Monday, June 8, 2009

Your Thoughts and Feedback Are Appreciated!

As we wrap up another quarter, I would like to say that I have really enjoyed this class. I think we had good discussions, and you made coming to class feel like fun instead of work. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

For our last blog post, I would like to know your thoughts and comments on this class. "What did you like most? What did you like least? Is there anything I can change to make the class better?" I always take your feedback to heart, so please be honest! Answers are due no later than Sunday, June 14t, 2009. After that, the blog will be down until class resumes next quarter. Have a wonderful summer break!


  1. I really enjoyed this class it was very interesting. I also learned many things from having this class. I do not think you should change anything the class is fine how it is. The thing I liked the most is the discussions we had in class that way we could hear other views on issues.

  2. I too enjoyed the discussions that we had in class. I think it is amusing to see how people can get so interested in politics in such a short a time. At the begging of class, I told myself that I would not get wrapped up in debates about political issues because I did not want to anger anyone. But I was unable to keep that promise, and luckily I don't believe I said anything that really upset anyone else. I really enjoyed class, and I believe that things are fine just the way they are. Thanks for the fun and learning, Ms. James

  3. I actually really liked this class. When I first signed up for it, I was thinking that it was going to be completely boring, but I was wrong. I can actually say that I've learned quite a bit from your class. I liked how we had discussions in class to get everyones opinion on issues. I don't think you should change anything about the class, it was fun. Thanks for being an awesome teacher! :)

  4. I really had a good time in this class. I loved how everyone got involved and shared their opinion and perspective in the topics we discussed. I didn’t know what to expect from this class, but after ten weeks I am very pleased to what I got out of it. I really liked how the quizzes were spread out instead of tying to study so much information at once. I wouldn’t change anything about the class.

  5. Stephanie, I thought this class was going to be a "oh my gosh" why do I have to take it and when can I get out! I have to say i enjoyed myself! I learned quit a few things I didn't know before and I owe that all to you! Thank you! As you kind of figured out, I'm not one to keep my feelings in. I really liked the class discussions and how everyone was respectful of each other. After all we are all in college. So thank you again, and have an awesome summer!!

  6. i liked this class more than i thought i would. the only thing i would want to change: to be able to get more points. points were only offered in a few ways. i dont really like doing homework but i would have done it to get more points for the class. it was nice to be in a class where people werent afriad to express their feelings and opinions.

  7. I thought the class was very informative, and I enjoyed the open discussions and hearing other classmates' opinions. I would agree with Stacy about having more points, because I believe that it takes some pressure off the students if more points are added to the course, such as sharing weekly current events. Other than that, you did a good job Stephanie. Thank you.

  8. i actually really enjoyed this class. i thought i was not going to like it at all. The ting i liked most about this class is that we could speak our minds and let our views out. I also liked that you had a god background in this subject matter and it seemed you could answere any questions that we had. i really enjoyed this class.

  9. In high school I never enjoyed History but since I've been in your class it has been very informative. You made it come to life instead of a boring class. The only thing I have a problem with are the test. I am not a good test taker. I'm more a hands on person. But for the most part I think I did ok. Thank you Stephanie, you are great. I will miss you.

  10. I would echo the comments that I enjoyed the open dialog regarding whatever issues we were looking at in that lesson. I found it interesting to be exposed to so many widely varying viewpoints on a multitude of issues. I liked the final project, but I think it would have been interesting to view both sides of an issue back to back, not a debate persay but an more in depth examination of the two sides to an issue.

  11. I really enjoyed taking this class. I liked how we were able to have open discussions about the topics. I liked how you gave everyone an option to share their opinion about the many different topics. I learned a lot in this class. I actually enjoyed going to this class compared to some of my other classes. :) You made history class fun, and I think you did a great job at teaching. The only thing that I would try to do differently is make everyone only be able to share their opinion a few times each class, because sometimes a couple of people would share their opinions too much. By doing that, it would also give the other quiet people in the class a better opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions. Other than that I wouldn't change anything. You are a great teacher!

  12. This class was cool. I dont think the topics or the subject could really ever be interesting yet you found a way to make it a bit exciting. Thanks for putting a little effort into making it interesting. Thanks and continue to do a great job. Thanks!!! Have a nice break and hope things get better for you and your family.

  13. After taking your class twice, I learned alot of things that I probably wouldn't have cared to much about. Your class was great, maybe the only thing that I would change would be to have it 2 days instead of just one. It gets a little long sometimes. But in all it was a great class, the descussion/debates were my favorite part because it gives you a chance to see the personal side of your fellow students! Thank you it as great.

  14. The thing that I liked the most was that we got to share what we wanted and everything and you showed us how politics weren't as boring as we all thought. One thing I did not like was the slides they got boring at times.

  15. I have to say that this is one of my favorite classes. It is my last quarter and have enjoyed it very much...talking about issues that relate to today. Everyone's opinion means something, no matter how diferent it is.

  16. What I enjoyed most about the class was the wide open disscusion sessions. What I liked least was the fact that the class will have to end, due to I really believe that I'm being prepared for this arena of the political world. At this present time I can't think of anything you could do to make this class better - I have absolutely enjoyed it. I love the special spice of yourself (personality) that you bring and allowed to fill the class room, it keeps you asking for more. You can definitely tell that you are serious about historical & political issues and that speaks for it self through your teaching! Thank you for a great quarter and enjoy your summer break as well!!! Thank you, Shannon Sellars

  17. The class was ok, like I said in the beginning of the class I'm not big at all into political issues, and still not, your a great teacher, keep up the good work. I wish there could of been more creative assignments dealing with political and historical issues though, I like being creative. I enjoyed the videos you showed in class, I liked those a lot. But anyways, have a wonderful break, enjoy your summer! ttyl

  18. I liked everything we done this quarter the videos were amazing and the discussions were enlighting. Your an awesome teacher if there was a part 2 to the class I would be quick to enroll for an elective or something!!!
