Monday, June 1, 2009

Who is Sonia Sotomayor?

Recently President Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter. Although she has yet to go through the nomination process, it is generally believed she will be confirmed, barring any sudden scandals.

As we have learned in class, Supreme Court Justices serve for life. Their decisions determine how our rights as American citizens are interpreted and yet many people know nothing about them. I had never heard of Sonia Sotomayor until I heard her name being mentioned as a possible candidate. I was immediately interested to know her viewpoints on many of the topics we have studied in class; same sex marriage, 1st Amendment rights, abortion, gun control, and immigration.

My questions to you this week is two-fold. First, "If you could ask a potential Supreme Court Justice anything as part of the nomination process, what would it be? What issue is most important to you?" Second, "How do you think Sonia Sotomayor feels about the issue you chose? How would she rule?" If you don't know how Sonia Sotomayor feels about a certain topic, look it up! Chances are, you will be able to find a brief synopsis of a case she has ruled on to back up your answer. Answers are due by Sunday, June 7th, 2009


  1. if i could ask the supreme court justice anything i would ask how extensive they look into everyones past before they appoint that person. sonia sotomayer i dont really know who she is but i read a little bit on her and i read that she decided that a case where young girls were strip searched at a juveniele detention center we unlawful she said that all strip searches are unlawful and that they should be done, and i agree with this completley i feel that it is agains our right police should not be able to strip search anyone

  2. I'd be part of the cliche and ask her where she would rule on Roe -v- Wade if it were brought before the court again. What with the new rash of extremist violence against doctors involved with abortion it stands to reason that the court will be forced to make a ruling on it sometime during her duration on the court.

    The closest she has come to a ruling on reproductive rights was in "Center for Reproductive Law and Policy v. Bush, 304 F.3d 183 (2d Cir. 2002)" where she prohibited foreign organizations receiving U.S. funds from performing or supporting abortions. This is nowhere near a ruling on reproductive rights in the US so her opinion on this matter is far from clear.

  3. Well, i'm not sure who sonia sotomayor is, I've only heard of her from the news. One thing I find weird about this whole thing why does it seem Obama has picked her because she grew up the way he did? I'm not sure i understand that. From what I've heard, she stands in different places on the issues that obama stands for. When the president picks a supreme court justice isnt it costomary to make sure this person believes in what you believe and and stands for the same issues the president does? And the press is all over this! Anyway I guess my question to her would be, If you are behind one issue, and all of a sudden change your mind. My opinion is, pick a side and stay on it! My question to her would be about abortion, what side are you on. Behonest, stay there!

  4. I would ask her what direction she was planning on taking in certain circumstances, and i would also want to know if she was wanting to follow in the same foot steps that obama would or if they have different views.
    I feel as if she would work on the same side of cases as obama, but they are going to have their own views in certain stuff but i feel they will make a good team.

  5. i have never heard of this woman until 2minutes ago when i read this blog. i also didnt know that one was retiring. im not sure what i would ask her. i guess if the president trusts her to make these important decisions than i am not anyone to question anything. if the american citizens dont like who is chosen to rule on these matters than the entire process should somehow be reformed.

  6. If i could ask Sonia anything, I think it would be about how she feels about the environment and protecting it so the environment we live in can stay clean and not completely filled with pollution. I would ask, where do you stand at in concerns for the environment? This is very important because if we do not take care of the environment and it becomes too bad then we are out of luck because we would have no where else to live.

    I think she would be in favor for the environment and this is what I found about a case for the environments protection.
    In 2007 the case of Riverkeeper vs EPA 475, Sonia sided with the green extremest to protect the environment. The EPA used cost analysis to determine their decision about the environment protection. She wanted the environment to stay clean no matter what the cost, however, in April 09 her decision was overturned because the EPA said it was too costly to have environment protection technology.


  7. I am not familiar with Sonia Sotomaymor, but from what I read, I think she was an excellent choice for Supreme Court Justice. If she is confirmed by Congress, she would bring diversity into the Supreme Court. The topic that I am most interested in is Same-Sex Marriage. Sonia Sotomayor is Catholic, so according to her faith she opposes Sex-Sex Marriages. It will be interesting if she stays true to what she believes or will she support women’s rights.

  8. I think one thing I would ask her is her view on abortion because she is catholic she doesn't believe in abortion or contrceptions. I'm just curious to see what she does. I think she would be a great choice for Supreme Court Justice.

  9. I've only heard about Sotomayor in name. It seems as if she came out of nowhere. The little bit of info that I've read discusses how tough she seems to be, yet she doesn't ask the penetrating questions that go in depth with the issue at hand. The article also claims that she's not the most intelligent either. Since she has come from a Catholic background, I would definitely be interested in knowing what her views are about abortion, because that is one of the most talked about issues that brings a lot of heat.

  10. I would like to ask her about her stance on abortion. It seems to me that she has not made her position known. She was appointed by Obama and if she were indeed a Pro Life advocate this would be peculiar. Democrats are usually Pro Choice, and if Sotomayor is indeed Pro Life I would support her decision. But for some reason she has not made a stance either way. I don't like some of the things she has said and some of the groups she belongs to, but if she is a Pro Life advocate then I would give her a chance.

  11. I would like to know her view on same sex marriges and adoption rights for gays. Also to find out what she thinks about Americans that are being decriminated against because of thier sexual orientation. I have some friends that are gay and I feel that they should have the same rights every other American has. I just got to Florida and I am pretty tired so that's all I have to say for this week.

  12. I've never heard of Sonia Sotomayor before. I would like to ask her about abortion. There seems to be a lot of controversy with abortion so I would like to know what she believes.

  13. two things I would like to know what Sonia's opinion on. Abortion and same sex marriages. Can they keep religious views out of politics?

  14. I have tried to read up on the appointed supreme court judge Sonia Sotomyer and I watched the insider on Friday when they briefly discussed her when they wanted President Obama to clear up the issue on why he appointed her. In my opinion I can see a somewhat why he appointed her but I am still unclear on who she is they said that she is a pretty good judge but they are trying to play a racial card because of a comment she had made. So I guess my question to her would be how much of her past and culture play in her rulings. Where is the line drawn and what determained where you draw the line?

  15. if i could ask her one question i would ask. how would you rule on the gun control. i thank that she would stand to the 2nd amendment and not change a thing because the legal guns are not a problem.

  16. I would want to ask more questions than one to better understand her views.

  17. If I could ask a potential Supreme Court Justice anything as a part of the nomination process, it would be "why do you believe you should be nominated, and if you are nominated what benefits/actions/changes would you bring to make our Supreme Court Justice system strictly be about justice for all?" The most important issue to me is equality! Hopefully, with this being the supreme court justice, she would feel deeply and have heart felt emotions on keeping it equal, regardless of what and how she's done anything in the past. We all are very well aware of those who speak one thing and totally do another - We will see! Thank you, Shannon Sellars
