Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers

I had a few good topics I wanted to blog about this week. Then I realized we have a holiday weekend coming up, and I decided to go easy on you and post something lighter. Since Easter is this weekend, I thought back to my favorite Easter memory. Easter was a very big deal in our house, almost as big as Christmas. We always got new Easter dresses, went to church and then rushed home to find our Easter eggs and baskets. One of the plastic eggs was golden and bigger than all the rest...whoever found it got the best prize! I loved coloring eggs too (I still do actually) and would think about my designs for hours! So my question to you this week is, "What is your favorite Easter or springtime memory?" Answers are due no later than Tuesday, April 26th, 2011. Don't forget to make sure your name and class are documented. For those of you who celebrate - Happy Easter! For everyone else, enjoy your day off!

P.S. I've noticed lately that some of you just comment that you don't know much about the topic so you can't really comment. That is not acceptable. If you don't know much about it - look it up! I don't expect you to be geniuses on the topic, but if you don't take the time to learn, it kind of defeats the purpose of being in school. :-)

P.P.S. For real, this is the last post-script. For those of you who wish to contact the senator in charge of the 21st Century Scholarship program we discussed in class, you can email Senator Thomas Dermody (or any other Indiana senator) here:


  1. Danielle Kraus
    Tuesday Morning

    My family and I really do not celebrate easter. We use to when I was younger. I always enjoyed the dying eggs and candy when I was younger. Last year Easter was during spring break. My family and I took a week long trip to Disney World. This trip was for my brothers and sisters honeymoon and my earily graduation/ late birthday present. I love Disney World. I had an excellent time with my family. That day we went to MGM and I rode the Tower of Terror about ten times with my father. I really had a wonderful time. That had to be one of the best easters ever.

  2. Bry says:

    Favorite Easter Holiday was last year, spending it with some family friends and playing corn hole and and the long awaited football game between me and my "nephews." AFter about an hour of sliding in the mud and trying to tackle each other, we had the easter grill off and spent the remainder of the day watching movies and chilling until I had to return to Florida to finish school. So now, this year, can't wait to see what happens next

  3. P.S., for those who have never used easter eggs as weapons.....beware. Mischevious children will treat like grenades if they get grumpy due to lack of chocolate rabbits. Happy Easter to all XD

  4. Gabrielle Banks
    Thurs Morning

    As I can remember my family would usually go to church every Easter. My father would make sure that we did get new outfits every Easter though. I did paint eggs a couple of times but never really got into it. Now that I think of it, I never really got into the Bunny aspect of Easter. The concept of a large bunny with eggs just seemed weird lol.

  5. My favorite Easter, was about ten years ago ,when a friend came by my place and we just talk about the good old days .When we had egg hunts with or other friends and family .We talk in spirit now, that was the last time I saw him. I wish he was still here to see my sons easter egg hunt.

  6. Rachel Leigh
    Tues AM

    We used to have an easter "tree" - it was just some dry grey limbs, but we hung handpainted wooden eggs from them. And two ceramic duck figurines in cloth sailor suits would sit underneath it. I remember it all looking way cooler than it probably sounds. :)

  7. Temo Morales
    Thursday 8am

    I dont really have any specific memory of easter. Our family goes to church and spend time with friends and family! Jesus rose from the dead! What else can I say, He's the man, just saying!
    The bunny is just too creepy! It's like eating a giant's bunnys poop. Yeah creepy!

  8. Taylor Fleeman
    Thursday Morning

    When I was kid, I resented Easter because my birthday would fall so close to it, and it took away from my birthday being special... I mean how can I compete with Jesus and the Easter Bunny. It's not happening. Though, I will say I have matured since then, and I no longer resent this holiday. Now-a-days, I see it as the time of year where my crazy family gets together once again, and consumes way too much food. Oh, and the butter is always shaped like a lamb. So, that's always neat. The whole day is searching for eggs, talking about Jesus, and having fun with family. Not too bad.

    So, here's to butter shaped like lamb, the bunny, Jesus, and you all enjoying a good Easter.

  9. Thursday AM

    My favorite memory of Easter when I was younger was putting on my fresh and so clean suit and making sure I knew my speech for the day. Then we would come home for this huge meal that was intended to last for the week or so. After dinner we would just go outside and chill until after dark.
    My favorite time as an adult was when a dance director wanted photography done of his company and the only time we could set it up was on Easter, so we had a cookout and photo shoot. All the dancers were in drag (men as women, women as men)and attending a mock picnic was the them for their publicity. We had a great time and the pictures were amazing.

  10. My grandmother is the definition of an irish catholic. She is very intense when it comes to easter and we would prep for days for church, the right matching outfits, the right shoes, the perfect hairstyle, and the right patch of eggs to dye. My brother and i dreaded this holiday (except the ending of lent was pretty fun) for many years until easter my 6th grade year. That year was when i got my puppies as my birthday present and my family didn't want to leave them alone for more than a couple of hours. we collectively decided to lay low that easter and it would have to be my favorite. Just being able to relax outside playing with the puppies while my dad grilled out was the highlight of my day. we still did the easter egg hunt like we did every year but it didn't feel as uptight as it normally did. Ever since that easter, we found it more fun to be relaxed on easter and its been that way ever since.

  11. LeSha Moss Tuesday Morning
    Ok, So Easter was a huge deal in our house growing up, but the one that was special to me was when we woke up that morning, we went to church, and came home to no Easter baskets. Me and my brother about called the National Guard to come get my parents because we thought it was the worst Easter ever.When the reality was they were trying to teach us that every holiday isn't about us and that we needed to celebrate what Easter was to us and share that with our family.

  12. Natasha
    thursday moring class

    My favorite easter was last easter because me and my family always go to church to watch the easter program. My oldest brother lives far away and he came to town for easter so that is what really made it special.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. My funniest Easter memory was when my sister and I rushed down the stairs to see what the Easter Bunny left us in our Easter baskets...I got a Lisa Frank notebook, Lisa Frank crayons & all kinds of candy and little gadgets...Well when I looked over to my sister's basket I noticed that she got some really kool Lisa Frank pens! Well...since I got all of the other Lisa Frank supplies I figured those pens were mine, but my sister wouldn't give them too me!

    My Mom woke up to us fighting and came downstairs, she had to explain to me that those were my sister's pens and not mine...I was so mad...You can definitely tell that I'm the baby in the family, and I was always more spoiled than my older sisters. I did eventually get over the Lisa Frank pens though.

    I love Easter, its such an emotional time of year for me...I feel like my life becomes more spiritual on this holiday, because I see how Jesus died for me, to save me and give me eternal life...Its an Amazing Holiday!

    Natalie Farrell
    Tuesday Morning Class

  15. I have some great Easter memories from my childhood. I used to spend the holiday in my grandparent's house with my parents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. We were all about the same age, and we had tons of fun together.

    Easter morning was always special: my parents used to place a huge basket filled with my favorite candies and toys beside my bed, and they would tell me the Easter Bunny left it there during the night. Then we would join the entire family for a delicious Easter lunch and spend time together.

    I like to think of Easter as a period of reflection, union, and renovation. It is a great time to remember Jesus and his unconditional love, giving us the eternal salvation.

    Happy Easter to all!!

  16. Easter has always been a big deal at my house as well as your but my parents tough me that eggs and bunnys have nothing to do with tis holiday. I really love the fact that my parents made it that way because it makes me appriciate what Jesus did for me. I love all of my easters bacause it makes me think about how God sent his son to die for ME!!! This world is huge they are so many people on earth and God calls me by my name. That is so amazing to me. on Good friday he was murded to forgive and save me from everything that i did that was wrong and today he rolled the stone away and told us he would come back, and i am waiting for that day! so as you can tell easter is very important to me!

  17. Janelle Birkey
    Tuesday Morning

    My family is very religious, so of course we go to church every sunday, but Easter Sunday's are special to me. When I was 13, I was baptized on Easter Sunday. I remember my mom crying and everyone just gathering around me. Then afterwards we went to do traditional Easter things like coloring eggs, getting a easter basket, and the egg hunt. That Easter sunday was special to me!

    P.S. I am 21 and I still get an Easter basket from my mom. Me and my older sisters have and easter egg hunt every year too! Easter is a time when we still feel like 5 year olds.

  18. Yajaira Hermosillo
    Tuesday Morning

    I really don't thing we celebrated easter like we do right know. The best memory I have for Easter was when my whole family and I went camping and rented cabins for the whole weekend. Those days are big memories with all my cousins and me. I remember that once the moon was out we made a bonfire. Everyone sat around the fire and talked and ate mashmallows, chocolate, and cookies. Sunday morning all my aunts and mom made breakfast and everyone ate when the food was done. When it was almost time to go we hide the eggs and all the little ones would go and hunt for eggs. Thoughs were the best years of my life. Thoughs memorys will never go away.

  19. Jake Kawaguchi
    Tuesday am

    My family has never been religious and being a boy of course there was no need for a new easter dress, but I vaguely remember one easter morning I was at my grandparents house and they had hidden candy and baskets full of chocolate bunnies down in the basement, and mind you I was very young, but I could have swore that as I was walking down the stairs to claim my loot I saw the shadow of the easter bunny down there, almost as if he was fleeing from having just left candy! Know don't ask me how he was able to leave the basement without going through the one doorway that I was standing in, or why he looked like the trix rabbit, but I'm pretty sure it was him.

    Nowadays I just celebrate easter by getting a whole bunch of 50% of candy the day after! Which is today! I already got my haul, did you?

  20. My best Easter memories are my dad telling stories about the Easter Bunny and how he gets to all the houses on a uni cycle

    Rachael Stone
    Tuesday Morning

  21. My favorite Easter celebration memories are from when I was a kid in Brazil and my Grandmother (my mother's mother) was still alive. She used to prepare a huge meal at her house for the whole family. In Brazil they don't do hunting eggs, but they have huge chocolate eggs very well decorated and very tasty.

    My grandma used to raise rabbits and kill them for Easter. We (the children) didn't know the "chicken" we were eating were actually rabbit, but that we just found out when we were older. My siblings, cousins and I laugh about the time when we used to eat rabbit in so many Easter celebrations without knowing.

  22. Sarah Green Tuesday morning/claSS
    My personally experience about easter is truly what I beleive,that Jesus rose from the dead.I really dont celebrate it by the candy and the rabbit.. But I will say My favorite easter sunday was when I went to a play at church and watch about Jesus and his resurection.But for the most part every easter sunday was my favorite.

  23. L.Chelsea Webb morning class
    its been so long since ive really done anything for easter other than eat dinner with half a family i dont know, the only thing that i can think of is hunting for easter eggs about 5 years ago at my grandmas. BUT WAIT! I DO remember one easter there my aunt came home from flordia and decided to put up a "adult" easter egg hunt. Well, i was designated to hide the eggs. inside the eggs were various things that included lighters. well me and my friends had been playing in the woods and had indeed been making small fires. so i wanted a lighter. so while i was out hiding, i snuck one into my pocket (the lighter itself). best part? no one suspected me of taking one of the prizes. my aunt just assumed she had forgotten to put one in the egg.

  24. Bethany Hackman.
    Tuesday Morning.

    Every Easter since I can remember we would always go to church at the 6am service. After that, family would get together at our family business. We always ate at one, then the parents would go hide the eggs all around outside. The then kids would go find them and we'd go back upstairs and sort out our eggs which would either be filled with candy or money. But, ever since I turned 10 I started to help hide the eggs. Hahaa. It's always a great time.

  25. Tiffany Needler
    Thursday Morning

    My favorite Easter I can remember is when myself and my siblings would wake up to find the eggs already hiden in the house along with your easter baskets already filled to the top with goodies. After we found all the eggs we would get dressed in our new dresses and drive to Brown County State Park. That was where the fun really began. There the we would have another Easter egg hunt, with the presents much bigger and much more expensive. OOO how thing have changed the older we all get.

  26. Tuesday Morning

    My Family is Hispanic and as you said that for your family it was a big deal to celebrate this holiday. well its the same for us. Everyone in the house had to get their Easter clothes ready and in the morning when it was time to go to church everyone had to shower and get all dolled up., after church mom would have a place in the park already set up for us and would hand us baskets and she would say off you go. the eggs would be filled with money or candy., whoever would find the most eggs would get an extra prize and each of us would get a basket filled with all kinds of cavities., so much fun but now for this easter, it was the first away from my parents and what did i do on easter.? i worked all day and it was crazy i tell you. but hey its life.,

  27. I don't have a favorite memory but every year, all of the kids in my family would get new Easter suites and for the girls, dresses. The boys would all go to Tom Olesker's, a men's clothing store, to get our suites tailored. Weeks prior we all had to memorize speeches for easter to say in church on that Sunday. We would pick up our suite on Saturday and Sunday morning we wake up and get dressed and compare outfits and brag about how much better we looked than each other. We went to church and said our speeches, listened to the pastor preach an awesome sermon, and then go home for dinner. Oh dinner...It was a feast, "I tell you what!" -Hank Hill, King of the Hill We would eat and play basketball then watch a movie on the life of Jesus. After everything was over my cousins and every year would sit and talk about what God did for us and how hard it must have been to watch your child go through that and couldn't do anything about it. It had to come to pass. I love Easter and the things we did then. I just hope that my children can have some of the same experiences.

  28. My Easters were allot like yours, minus the big golden egg, I would get a nice new Easter suite, wait patiently in line with the other kids in the front of the family church for my chance to hunt for Easter eggs, I was always the last kid for some reason so by the time I made it out to find eggs half of them were already picked up, so I would convince the other boys to throw them at each other. Just kidding, Ok no I'm not. It isn't as bad as it sounds though, because despite getting in trouble we had some harmless fun, they didn't hurt that bad. I remember teasing with the others and biting the ears off of my chocolate bunny's and pretending that they couldn't hear' oh no I cant hear, oh no my fluffy little tail is gone.' sadly this Easter I didn't get my favorite peeps someone ate them before I could lick them all, as defense for the others grubby little fingers. just kidding, Easter in my family is more for the kids now, oh and to celebrate the rising of Christ, the tulips, oh and the laying of bunny eggs ;)

  29. My favorite Easter memory is before my dad passed away every Easter after church we would get in his truck and go fishing. Its one of my fondest memories of my father and definitely my favorite thing about Easter.

  30. Ryan Pluckebaum

    Thursday Morning

    My favorite Easter memory is when the family and myself would get up and grab some good old fashion woven baskets and go collect eggs at the grandparents house. Each egg had something different inside because the eggs were plastic and were able to hold fun and awesome prizes. It was some good times.

  31. Nicole Gurnick

    Nicole Gurnick
    Thursday Morning Class

    My favorite springtime memory would hav to be when was born. It was in the spring of '99 and it was April 6th. It was exciting for me because I was an aunt and it was the first grandchild for my parents. So now it is 2011 he is 12 which makes me feel old and there is only a seven year difference.

  32. My favorite Easter/Springtime Memory is back when I was 8 or 9 when my family woke up and got all dressed up. Then it was off to church. I can't really recall the sermon all so well but the core message I will never forget. After church we went home and had a lunch hand made by my mother. Shortly after our belly's were full it was off to grandma's for the annual hunt. Finding eggs meant lots of quarters. In addition to the smaller eggs meaning 25 cents the larger eggs were worth a whole dollar. Even more exciting was that year I found one of the two bronze eggs worth a 2-dollar-bill. That day I left with $67.25 betting both my brothers and most of the adults. Satisfied with myself and excited about the days winnings I gloated to my mother. True to form she informed me it wasn't polite to gloat and that I shouldn't participate in such activities. Immediately following the scolding Me and Dad took off to the woods for an evening mushroom hunting. While being greatly out classed by my fathers keen ability to spot the morels from further distances than I, I quickly became discouraged and began to wonder the woods for something to keep my entertained. I came upon a small mud puddle near a drain that was separated from a larger pond do to the recent rain. To my surprise there were two seemly large (compared to my current size) catfish swimming in small circles. I quickly ran to the truck and grabbed a small pale from the bed and returned to the puddle. After several minutes of thinking I captured the fish in the pale along with enough water to sustain life for a reasonable amount of time. Then back to the truck I when meet by my father with two heaping bags of mushrooms I presented him with what I had found myself. He merely chuckled and waved me into the truck. Once home Dad and myself uncovered an old tank out in the garage and cleaned it up. Meanwhile dad informing me that the fish were to large to live very long in the 30 gal tank we had. Once the tank was setup we let the catfish go into the tank. There they stayed for nearly a year as we took care of them and watched them swim. This means a lot to me because even though my dad didn't want to take care of two adolescent catfish he knew it meant the world that I had caught and captured them. By far one of the best memories of my childhood.

    Brett A. Williams

    Tuesday Morning Class

  33. I've always liked Easter mainly, because I would get Reese eggs they're so addictive. When I was little we used to have a egg hunt at my grandma's house and one of the eggs was silver and much bigger than the others with money in it. I only found it once and I was so proud of myself, because I beat my two older brothers to it. When I opened it I only found a dollar in quarters and I spent it on candy from a vending machine. That pretty much sums up my greatest Easter moment.

  34. stephanie Harrison
    Thursday morning
    I really don’t have one favorite Easter memory; it’s more like a butch of little aspects of Easter that I remember. The first one is when we were kids my mom would make our Easter dresses, so me and my sisters would all have the same dress in our favorite colors. The next one was at my dad’s parents; we would go there and have a huge Easter egg hunt where you had to find the most eggs. Who ever found the most got a prize, but really no one left empty handed. At my mom’s parents we would have the plastic Easter eggs and we each would have a certain color we would have to find. The first egg would be in a basket on the table with our name on it and then when you opened the egg you would find a clue inside leading you to the next egg. You had to follow the trail to get your basket. Oh and one more thing that I remember is that we would always watch the 1948 movie: Easter parade with Judy garland and Fred Astaire. The movie is one thing I look forward to every year.

  35. Dulcie L. Holcomb
    Thursday morning

    my favorite memory has to do with my grandmother. we always hid the eggs time and time again.. whether is was warm or dry, we would hide the eggs inside or out.. regardless of the weather..

  36. I always remember the easter egg hunt on my mom's side of the family. She has a big family and a lot of my cousins and I are within the same age group. We had a giant easter egg hunt, I swear our parents had to fill up like 100 eggs! One egg was gold and always had $5 in it so it would be hid the best and everyone wanted it. I'll always remember the year I got the golden egg :)

  37. Kia Davenport,
    Thursday Morning

    My favorite spring memory is created every spring. The smell in the air really cheers me up after a long winter. Spring also always meant a break from basketball as a child and being a year round player, that really meant freedom. I enjoy spring about half as much as the best is yet to come!

  38. Brandon Weifenbach
    thurs am

    Yeah, internet's back on, sorry for the delay. The best memories of spring that I have are taking road trips to Ohio for MSI shows with my friends. Awesome.

  39. For Easter my family and I would always go to church and then head over to my grandmas for dinner. She would have good food prepared and Easter baskets for all the kids complete with the eggs we colored the day before. We never ate the eggs though, except my brother Jacob, he always ate them with salt. My grandpa would hide big plastic eggs around his farm and several of them had money in them so we always scrambled to find them before the other kids in the family. And then we would lounge around and eat dessert and gossip about everyone in our town, ahhh good memories.

  40. I've never really celebrated Easter. I think the only holidays I've celebrated were Christmas, 4th of July. But I always wondered about it. Like how it came to be and what do you do on that day. I mean I could research it. But I would always forget to do it. Lol. Just like how I always forget to research the 7 wonders of the world.

  41. My favorite spring memory would have to be in 2007 because it was my first year away from my family on my own. It let m know that i could depend on myself. Yes I missed my family but I knew that I would be home in a year and see them. It was a good growing point in my life. Sorry I'm just now seeing that I missed this post.

  42. My favorite thing about Easter as a child would have to be painting the eggs. I have always been artistic and as a kid I loved doing that. My brother and I would spend ours just talking and painting them :)

  43. My favorite thing about Easter when I was little was getting to dress up for church. Getting to pick out a new dress and matching hats was alway a big deal for me and my sisters. Now that I am older, we no longer go to church so there is no need to dress for the occasion. We still celebrate Easter by getting together and letting the kids hunt for eggs in the yard, but it is all really casual. I miss the big production.

  44. I cant answer this because my best easter is went my family go to chicago and wake up seeing eggs every where and went my mom count down to 1 and when we here that 1 we really get it to it because their money in them so we really and i mean really hurt each other just to get them. Lol i remember this one time my mom tould us that she put an 100 in one of the egg and yaaa. That did not end up well for none of us and. That was not the last time she did it. Till this day we go to chiago to my grandperant house and fight over the eggs.

  45. Natasha Hill
    Thursday moring class

    I think that the class was a great class and I learned alot of info that I did not know. I think you are a cool teacher just like Sarah and I cannot wait to present tomorrow because my visual is the bomb and it deserves to be on the board lol

  46. My immediate family was never very religious, so on Easter we did not get dressed up and go to church. We also were never ones to dye eggs or have Easter egg hunts. My favorite parts of Easter was waking up in the morning. Whenever I woke up in the morning, my parents would have Easter baskets set out for my brother and I. They always included our favorite candies and often times some sort of extra gift was included. On Easter I also enjoyed helping my dad make dinner.
