This week in class we started our study of the Constitution and the freedoms that it guarantees us. You can order your own free copy of the Constitution at:
In previous classes, I have asked students about what freedoms they value most. It always prompts a good discussion and many times we realize just how much we take for granted living in America.
Since this is a new quarter and a new class, I would like to pose a slightly different question: “What freedom is missing from the Constitution? Is there a right that we should have, but don’t? What other freedoms would you like to have?” Answers are due no later than Thursday, October 15th, 2009.
I feel like there are too many restrictions for those who would choose to serve in the military. financial situation, the number of children you claim, and even tatoos can determine whether you can actually join the military. This has always been a sore spot for me. If America is worth defending, fighting for, and if need be die for; it should not have so many regulations determining whether you qualify to do so. Come on a tatoo, give me a break! Our freedoms to serve and defend our country should be a matter of choice regardless of sexual oreintation, religious beliefs, or for that matter finaincial situation. If need be, they could garnish those wages just as an ordinary civilian job.
ReplyDeleteBruce A. Wilson
I have always felt that the Supreme Court usually oversteps their power regarding 'right to life' issues. There have always been more men than women serving as justices in the Supreme Court. Always. In my opinion, the decision of 'right to life' issues should not be made by men. Men have no clue about this topic and never will.
ReplyDeleteFrom another point of view, this has also been a largely controversial religious issue as well. God says this, and God says that. Until God can testify before the Supreme Court, this decision should be left up to individual women to decide.
Keith M.
Good point, Keith, for the most part. Although I believe women should take a greater part in this decision, I will not agree that men have no clue.
ReplyDeleteHowever, following Roe vs. Wade the choice was granted by federal law, whether individual states hold pre-1973 law intact or not. Without further research, I believe the law still stands. There are many fighting for pro-life, yet we continue the rapid increase in the ratio of overpopulation. These are mainly separate topics, but when you think about it a bit the topics coincide.
I guess my argument to the protesters would be if the law prohibits pro-choice parenting, shall we create stricter laws against sex, or shall we greatly expand sex education? My point here is that America is free to engage in sexual activities creating these children, why are we not free to make last minute decisions to take them away?
I agree with acting with-in the limits of this constitution, which was originally created under the discretion of God. However, in accordance with abortion, I do not believe the U.S. government shall ever play God by taking away this 'freedom'.
Oh yes, I would like to do my final project on Abortion, James.
If a person committed a crime and they have served their time, why aren’t they allowed to vote in the election? I know someone who was in prison (not for a serious crime like murder) but for other stupid stuff. He has totally changed his life around and when it was time to vote in the 2000 Presidential election, I asked him was he going to vote. He said he could not vote because he is an ex-felon and by law ex-felons are not allowed to vote. However, after so many years it appears that they now may be able to vote. So ex-felons not only serve their time but they must also wait on more time before they can voice their opinions when it comes to voting. Perhaps, I could be wrong with how much time they have to wait before voting but if it is such a long time I think this should change. Lee Jackson
ReplyDeleteThis question comes difficult for me to answer with still being in the younger part of the generation I still have much to learn. However, I would like to state the facts of how it is stressed over and over how students should go to college to conduct his or her dreams to their future. In result, the ones who do take those challenges for the future are more often set back by the expenses of college.
ReplyDeleteHow can students be successful when the student is in debt before he or she has even completed their degree? Yes, the ultimate goal is to make plethora of money after graduation, but realistically sometimes that's not always the case after schooling. I will personally say that's what worries me, that my grate-great grandchildren will be suffering from me degree. I pray that that doesn't come to past, but that thought is in the back of my mind.
So, is there a way to solve this situation? Can the Constitution be of any help? I have faith that things will work out for the better, but I often think about others that are following behind me with his or her degrees. If not already had to change colleges because of the expenses. In conclusion, I stand behind to still stress the facts of college degrees, but what's the solutions on financial stuggles after the completion? ~ Anesia M. ~
I think the the constitution offers us the most important freedoms. It's the smaller issues that disturb me the most, such as: I think I should have the freedom to purchase a bottle of wine on Sunday, I feel that I should have the freedom to park in the nearest parking lot at the Art Institute. The cost of tuition paid by students should be more than enough to cover a parking space. After all, only a few of the parking spaces are reserved, the rest should be free for the taking. I also feel that I should have the freedom to drive my car without having to wear a seatbelt. The crazy thing is, we put our kids on school buses everyday that do not have seatbelts. I am aware of the safety issues but this should be my decision not that of my government. Jana Griffin
ReplyDeleteI think that people who need welfare the most should have that freedom of getting it if they need it. This includes medical assistance, cash assistance, WIC, and food stamps. Welfare is basically for individuals or families who need financial or other assistance in order for them to survive.
ReplyDeleteI believe that people who don't need it take this for granted and don't think about the people who really need it. For example, my friend applied for food stamps, but unlike her I am a single mother that has no job, have to find a way to feed my daughter and I, and relying on my mother's insurance. My friend has a job, can still get food because she lives with her mother, and doesn't have medical problems. Sometimes I notice how other people will just sign up for welfare because they just want extra stuff and not have to purchase anything.
I know the economy is bad right now, but I just think that the government should look further into who really needs welfare the most and not just give it to anybody. So I believe that the people who are really struggling should have the freedom to receive the welfare that he/she may need!
I think that every person that has been committed of a crime, and couldn't get a job because of it should get the chance to change their life. If you have no job you can't provide for yourself or your family and you depend on others to help you. This is not a great situation to be in because, you could end up on the streets trying to survive.
ReplyDelete"It's Hard Out There on the Streets", People living on the streets have no shelter, little food, little clothes, and only themselves. Also they resort to crime to get money and food. I would never want to be put in that kind of situation. The people that are involved with the government should go and live on the street for a week to see how harsh it is for a human being.
Every person that has done wrong in this world should get the chance to make it right again. Some do and don't. The ones that don't should because it doesn't make it right to take that away from someone.
I feel that people should have the option and dignity of dying on their own terms and not on terms of their illness. If they are faced where they would be kept alive miserably and are barely making it, then they should be able to make the decision to not have to struggle unnecessarily.
ReplyDeleteAnother point of going with this is that if people have written in their will that they don't want a feeding tube or something along those lines, then the family should respect their wishes instead of going against their wishes.
Everyone is faced at one point in time with a life or death situation, but sometimes if you can't make it on your own, you should have the right to choose your death.
Anna Wilson
What i think that is crap with our freedom and it is not just because I am not of the legal drinking age yet, but i can go overseas and get killed when I turn eighteen but i can not go out and get a beer if I would liek to. I think that is some crap because the United States are one of four countries i beleive and those other places we are engaged in war with. Other places have there drinking laws when there are of the age of eighteen. So i can go out and buy smokes which are even worse for me at the age of eighteen but i can go to the bar. I can go to war and get killed by are mistake by one of our own military personel but i cant have a drink. I think that this is something that the supreme court and everyone else in the govt. needs to think about because this is crap!
ReplyDeleteThe freedom I think America is lacking is the freedom for independent students to go to school. Students with children or are married get a lot of benefits for school, or students whose parents still claim them on their taxes also get more benefits or at least have the ability of their parents co-signing for loans. Students who are independent from their parents a lot of time do not have established credit and are even sometimes struggling month to month with bills so they could not pay for school in cash. So the freedom I would like to see in America is the freedom for independent students to get financial help for school.
ReplyDeleteI personally do not believe that we as Americans lack very few freedoms. It is pretty clear to me after hearing about other countries that we have more freedom than we know what to do with. I am not saying that we have no restrictions whatsoever and that I dont believe that some of our laws are completely ridiculous(such as: under the Act for Prevention of Gaming a three dollar fine per pack will be imposed on anyone playing cards in Indiana) I am just saying we have more than enough basic freedoms. I consider myself very lucky to have been born in this country, and am proud to be an American citizen. It is my opinnion that many people in other countries fear their government. I have never felt that way, and for that I am thankful.
ReplyDelete1) & 3) As far as our freedoms, I feel that this is a great and wonderful country. However, it wasn't always that way. America is not perfect, nor does it have a perfect history. In order for this country to achieve the freedoms we have now, it had to endure and go through some very harsh times. I would definitely say that if it wasn't for the trails and tribulations that this country has suffered in the past, it wouldn't be a great country now. We are a country that has learned from alot of its mistakes, even though some of those mistakes took hundreds of years to learn from, but "better late than never". So with that said, I can't really think of any freedoms they we are missing or in need of at this time (that may change as I continue the course), I'm content as an American citizen. I wouldn't want to live in any other country.
ReplyDelete2)If there was a right that I feel we should have, it would be to have the right to deny paying taxes. Only if you feel doubtful about how your money is being used, don't agree with how it is being used, feel like it should go toward something of your choice, the fact that we shouldn't have to anyway, how do know if they are being truthful about the use of our money, or simply not being able to spare it due to personalized necessities. Our government don't necessarily have a reputation of being honest. Actual quite the opposite. It's easy to tell someone were their money is going, it's a lot harder to show them where their money is going. I won't be satisfied til I'm shown where our money is going not just told. I'm not that simple or that easily persuaded.
I had a difficult time trying to choose another freedom; other than the ones that currently exist in our constitution. If there were one I would really contemplate it would be on a positive conclusion to the debate over gay marriage. I do not claim to be a hardcore activist, but I do believe that anyone who loves someone enough to want to spend the rest of their life with that person should be allowed to do so the same as everyone else. I also believe that the same rights and priveledges should accompany that bond. If two people are that committed to their life together I think that builds a positive social future for everyone. After all, don't homosexual men and women want the same traditions as any heterosexual couple in our society? Is it possible for a woman who is a lesbian to dream about her perfect wedding day and to have it all planned since she was a little girl only there is another blushing bride instead of a handsome groom? Is it possible for a heterosexual woman to have the same dream, but see her handsome groom instead? Love has always been regarded as a thing of beauty but still there are those that will turn their nose to it and call it ugly. Society and history can be a real bear sometimes. Thanks for listening. I'm very new to debating but I am always interested in hearing alternate sides to all situations because I find that someone always has something interesting to say and that's how we learn.
ReplyDeleteTravis L. Flick
Overall, I feel blessed to be in a country with freedoms that are present on a daily basis. On the other hand, this since of freedom holds a falseness to it. Take for example the smoking ban that just came through in Indianapolis and surrounding cities and towns. Whether I agree with smoking or not is not the discussion, it's the fact that at any time, people in our society can make something so big, that the conclusion is yet again, another right is taken away. Did the business owners get the right to make the decision for smoking or non-smoking in their facilities? These are businesses that they own and run with their money and their energy, helping society. Yet laws are created and passed so yet another right is taken away. I know that their are a lot of people against smoking, but what is some of those non-smokers had their alcohol banned? Who is to say that alcohol won't be next-it's not an extreme thought.
ReplyDeleteThe freedoms that have already been established are essential to America and how we govern our society. The Constitution makes life easier and opens numerous doors for individuals who may not otherwise have certain opportunities. I am extremely blessed to be able to further my education in a field that I am interested in and can excel at in life. My main concern with achieving a college education is the price to attend school. I understand that universities, colleges, institutes, etc. need to make a profit in order maintain the level of education being provided to students, but the cost that students are paying is many times overwhelming and prevents a lot of people from considering college as an option for themselves. There are a lot of scholarships/ grants out there, but it would be an ideal freedom if a person were allowed to gain an education without overbearing fees.
ReplyDeletei agree with most of the items mentioned above. i do not however think that we as americans overlook and take advantage of the freedoms we abuse everyday. i would'nt really like to see new freedoms other than to have the ones actually mean something again the freedom of speech for the most part is a lie. freedom of religion also is one of those freedoms that are overlooked but not respected in my opinion. if a child wants to pray it is there right although they get expelled. but if a parent doesnt want there kid to say the word god in the pledge so they remove the church from school all together. all in all i feel that we need to stop and look at all our freedoms and look at the fact that they are more guide lines for us to live with more than freedoms seeing that the govt. can change them anytime they feel it goes against someones civil liberties. there are not ever going to be a part of the sonstitution that makes the masses happy anymore. people will pick at something just so they have something to bitch about.
ReplyDeleteThere are many freedoms that we do over look everyday, however it's nice to think apon new ones. Ones that might make life better for the most of us. Even if people just pick one to speak about, it means they are thinking of ways that might impove our nation as they see it needed to me.
ReplyDeleteFor me, I know it's a "Hot Topic", but I believe that there should be Universal Health Care. I grew up in a household not so well off and it's been a struggle with healthcare. I'm lucky that I don't have any health issues. I know there are plenty of pros and cons on bother sides though. A lot of the cons weighing out the pros included higher taxes and longer lines to even see a doctor. However, if they could look at were other countries are having cons with the programs and figure out a way to change it. I with it would be befit our nation.
I am sure that many people will disagree with this, but we should have the right to smoke pot. Start by looking at prescription drugs like painkillers and muscle relaxers which are heavily abused and over-prescribed. Next, take a look at how many alcoholics exist today and all of the threats they pose to our society, and it is still legal. Marijuana is only said to be "potentially addictive" with 10% of users claiming to be addicted. The point is that there is use and then there is abuse. I do not think it is wise to abuse anything but smoking pot every now and then can hardly be worse than having cocktails every now and again.
ReplyDeleteSeeing as how i'm a war veteran from the United States military, i put my life on the line so Americans could proudly live with this sence of freedom and rights given to us for our for-fathers. myself personaly however, i cherish the fact that i can now chose to live the way that i want to live. to me there is no greater gift than to live your life by your own standards while prusuing your own happiness. the only other thing that i can say to my fellow classmates is that i hope they live a long and prosperous life, its why i joined the service.
ReplyDeleteThere are few freedoms that we do not have, but the freedom to bear arms is something that I feel is highly unnecessary. Only because killing or injuring with a gun is much 'easier' than other weapons. I personally think that the law should be the only people in the U.S. to have guns. But besides that the freedoms that I think should be given are smoking of marijuana and same-sex marriage. For these to be illegal or banned is simply ridiculous. There are all kinds of downers and drugs that are legal and I just don't believe that people in the U.S. should be prosicuted for posetion of marijuana. Also gays should be able to marry whoever they want. They are equal people just like the rest of the Americans and shouldn't be treated as if they arent.