Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Your Thoughts and Feedback Are Appreciated!

As we wrap up another quarter, I would like to say that I have really enjoyed this class. I think we had good discussions, and I hope you learned something! You all make me realize why I love my job. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
For our last blog post, I would like to know your thoughts and comments on this class. "What did you like most? What did you like least? Is there anything I can change to make the class better?" I always take your feedback to heart, so please be honest! Answers are due no later than Monday, September 21st, 2009. After that, the blog will be down until class resumes next quarter. Have a wonderful fall break!


  1. I forgot the blog, so sorry! The best part of this class is the teacher, Stephanie. The excitement of this subject helped motivate my own excitement toward the class.I would have liked to take the quiz each week instead of spaced out to fewer but with more information to retain. Love, Loved this class!

  2. This was by far the most fun GE class I have taken at AI. I really do enjoy this subject and had a blast being able to discuss points of view of varying subjects. I have to agree with Trina I would have liked a test every week instead of spread out. Keep it up.

    J. Chambers

  3. I loved this class, and I was afraid I would hate it. Although I wasn't a very good test-taker, I feel like I still learned a lot, mainly because of the teacher. Stephanie, you made this class exciting. I liked the class discussions because we all got to voice our own opinions. I really wish I had another class that you taught. :-( I agree with Trina with the quizzes- I feel like I never knew 100% what would be on there, or better yet what to study that is more important. Thanks for a wonderful class!!

    --Kristen Rice

  4. This was a really enjoyable class. Stephanie, you are a great teacher and make every minute of the class enjoyable. Although I did forget it a few times, I thought the blog was one of the best parts of the class. It was a great way to discuss your interests and opinions and receive a grade for it rather than opening up a book and answering questions. There wasn't really anything I disliked about the class, however, after reading the other comments I can understand the comments regarding a test every week.

  5. What I enjoyed most about this class was the way every one seemed so open to speak their mind about the various topics that we covered. It really gave us all a chance to see which topics where important to certain people. I wish that every class would allow the students to engage in conversation the way that this class did. What I really didn't enjoy about this class were the LONG power point slides. It just got a little tiring seeing those power points every class. Other than that though, I enjoyed the class and thought that Stephanie was a very good teacher.

  6. Overall I really enjoyed this class and Stephanie.I've really enjoyed the blog almost more so than anything else and i really enjoyed the dicussions and the fact that everyone really stayed proffesional in regards to other people's opinion... My only negetive comment would be I think small ungraded quizes in between power points would really help with studying for the tests. I'm sure thats just my own opinion, but i know that would help me. Stephanie is a great teacher and i love her excitement and she really is one of the most entertaining teachers i've ever had. Stephanie i think you should do stand-up. haha

  7. Stephanie, you are a great teacher! Without your entertainment in class, it would be extremely boring. Personally, I have never been interested in this subject, but you made it fun. I think it would be helpful if we could review in class before the test or atleast have the first 15 min or so to look over our notes. Great Job teaching!!

  8. I really enjoyed this class. I have always been interested in history and you made it very fun. I really liked how you ran the class and didn't put some much emphasis of our grade on one certain aspect. I think that the quizzes should be after only a chapter or two instead of 3 or 4. It would be easier to study for, but still help me learn each chapter. Overall, I loved this class and I can't wait to take another class with you!

  9. I think that Stephanie did an excellent job teaching this class. She made it very interesting and got everyone involved very well. I enjoyed the class discussions and debates a lot. I'm not sure if there was anything in the class that I did not enjoy. She made everything interesting, and even got me more interested in our government. Thank-you.

  10. Honestly I was dreading to take the class because I had little interest in politics and current issues. Throughout the quarter my opinons have changed. I have more respect for political discussions and I actually take part in them. I think I enjoyed the class more because of your humor. Hopefully I will be able to take another class with you.

  11. I really didn't want to take this class because i don't pay attention to politics and i really have no interest in political issues. But this class made me want to get involved and learn more about is happening in the world and our country. I really liked our group discussions because everyone was able to state their opinions and views on certain topics. I enjoyed this class way more than I thought I would. I've learned a lot and gained a lot of information from this class and look at my country in a different aspect. Also you are a great teacher you get everyone involved and your completely funny. Your teaching personality makes the class more enjoyable even though some topics were boring. Thank you

  12. I loved this class! Historical and Political Issues is not something that generally interests me, but Stephanie did an amazing job at keeping me entertained. I learned stuff in this class that I probably would have never known. I liked that other than studying for quizzes and the final project, our only homework was the blog. I enjoyed the blog as well and I think you are running the class in a great manor.
    -Casey Frederick

  13. I liked the blogs, and hearing everyone's opinions. It's interesting to hear everyone's views and why they feel the way they do about certain subjects. I didn't like how class was the same everyday. Changing it up a little bit could have made the information more interesting to learn.

  14. This class was a big eye opener for me on how ignorant I was about Government and how it works. I found myself correcting people in conversations when we talked about a political issue and I was kind shocked, because just a quarter ago I would have kept my mouth shut because of how little I knew. If it was any other teacher, this class would have been a huge snooze fest. I really enjoyed the lectures because it gave people an opportunity to speak their mind. I also like how we never got angry at each other when voicing our opinions, at least, no one seemed angry every time I opened my mouth! The blogs were really cool too. I think the quizzes should be every week, only because some of the chapters can be a bit long. The only thing I was disappointed in was my own presentation. I didn't prepare like I should and it showed. So I'll beat myself up over that, but it wasn't a fault of Stephanie's. Picking our own topic was cool, instead of have a topic we have no interest in be forced on us. THANKS, Stephanie and everyone for making a class that I looked forward to every week.

    -Nicholas Alexander

  15. The class was okay. I still am not a big fan of history and political issues. But I did learn a lot from this class. I think that short quizes every week would help me retain the information better.

  16. I really enjoyed the class. This class was not at all what I expected, in a good way. My first thought was, "Ugh, why do I have to take a history class again?" Or, "Why do I have to study annoying politics?" Thankfully Stephanie was a lot of fun and easy to understand. The only thing that I didn't like were the quizzes only because I have never been a fantastic quiz taker. I definately enjoyed presentations. It was a change of pace and fun to learn extended information from surrounding students. I also thought it was neat to see how we could be really deep and somewhat heated within our discussions without judging others or be-littling (sp?) one another.

  17. I really loved this class even though I don't consider myself the most politically or historically savvy individual. I learned so much and really liked hearing the opinions of others. We had a really interesting and diverse class that allowed me to look at views other than my own. I learned to question the things that I hear and to not take anything at face value. I think that this is a skill that will come in handy in life. Stephanie also made the class much more interesting than it may have ben with a different instructor. Thanks Stephanie for caring about us and helping us learn a subject that is intrinsically pretty boring.

  18. I had a great time. I enjoyed the debates and despite the fact that there were views that differed from person to person we were able to discussed them without individuals becoming heated.

    I enjoyed listening too and taking into consideration a different perspective and being challenged to not accept information spoon fed to me, but to investigate on my own.

    Stephanie made the class enjoyable, we were able to laugh and have a good time while learning. Thank you Stephanie!
