that much of a significant change. Over time we will produce enough to cause adverse effects but the Earth is going through a natural warming period so the storms are going to get intense at times and gradually get worse over the years until it collapses and we go into another ice age. If we are contributing maybe we will inadvertently cause it to warm up too fast and go into an early ice age within our own life time. That would be a site to see. Just like"The Day After Tomorrow."

  26. I dont necessarily think that the natural disasters that have been happening lately are because of global warming. I do think that global warming is realand is a threat but i think the recent disasters are just "bad luck" for lack of a better term. There have always been natural disasters and there will always be natural disasters they just happen. Saying that global warming is the main cause seems like a bit of a stretch.

  27. Cristiano Mattos
    Thursday Morning

    I do believe that the global warming is the cause of the deadly weather patterns we’ve seen for the last years and I agree that humans have contributed a lot to increase this problem. It’s clear that in order to provide shelter, food and water and entertainment (why not?) to the world population, we are using all the natural resource of the planet without giving it enough time to recover. Al Gore talked about a lot of possible solutions for the problem and I agree with all of them, but I am not so optimist as he is about the ability of we solving our problems. I believe the root of all our problems is in the human nature, which is selfish. Because this nature we will always choose what is convenient and comfortable for ourselves instead of doing what is better for everybody. One example is the decision of some countries hasn’t signed the Kyoto protocol because such act would affect these countries life style. What most people never say (beside AL Gore) is that without changing life style, there will not be life at all. I am very pessimist about seeing the people solving their issues, because we have already proved that we are not capable to do so. In spite of my pessimism about the human condition, I still have hope; but my hope is not based on the mankind, it is in God. More I live; more I believe that’s the true.

  28. Brett A. Williams - Tuesday Morning Class

    First I would like to Apologize for Posting late I completely forgot about commenting to this post. I is shocking to me that there has been so many severe storms this year. I am not going to pretend that I know exactly what is causing this to happen but I am almost certain that the rise in the earth temperature is a contributing factor. However, I personally don't believe that humans have that much impact on the planet to we effect it? Yes. To the extent that people yell about I am not so sure. I have the privilege to actually interview a meteorologist and ask him about the issue when I was in High school. His view on the matter surprised me. It was that the earth naturally goes through cooling and warming periods. And stated that we should help the environment by carpooling and reducing waste and dependance on harmful resources, but was adamant about the human race not playing as big of a part as everyone fears. This has stuck with me for a while now and it seems to be the most logical thing I have heard regarding the matter.

    -Brett A. Williams

  29. I believe that global warming is a contributing factor to the changing weather trends in the world. I also think that once the weather starts to change the way it has it would have a domino effect. For instance, in a typically hot area of the globe were to get a few feet of rain this may be unusual. Because the area is so hot, the water that fell will begin to evaporate back into the atmosphere. the clouds with all of the extra moisture may carry one and accumulate elsewhere and cause the same effect in a different part of the globe.

  30. I believe that global warming exists to an extent. The world has always shown warming and cooling tendencies. I looked into the film a little bit, and some of the "statistics" were not real. and had been proven wrong by scientist. The film was clearly propaganda, and yes, are really doing damage to the earth, but I'm not sure that global warming is totally caused by us. The weather is the weather, it maybe seems like it is getting worse, but I think it really just depends on the year.

  31. Gabrielle Banks
    Thurs AM

    I strongly agree that global warming plays a huge part in the drastic weather changes. I've heard that if humans continue to contribute to global warming then these weather conditions will continue to grow more intense. As humans we can do little things such as: taking public transportation, carpooling, stop cutting down trees and wildlife, and overly using resources to cut back on the increase of global warming.
