Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hell No, We Won't Go!

By now, I’m sure you have seen the news reports on the uprising in Egypt. Activists are protesting poverty, unemployment, government corruption and the rule of President Hosni Mubarak, who has been president since 1981.

On January 25th, millions of protesters defied the military-imposed curfew and demonstrated across the country. Protesters continue to clash with police, and at the time of this writing over 100 are dead with 750 police and 1,500 citizens injured. On February 1st, President Mubarak said he will work to improve the economy and create jobs, and will not seek re-election although he refuses to step down, defying the main demand from the protesters.

Although I never condone violence, I am glad to see people around the world standing up for their rights and letting their voices be heard. So my question to you this week is “Have you ever attended a protest or a rally, and if so, for what cause? If you were going to attend a demonstration, what cause would you be supporting?” Answers are due no later than Tuesday, February 15th, 2011.

P.S. I changed the look of the blog for the first time.  You are all design students, be honest - is it better or worse?


  1. First things this design I find is worse. Its really hard on my eyes, I think its too bright.

    Ok, I have not been part of a rally. But felt that the USA should peacefully rally more. As americans I alway listen to many complants about how things are being ran, but they done step up and speak. Some dont even vote.

    So Ive never thought about what I would rally for, there has been times that I have signed protest in school, against the school. Either new policies and such.

    One issues I would protest and it would be extermly diffcult to protest is to protest hate. The the hate people have for different races, sexs, classes, options. etc. I would not know how tackle that issues , saying I would be almost rallying against the people of america not just the government.

    Before I would join a rally I would have to get all the facts pros and cons for what it is dealing with. If it was taking out a school, or taking away a park I would try to approach this a formal way , letter with sigutures. Then try to prove that the space is useful and that benefits the community. Or a rally that messed with out basic rights.


  2. I can't say I ever have been involved in a protest. Though I have had family members that have been involved in protest. My grand parents Marched on Washington as well my brother is in charge of a number of protest out in Reno.

    I would like to be involved in a protest at some point in life. Examples of protest i would like to be involved in are as followed: Social media, race, the death clause, sex, woman rights....

    And finally, the layout change for the blog site is nice, the softer tone in the background helps for early morning post.

  3. I've never actually been a part of a rally or protest, but I could definitely see myself getting pretty heated if it had to do with a womens right movement, or even just civil rights. I am a pretty big believer in human rights and how we have freedom, so if that was in jeopardy I would definitely be there full force.

  4. I have been to a rally before. The rally was for Marlin Studzmen running for the U.S senate.He is a great guy and definitely deserved to win. I agreed with everything he stands for.
    If I were to support any cause it would probably be the right to life. My heart breaks when I hear of all the unborn children that never got a chance. This is one issue I feel strongly about.

  5. Ok I don't like the color very much. I like purple or blue. Maybe a neutral color like brown and perhaps a teal. Personally I don't the font much either I would so with Baskerville or Garamond. I have never been in a really before, but I were involved in a protest would support the right to life. I would like to have children one day it kills me on the inside thinking about abortion.

  6. Katie -

    I really want to stick with red and blue for the "American" theme, but I am open to changing where the colors are located and the font. I'll wait to see what the rest of the class says before I decide on a final version. Thanks for the feedback.

  7. I have never attended a rally, however, if the cause was good enough I would go and support it. If more people participate, the cause will have a better chance for success. However, if multiple rallys are happening too close together or at the same time then no one will pay attention because the causes will be lost in the chaos. In the case of Egypt, the people are united on the changes that they want made, so this is an effective rally for the people of Egypt and for the world to notice.

    Since this is a government class, I think that the colors follow the theme of the class. The layout is easier to read now with a white background.

  8. The new layout isn't a good color combination. Red on white hurts most people eyes. I would darken the red text, or make it less saturated.

    Or I would suggest using a premade template; for example a quick google search brought me to

    Alright, if I were to protest against or for anything it would have to be about education. Either to add more funding to our schools, or to change the way schools are done. I would really like to see high schools experiment to fit how students are today. I want to see the school system due away with teaching in drones, and teaching to fit individual students needs.

    For example, our students are herded together for each grade. If students are bored with a class, we diagnose them as ADHD, and say they can't focus. But instead I feel like specialized classes that focus if that student likes to work a lone, with a small group, or with a bigger group. Or have class be more interactive instead of having a teacher just lecture. In today's world with instant feed, you can't just let things be one sided, we're no longer programed that way.

    Another thing is the whole government trying to choose where we can get loans to. I don't think it is in their place to say we can't go to a school with financial aide because its not a state school.

  9. I have not been to a protest/rally before but if I was to support one, I think would go for equality rights or saving the arts in school and creative education altogether. I am passionate about both. The protest and win of the people of Egypt was a huge victory not only for the citizens but for their right to freedom and communication. I am so happy that they got what they wanted.

    As for the color choice, I like it. I think it's very tasteful and it goes along with the theme of the class.

  10. I have not attended a rally or protest and dotn think i would. i dont like large crowds like that and rather not have any chance or getting gased, hit, or god forbid shot at.

  11. I have never protested and I dont think I would unless it was really an issue I cared a lot about. I would probably get interested if it was a well organized protest that could make a difference. People standing on a corner of the street with signs just yelling dont often get the attention that they want. People only seem to recognize big acts of protest. I might protest against the gainful employment act, the act that could remove government aid from art schools. Still, I doubt the law will ever be passed and it shouldnt affect me at this point because I am almost done with school

  12. I have not attended a protest or rally, but I would like to be in one sometime in my life, that way I can say I have. I don't believe in bringing up violence when not needed, but like Nicole, I too get pretty involved in human rights debate expecially one about feminine rights. I would never like the protest to go as far as being handcuffed to a door, or having police forces intervene, but one day I'll have a story to tell the grandchildren.

  13. I once attended a protest on accident in Europe, but it got hectic so I quickly fled the scene. I haven't actually ever attended a protest on purpose though. If I were to however, I think I would probably go to one about making abortion illegal, or perhaps more equal rights for women, homosexuals, and people of different races. I agree with Samantha though-I wouldn't protest to the point of getting handcuffed or anything more extreme than that. I don't like large crowds so attending a protest would be hard for me in the first place, but if I did and it got out of control like the ones in Egypt I would probably die of a panic attack before I could get arrested or anything like that.

    Also, I'm not crazy about the new design. I suppose it does go along with the political theme of the class (it feels very Democrat vs. Republican) but it's a little boring.

  14. I have never been a part of a rally or protest. I don't think I would be a part of one unless it was absolutely necessary.

    I really do not like the new layout. It's too hard on the eyes. The old one was much better.

  15. I think the new layout is cute, it has like a warm house feeling.

    I have never been a part of a protest or rally. I do not know if I ever will.
    Tionda Burch

  16. I have never attended or been a part of a rally or protest. If I did attend one i could see it being aimed at public health/food safety regulations. I kind of get carried away with gmo's and unsafe things we all consume. anyways...I don't mind the new layout. Looks like a textbook not so much a blog. It works though.

  17. I have never attended a protest or rally and I can't say that I would. There are not many things that get me worked up that much. Also, I kind of find that protesters tend to make fools of themselves more than anything. Many of the protests that I have witnessed have been mostly people acting crazy. I do not have a problem with protests, but I don't think they need to be obnoxious for people to stand up for what they believe.

  18. I've never actually been a part of a protest, but i could see my self being in one. Not like the violent type but the guy in the crowd with the biggest sign. I don't have a problem with protest but when they start getting to violent then it beats the point. If there was a protest i would be attend it would be over the death penalty.

  19. I have never been a part of a rally or protest. I only think I would if it was for a topic I am really passionate about. I have seen so many harmful things happen to people during these protest and rallies and they are never treated fairly. I would not join a group to be harmed if it weren't for something that needed to be changed in society.

    As far as the layout I liked the previous layout better... The red fades too much to be a pinkish hue which I don't associate patriotism with.

  20. I have never attended a rally or protest. I think that if you are not compassionate about what the subject is, they can just be really annoying. There is a spot on capitol downtown where there are always people protesting in front of a business, I would not want to stand there all day for nothing. If I was to participate in a protest, it would be something that would directly affect me and that I felt very strongly about.

  21. First off, the new design is far to bright, and the color is bland at best. Go darker so things are easier to see. The salmon is far to distracting. Second, i have never attended a rally of any kind, and most likely never will. Although i read about this issue in the paper, and it is interesting to see people standing up for their rights, etc.

  22. Honestly I like the previous design much better because this one is too bright and more difficult to read. I found myself not even wanting to read the post because of there being so much white and I never had that problem with the other design.

    As far as protests I have never attended one but if I were to attend one it would be one about banning video games. Although I don't believe that has happened yet it is surely to come with the rise of angry parents about violent video games and wanting them to stop being created. I'm very passionate about this because even though there are many jobs I can get with an animation degree, video game design is my true passion so if video games were to ever become banned I don't feel that I could be happy in what I would be doing for a living then. I would end up just settling with a job instead of doing what I love.

  23. I haven't attended a protest or rally, but I have been a part of a demonstration. I attended a TOMS A Day Without Shoes to raise awareness about children in third world countries who were going around barefoot. Organizations like TOMS are really fantastic to me. I feel it's a great cause and I think everyone should attend this year, or any similar kind of demonstration. You don't have to be a supporter of TOMS to support those who are in need.

    I feel that any demonstration I would want to attend would be for the betterment of all. Things like raising awareness about nature, the poor, etc., really appeal to me. I try to help out when I can.

    P.S. The design's still not really appealing to me. :P I dunno if it's just because it's different, or what.

  24. No, I have never protest, and most likely wouldn't. I really am a laid back guy and really the only big political issue I think I would protest against is abortion, because of my religious beliefs.
