Monday, October 25, 2010

Fight For Your Rights

As you hopefully know, the mid-term election is coming up on Tuesday, November 2nd. A mid-term election is one that happens in the middle of a Presidential term. The President is not running for office, but one-third of the Senate, all of the House of Representatives and many other state and local officials are up for re-election. The mid-term elections always have a much lower voter turnout, even though state and local officials can have a much bigger impact on a person’s everyday life than the President can.

If you would like more information on Indiana candidates, please access the Indiana Voter Guide published by the Indiana Election Division here:
To find out where your polling places is located, visit the Marion County Election Board website here:

As we have discussed in class, we have a two-party system, with several minor parties which receive only a very small percentage of votes. Oftentimes in the mid-term elections, people don’t know as much about the candidates and so they vote entirely based off their party preference. So this week I would like to you to access and take a quiz to see which political party you most identify with. Share you results! “Were you surprised by the results? Did you already know which party you best identify with?” It is important to note, that when taking the quiz you must select whether or not you agree with the statement, and also place the sliding scale on the priority level that issue has for you. You can access the quiz here:

Have a happy and safe Halloween!


  1. The group I identified most with was the Democratic party followed by Reform (I assume because of being for leaving Iraq and leaving Iran alone), Green, Socialist, and finally a little bit of Communist.

    I knew I would identify most with the Democratic party. I'm fairly liberal, however I don't feel comfortable claiming to be a Democrat or a Republican. When voting, I prefer to vote based on what issues candidates are taking on (and how) and then vote accordingly. I think its irresponsible to vote blindly for one party without looking at their values.

  2. After taking the test, my highest score was for Reform, followed closely by Constitutional and Democratic tied. I was not sure what Reform was, so I googled it and found this:

    Reform means to put or change into an improved form or condition; to amend or improve by change of color or removal of faults or abuses.

    beneficial change, more specifically, reversion to a pure original state, to repair, restore or to correct.

    Reform is generally distinguished from revolution. The latter means basic or radical change; whereas reform may be no more than fine tuning, or at most redressing serious wrongs without altering the fundamentals of the system. Reform seeks to improve the system as it stands, never to overthrow it wholesale.

    I would agree with this, I think our government is a solid one I am proud to be a part of but at the same time I think there are very obvious changes that we need to be making. Abortion, leaving Iraq are big ones that I think need to have some serious changes to.

  3. it said i was constitutional which i looked that up and it said that i believed in the constitution bill of rights declaration of independence and the bible which im generally ok with that because i think that we should run the country the way we were intended to run it but the bible should be separated from it

  4. My number one was constitutional and then came Democrat which is the one i predicted. The green party was next which is what i almost predicted. Yes i was surprised with my results and i really didn't know what party fit me. I just definitely had a feeling that it wasn't going to be republican which was at the bottom of the list. The very last one! My biggest issues was with the abortion and the Same Sex marriage. I just say love who want and stop killing babies. Yea

  5. I relate most to being Democratic, as I am registered. Then The Green Party, which I feel very strongly about, and then Reform. I am not completely surprised because I understand my beliefs, but I wish I was more knowledgeable. Being a student takes up more of my time then I would like. I would very much like to spend more time learning about the candidates, and voting for what I believe is right.

  6. I was related to the Green Party of the #1 and the Democratic as # 2, which was my prediction.I wasn't really that surprise on the results, other then the that I relate to the Green part, but it was very close. I do consider myself as Democrat and basicly vote for them.

  7. My number one was Libertarian, followed by democratic. The rest were near ties except for republican which had the lowest score. This was a completely different result than I expected. I thought I leaned towards the Republican side, but it was the complete opposite. I thought it was a bad result until I researched and found that Ron Paul was a Libertarian/Constitutionalist. I like Paul's ideas, even if some of them seem far-fetched or unattainable. I've never liked the idea of voting based on a party. Politicians are still people, (they are, right?), and they will have varying opinions on an issue that is thought to be one-sided within a certain party. So basically, I thinking voting based on current issues is the way to vote.

  8. My number one is democrat, then Liberatarian. I got Communist as the third. After reading what a Communist believes in I'm not as surprised about that result as I was at first.

    I do think it's important to show how much of a priority the issues are because telling someone that you agree/disagree with their thoughts, is only being compared to how much they believe in it.

  9. My top 2 results from that quiz were Democrat and Communist. That is pretty surprising because I do not think I took the quiz well. I am not that well informed on the issues happening today that much. While taking the quiz, there were a lot of questions I left "No Opinion" on. I think that contributed to the final results. I was thinking I would be Republican because I was raised by a family with Republican views especially a father with great Republican views in politics. Oh well, I have taken quizzes on that website before for fun, but I do not think it really effects who I am in life. It is just a quiz to take for fun and maybe get a few laughs from.

  10. My result was that I am most compatable with the Green Party.. Yes I was very suprised with the results of the quiz. I always thought i was more like a republican than anything else. The democratic Party was second and the party I thought I was close too, which was the republican party, was dead last. I do not vote and have never voted and never really cared about elections, except for the fact, election campaigns take up to much time on regular TV. Glad I have cable and do not have to watch people bash each other just to get a vote.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. My top result is Reform. I predicted democratic before looking into my results and It was at 3rd place on my list, second was constitution, I do agree with the results, I am more of a person who wants to see the world in peace, and reforming the nations as where there is no war or illegal activities are going on.

  13. So the test told me that my number one is Green and my number two is Democratic. I alread knew I was democratic. But what suprised me was that the number three was communist.

  14. Well I am reform. Fallowed by the green party. Then I brake even on the next three with Constitution, Democratic and Republican. I really wasn't surprise at all. I am always trying to change for the better. I am also trying to improve things if its home or social life. I try to give back and try to give the best advice. I try to think positively about challenging situations or when I have a bad day. As for the war, I would attack to but I do care about the innocent of the common people.

  15. My top three were Green, Democratic, and Libertarian. I wasn't all that surprised. I knew i was democratic, but being a little more open minded.

  16. I ended up being a democrat, not really a big surprise to me, though I can't really stand either side. Democrats can't get anything done and the republican party only represents the wealthy and big buisness. Both have shown themselves to be unfit to lead our country. Canada doesn't seem so bad.

  17. mine was the libertarian which is not what i was thinking of and my second one was the reform. I was thinking that i would be a democrat as i am regisisterd for.I think that there are way to many attacks being made in the elections for tuesday and i do not think that this should be done.

  18. My number one party was Democratic and my second was the Green party.

    These results didn't really surprise me, I've always thought of myself as a Democrat.

    Taking this quiz was a fun ideal for this blog entry this week. It's interesting to see people's results compared to what they thought they would be.

  19. The party I most identified with was the Reform party. I was surprised by this result because I honestly had no idea what the Reform party was! Before this test I did not know much about the political parties besides those of Democrats and Republicans. It was good to learn about other existing parties.

  20. My result said that i am part of the Democratic party. I am not really surprised with the results. I already identified myself with that party.
    I really like voting I can't wait to vote on Tuesday. I mostly like voting for the positions in the county and city because I know of most of them.

  21. My results showed up as the Democratic party.

    I have never really taken the time to evaluate my personal views enough to consider a political party.

    I grew up in a very political family, which left me not interested in politics at all.

    I was surprised to find out that I shared the same political views as my parents. I never would have thought. Especially knowing how we argue over particular subjects that come up in the media.

  22. My number one result was Libertarian followed by Democratic. This wasn't a complete surprise to me because I grew up in a Democratic environment, and I can remember having that Democratic state of mind. Lately I've become more open to new things, which is kind of like the typical Libertarian state of mind, from what I understand. I really had no idea which one would show up, though. I guess I would have thought Democrat before taking the quiz, but after I started answering the questions it was easy to see that it would probably be Libertarian.

  23. The quiz put me as Democratic, I actually don't vote. But if i was able to vote, I wont identify myself as Democratic or Republican or any other party. I would vote for the person who would show a better background and be more qualify!!

  24. I was surprised by the results. The quiz determined my number one as Democratic and my number two as Reform even though both were tied. I thought I was more republican, considering that my dad talks to me about politics and I agree with much of what he says and he's republican.

  25. Communist, Democrat, Socialist, Reform, Libertarian, Green, Constitution, Republican.

    I was surprised a little.
    I knew I didnt fit in just one but I didnt expect this.

  26. I was first more a Democratic,then Green, Communist,and Socialist. I was not surprised with the Democratic selection but the communist and socialist was a little surprising. I did however already know I had many democratic views.

  27. My number one result was democrat party with the green party in second place, which really doesn’t come much as a surprise to me. I never really identify with being democrat or republican, I must say I do agree with more liberal ideas though. Such as caring for the environment, supporting gay marriages, a women’s right to choose, and someone and so forth.

  28. My first result was the Constitution Party with the Reform Party in second place. This surprised me quite a bit becuase I have never really heard much of the Constitution Party before. I had always associated myself with the Republican party, but that was my number 5.

  29. The party in which I most identified with was Libertarian. Secondly, Republican. This was not a surprise to me at all, I feel that I stay very current in what is going on politically and know what I stand for and what my thought process is. I also found this test to be interesting and informative hopefully it will educate some people and they will be encouraged to vote!

  30. - Chris Johnson

    My political party turned out to be Reform. I'm not that surprised, but it's still a little bit of a shock. Second, was Communist and third was Democratic. Coming in fourth was Republican, the party I consider myself related to the most.

  31. My number one political party was Democratic, 2) Green party and 3) Reform. I was not surprised except that I expected to see Libertarian further up than 6th. It was also surprising to not see Republican higher up than 9th because I do have some conservative views. I just figured it would be higher up than communist party. I do find it difficult to identify with a particular party, because I am a very open minded person and it seems that you have to be set in your ways to claim a party loyally. In general, I find it hard to identify with politicians because it seems that either way you are not getting the truth out of them.

  32. My quiz told me that I was a Democrat. This is what I expected. But I would never vote for a democrat if their views were not the same as mine. I don't believe it's right to really identify with a party because your views should not be based on someone else's. But I think people do it because they find most times they fall into one side most often than the other.

  33. My number one was the Democratic party followed closely by the Green party. I was a little surprised simply because I didn't think that I would identify with any party that strongly.

  34. I took the quiz and the democratic party was on the top of the list. The other parties weren't even close to this one. I don't know that I am surprised by the results but this quiz still doesn't change my mind about politics. I enjoy learning about them but whether I'm classified to one party by a quiz doesn't really matter.

  35. my number one was constitution. I wasnt shocked by my results and for most of the questions i did not have an opinion. no matter what the results were, i still have no interest in politics. As long as the government doesnt do anything to affect my income they can do whatever they want as far as im concerned
