Monday, April 4, 2011

We the People

This week in class we began our study of the Constitution. The United States Constitution is widely recognized and studied as one of the most democratic documents ever written. Most of the freedoms that make us uniquely American can be found in the United States Constitution.

You can order your own free copy of the United States Constitution from:

So, this week I started thinking about what freedoms I value most. I think the one I am most grateful for is Freedom of Religion. We are very blessed to live in a country where we are free to practice or not practice our religion as we see fit.

So, my question to you for our first blog is, “What freedoms do you value the most? Why are they important to you?” In addition, I would like you to take a short quiz on the Constitution and include your score and results in your answer. Your score on the quiz will not affect your grade. The quiz can be accessed at the following link:

Answers are due no later than Tuesday, April 12th. Make sure that your screen name identifies who you are, and that you designate which class you are in to earn full credit!


  1. Josh Berkley
    Tuesday Morning

    I achieved and 8 out of 10 on the quiz. One of the freedoms that I value most is the right to free press. While the information we get from the news might be somewhat skewed, it is for the most part, the truth. People on the news are allowed to voice their opinions as they truly feel. The media criticizes every move our government makes with no fear of penalty. There are even people who believe that the government is conspiring against the American public to further their own endeavors, and they are safe from persecution. In many countries, these people would be punished rather severely for saying these things about their government. All in all, I am glad we have such an expansive and reliable media in this country. However, I could do without reality tv :)

  2. Danielle Kraus
    Tuesday Morning

    On the quiz I got an 8 out of 10. I believe that freedom of speech is very important. With out it we would be at a loss. If we did not have freedom of speech people would be afraid to say their own opinion because the fear of being punished for having another view point. We would not be able to vocalize our views or feelings on subjects without being penitilized for it. Because we have freedom of speech we are able to speak our minds and say weather we agree or dissagree on a subject and talk about our beliefs and come up with comprimises or new ideas. We are all very blessed to have this freedom.

  3. Lesha M. Tuesday.....Score 8 out of 10.
    I would have to say freedom of speech, religion, and associtation are the three I value the most. There are so many countries that have the right to literally remain silent and can not demonstrate what truly is on their minds, which to me would at some point cause frustration. The freedom of religion I think is also important since again people should be able to choose to study and engage in which religion they choose without the fear of being arrested. Last is assocoation. Sometimes I think that putting people into to certain catergories or groupings can hender the growth of people and culture. So to be able to mix and mingle with different people allows me to add my own value to the freedoms we have.

  4. Tuesday AM
    I scored a 8 out of 10.Freedom of speech and the right to bear arms are the two I value the most. I've a very open and say what I think a lot. I have had the chance to travel a lot with the military and going to different places I started to notice all the small things I took advantage of. Freedom of speech was the biggest one. we are lucky to be able to express our feelings and option about the president or even just the government and not fear of getting in trouble. Being a gun owner and active hunter and shooter, the right to bear arms means a lot to me. The government and States wanting to banned guns won't fix the problem. If you think about it, it's the criminals that illegally obtain the guns. I could go on with this but I will stop there.

  5. Brandon J. Leeper

    I was researching for the group, and tried to make it back in time, lost track of time I guess. And I must have forgot you were handing out quizzes on the first day. I'll be better prepared next time.

    I myself appreciate the freedoms of religion in our country. however at the same time, I worry about how this freedom could have the potential of ruining us as a people.

    For example, what if a fanatic religion devised underground plans for destroying our country, or evoked problems much worse than what the hippies stirred up in their protesting during the sixties, or for a much more recent debate, how the Muslims are looked at in our country for what happened on 9/11 I am not prejudiced the slightest towards people of the Muslim faith.

    I believe that anybody, of any faith, could be falsely lead, or be tempted by convincing arguments, that could lead to claims of brain wash much like in Hitlers time.

    To fully brain wash someone (as it could be put) first you must pluck the strings of their heart. The war that's going on now is nothing more than a repeat of world war 2. By manipulating religion and religious cause, anger, hatred, and prejudice does nothing but, leave people spinning to later Regurgitate their blind justice onto the innocent, for something they have been lead to believe is correct.

    If you think about it, in much of the same way a rich man would pay a poor man to do the labor of building his house for him. the poor man is doing it to provide for his family, and he is left emotionally as well as financially obligated to work for the rich man, because he feels he has too.

    This is why many believe that money is power when in reality knowledge is power, and passion (like anger or the pursuit of happiness) is the force that drives us as people and this force can be easily misled or wisely accepted, given (the JUST CAUSE) perhaps Inspiration is a stronger word. but none the least it's scary to think just how easily it can be to manipulate a crowed when religion is twisted by a dictator, and hearts are bound.

  6. Janet Silva
    I received a 7 out of 10 not to bad but I could have done better.
    The right that I over see the most would be the freedom of religion. When you think about how you can be any religion you want and the government wont penalize you for it, it is an extraordinary though. For example if I lived in China and I wanted to worship God I would be executed immediately. Which is why so many people move to America. They move here to have all those same rights and privileges that we take for granted. I love the fact that I can talk trash and to have an opinion because that is what makes us the united states. If we hurt people because of what they believe in; we would not be any different than any other communist country like China.

  7. Tuesday AM

    My score was 4 out of 10... apparently I was close to the national average so i guess thats okay.
    The most important freedom to me is probably religion. I am not a big worshiper but it does mean a lot that I am able to be agnostic. I grew up in a Catholic family and I believe a lot of what Catholics believe, however, it is hard for me to understand the concept of heaven and hell as physical places. There is no regulation about how to think about God or Jesus or whatever whoever believes and it blows my mind that we are able to challenge what we believe and look at another point of view if we want to. Religion is a very controversial topic but I can appreciate anyone's point of view about it. It is such a simple thought and belief that I could not imagine someone forcing me to choose a side.

  8. Rachel Leigh
    Thursday AM

    9 out of 10, thanks to everything Stephanie just told us in class!

    I agree that I take American freedoms for granted... to the point that I couldn't tell you which one I would most hate living without.

    I will say I am glad we can peaceably assemble. Community is important, and people need each other more than we realize. To be able to meet with others for almost any reason without arousing suspicion or police presence is awesome. Many individual rights I could forego, but don't take away my right to freely meet with others.

  9. Gabrielle Banks
    Thurs. AM



    As an individual, I would say that I appreciate all the freedoms we receive as Americans because most countries don't get basic freedoms as freedom of speech and religion, the limitation of power of the federal government, and the right to elect as national leader.

    I will say those few that I listed are very important in shaping a country and that every citizen should have those rights.

  10. Jake Kawaguchi
    Tuesday AM

    Quiz score 7 out of 10.

    I will preface this by stating that I am very cynical person. I have stated in the past that I do no like America, but I still consider it the best there is. I feel that our rights laid out on paper make this country nearly flawless, truly a country ran by the people for the people. However much like communism, what sounds good on paper isn't always going to work out well.

    News organizations only want freedom of the press for themselves and not those that disagree with them. Certain law enforcement agencies don't want people to have protection from unlawful search and seizure (Patriot Act). Certain politicians don't want certain people to have the right to due process and a fair trial (Bradly Manning).

    I would agree with others here who state that Americans take most of these rights for granted. I would take it a step further however and say that because of this certain organizations and political leaders are pushing to remove these very rights for various reasons.

    Given the deteriorating nature of the American freedoms I would say that the one I consider most important would be the right to assembly. More and more instances similar to the one in Wisconsin are going to be happening as our current government repeatedly proves that all it is concerned with is arguing with the opposing side. The looming shutdown this weekend is proof of that.

    If every other right Americans have is stripped away, as long as people have to right to stand up against what they feel is wrong. Once that right is gone any cause or complaint will fall on deaf ears.

  11. My thoughts, on living in a country that once didn't allow minority to vote or eat in public places.
    Religion, is something I don't talk about ,because everyone has a "God". And people take religion to far I think .Growing up in a strict relgion made me stay away from any type of religion so it made me appreciate people for who they are, never to judge ,always be respectful to other people thoughts and ideas on Freedom of religion.

  12. Tiffany Needler Thursday Morning Class.

    I got a 6 out of 10 questions on the Test. I know that I could have done better, because i just breezed through it. As to the blog "What freedoms do I value the most? Why are they important to you?" I value alot that this country freedoms have giving me. I have grow up in a house that has always taught us that this is the greatest country in the world because of our freedoms. The ability of free speech, a value that I find the most important. The ability to say what is on my mind, to give my opinion, and to lead my life.

  13. American citizens and residents are very fortunate of having so many freedom rights, many others countries in the world do not have this privilege. I believe the freedom of speech is most valuable because I can express my opinion about any issue without fearing persecution.


  14. Nicole Gurnick

    Nicole Gurncick Thursday morning class.

    I value the freedoms of speech, and to vote. I value these because they put anyone on equal ground. Although most of the time I wonder if we really have freedom of speach. The right to vote is just as important than speech though to me because it means that I can vot for whoever I wish to vote for. I probably have more but I just can't seem too think of them.

    My score on the test was 6 OUT OF 10 and i should have done better but as usal i had those annoying brain drops though it was interesting to know how much i remembered.

  15. LChelsea Webb

    I scored 9/10 on the quiz and the one i got wrong i actually knew from our goverment class in highschool. i didnt remember till after the fact though....

    I value our freedom of speech most of all, and would protect it at all costs. However i also value our right to bare arms. I collect swords and sharp pointy objects, and i figure if we weren't allowed to have weapons all of them would be taken away. which would not float well with me.

  16. Maurice Burns/ Thursday AM
    I received a 8 out of 10.
    I do not value one freedom more than any other. I believe that each freedom has its place and depending on my current issue in life I value the ability to access each one of these freely and justly. If I had to pick just one then that would be against what this country stands for. "God Bless America, and everyone else"- Mays Gilliam

  17. Natasha/ Thursday AM
    I received a 8 out of 10
    I value freedom of speech the most because freedom of speech is important without it the world would not just be right. If you have something to say and express you should be able to do so to express yourself and your rights.

  18. Edda Arana
    Tuesday Morning

    I got a 7 out of 10 on the quiz,

    The freedom i value the most is the freedom of speech/expression. if you weren't allowed to say anything you thought this world would be very plain and people would walk around looking the same., everything would be looking the same and people would walk around being like everyone else., On the other hand having the right to freedom of speech is also dangerous, because sometimes people can take things out of hand and cause a riot. But all the rights are rights for a reason and they were made rights because one has a right to have them, (if that made sense)

  19. Hi everybody,

    I received a 9 out of 10 on the quiz.

    I believe freedom is our most valuable good, but if I had to choose a single type, I would definitely say freedom of expression and choice. Unfortunately, we live in a world where many people still kill and die for political, religious, and cultural conflicts. I am from Brazil and I have been living in the U.S. for two years, and I feel truly blessed to live in a country where my ethnicity and traditions are respected, and my voice can be heard with no restrictions or censures.

  20. Janelle Birkey
    Tuesday Morning class

    I received and 8 out of 10.

    I value the freedom of speech just like most others in this country. I also value the freedom to religion. I am a religious person and I have searched other religions to make sure of my faith. Most countries cannot just choose to study religions and test their faith. The freedom to vote is an amazing feeling as well. This is great to empower the people and keep involved with the politics! I feel blessed to live in a country with many freedoms.

  21. First and foremost I appreciate my freedom of speech the most. In our country we are allowed to express our thoughts and feeling without the worry of being prosecuted. I also value my freedom of religion. I can have my own beliefs although they may be different than others and there is no law against it.
    i received a 7 out of 10

  22. Rachael Stone
    Tuesday Morning
    I got 6 out of 10 on the quiz, which i don't think is to bad considering i am fairly new to this country.
    The freedom that i value the most is the freedom of speech. To me this is important because it allows for individuality, which is important because if everyone had the same thoughts on things then the world would be a boring place.

  23. Natalie Farrell
    Tuesday Morning Class

    I received 5 out of 10.

    I value freedom of speech the most! I don't know what I would do if I could not express myself through words, you can say thousands of different words in a different tone and they will all express differently to another person. I wouldn't be able to have freedom of religion with out my freedom of speech because I voice my praises to God all the time.

  24. Taylor Fleeman
    Thursday Morning Class

    I received a 5 out of 10.

    I would have to agree with the majority of my classmates when I say, I value Freedom of Speech most. I am grateful for the fact that I am allowed to express myself, and that I have a voice. I sit here and think, that it has to be one scary thing to be a citizen of a country and not have this right... almost living in fear, afraid to share their thoughts, and feelings. I can't believe how much I take for advantage.

  25. Dulcie L. Holcomb
    Thursday morning class

    I got an 8 out of 10 on the quiz. oh well, could have been worse.

    The freedom I hold most precious, eh?
    That's not an easy question, Stephanie...

    Always the first that comes to mind would be freedom of speech. I love the fact that we live in a land where we are free to say the things we are thinking without fear of persecution. There are so many nations around the world that prohibit the citizens of that nation from speaking their minds. People go to prison, others disappear, all because they choose to speak out when their government says they cannot.
    I think we often forget how precious and rare that freedom actually is.

  26. I for one believe that the Ninth Amendment (Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.) is the most important. For without our rights as American Citizens we would not really be American Citizens. It is our unique Democracy that makes us who we are and the rights of our general populous is a big part of the entirety of that.

    I scored 7 out of 10 on the Quiz, My constitution I.Q. is PATRIOT.

    I felt the Quiz was harder than I expected, however it's been a while since I have had any type of formal History class.

    -Brett Andrew Williams
    -Tuesday 8am-11:50am

  27. Bethany Hackman.
    Tuesday Morning.
    Score: 4 out of 10.

    Like most of the students, I think the freedom of speech is the freedom that I value the most. It gives us the right to speak out against what others think and allows us to voice our own opinions. It lets us be heard! Which is an amazing right to have.

  28. Temo Morales
    Thursday Morning 8am UGH!:(

    Score: 8/10 "Constitution Whiz Kid"

    The quiz was not hard, couple of trick questions, but not too bad.

    I think the one we take for granted is freedom of speech. Our country bashes on presidents ALL THE TIME! (example: Bush)Where in other countries you can get killed by just disagreeing on a law.
    Freedom of Speech is what puts us apart and ahead of many countries! The peoples voices are heard, maybe not all of them, but the majority!

  29. well I'm not fully convinced we truly have 'freedoms'. There's no such thing as a free lunch... I mean thats one of the biggest principle, mainly recognized in economics, but has such a strong meaning. Nothing is free in this life, the faster we understand this the better. Freedom of speech- do we really have freedom of speech? Some will immediately say yes, but let me break it down. Freedom of speech should mean we have the freedom to voice whatever we want. If someone with a lot of money and power (government) doesn't like what you have to say then chances are they are going to take you out. You think you can walk up to a policeman and tell them to fuck off for giving you a speeding ticket? Ok so now the topic comes up about exceptions. How can you give an exception to something that is supposed to be free... it's not exactly free anymore. More or less it becomes a crime. So essentially we are allowed freedom of speech as long as you aren't making someone with power angry.

    Do not take me wrong I love being in America and am very glad that I feel safe enough to express most of my opinions via voice. I am simply pointing out that there are loopholes in this system :p.

  30. I got a 7 out of 10 on the quiz. I think the most that I valuable is freedom of speech, because for us as students/artists we need to be able to say what we want when we want. Also I think that freedom of speech makes our country unique from the others, because the people of the United States can actually be heard rather than be ignored.

  31. Brian Runkel
    Thursday 8 am

    “What freedoms do you value the most? Why are they important to you?”

    I am not sure if asking to pick just one freedom that is most valuable is a fair question. The right to bear arms, freedom of speech, etc, are all of value to me. I feel like all of them put together make up something much more important. However I feel like there are limitations/repercussions for things, making some of these "freedoms" not entirely freedoms.


    yeah check that out!!

    alright well the freedom(s) that I value most are probably all of them and the reasons why is because I take advantage of them everyday without even realizing it. other countries don't get to have all the cool things America does and it bums me out. I dont really know where I am going with this but I do know that I am very lucky to be living in America!

  33. I got a 10 out of 10 on the Constitution Quiz

    I would have to say that the freedoms I enjoy most are the Freedom of Speech and the Right to Bear Arms. I think it is important that we as citizens be able to voice our opinions and be able to defend ourselves.

  34. One of my most valuable freedom that I consider a blessing, is being able to have that American dream that every other country desire, but unfortunately do not have because of their laws and government standards. I feel being able to have the right to either have your own business or do whatever you like is truly a blessing from God.

  35. SarahGreen Tuesday morning class^^^^^

  36. Tuesday Morning

    I got a 9 out of 10 on the Constitution quiz.

    The freedom that I most value is freedom of speech. I feel that it is very important for individual voices to be expressed and heard. It's great that we live in a society where we are mostly free to express views and opinions, especially views not everyone agrees with. How boring a society it would be if everyone thought the same way, or held their tongues.

  37. Stephanie Harrison
    Thursday Morning

    I received a 10 out of 10 mostly from what we went over in class and a little bit of luck…lol
    I would have to say the freedom I value most is the freedom of religion. Religion plays a very important part in my life. It is unconsciously used in my everyday life (like breathing) and to be without it would be unfathomable. The choices I make are based on the values that I have. The values that I have are based on my religious beliefs. I can’t understand how a person can live by guidelines set by their governments as to whom or what s/he should worship. I believe that how a person worships is a part of who they are and that should not be dictated by anyone.

  38. I received an 8 out of 10 on the quiz. Not to jump on the band wagon but I value freedom of speech most as well as a lot of the other students. We can express anything we feel and not have to worry about getting into serious trouble for it. Especially when it comes to controversial issues like abortion, drug laws etc.

  39. The freedom of the press is my most treasured. I enjoy writing, and music and debates and all the things that are made possible by being able to speak freely. If I had no voice, no opportunity to have a say, I think life would be cold and harsh.

  40. I received 7 out of 10 on the quiz. I think freedom of speech is most valued and yet the most perverted since it is often violated by censorship, therefore going against the constitution but not everybody thinks about it that way, they only sometimes see it as protection, one example is parents trying to prevent children from listening to marylin manson, believing his music is meant to influence and support violence, drug use, and anti religious views. I'm agnostic but have listened to his music, and it's all it is. Straight up music, nothing more.
    Bryan "Bry" Bonilla

  41. On the quiz I achieved an 8 out of 10. The freedom I value the most and think is the most valued one is the freedom of speech. I think everyone is free to speak what they want and think. If people didn't s[eak what they had in mine I would say the world would be boring and without excitement. Parnets think that youth should not say what they say or think but that's how people learn, by speaking what they have in mine. Parents right now hear thinks on TV or music and say that they should be putting that or that it's a shame that's what they are saying. For example, music back in the days didn't talk about drugs, sex, violence, or none of that, but I think ,usic is trying to show you that, that's not the way to go in like. I just think everyone is free to speak out and not be ashamed.

  42. Shel Copeland
    Thursday Morning Class

    There are a lot of things about America that I adore, and many things that I am totally against.
    But I value my freedom of speech, and the value of the American dream, the right to choose what we believe in and all that. However, I thought of something the other day that I'm sure no one else has said so far (I don't think) and it's not that I couldn't live without the following, but I am so insanely grateful for them:

    Clean, hot water to shower in as long as we desire.
    Full, clear, refreshing swimming pools to swim in every day.
    Hot food, of any origin; McDonald's, vegan, home-grown, slathered in oil or butter, Five Guys, Cracker Barrel, etc.

    It's sooo great to wake up, take a hot shower, go buy WHATEVER you are craving, even if its food that they make in Greece, go swimming, come home, drink some water all day, shower the chlorine out of your hair.
    They don't have clean water to drink in other countries, let alone hot food to fill you up until you are sick.
    As Americans, it's freedoms like this (that we take for granted!) that make other countries so envious of us because we use it up like it's invaluable. It'll be there tomorrow, eat and drink as much as you want.

    I hope this sinks in with at least one person and someone starts turning off the water while they brush their teeth tonight.

  43. The one that I like the most is Freedom of Speech.
    If there something that we don't like then we are free to say what is on our mind. On how we feel about what every they are talking about. Like there something that there your kids don't like your seen at school. You have the right to talk about it. That why Freedom of Speech is one that I like the most

  44. James Thomas
    Tuesday Morning

    The freedom I love is the freedom of speech. I believe that you should be able to say anything you want and not worry about if you are going to jail for it or even worse. It is very important to me because I have a mouth on me that can say some really crazy things, but no cursing that is something I don't do. But it is nice to know if I chose to I wouldn't get into any trouble for saying bad words.
