Thursday, June 8, 2017

Your Thoughts and Feedback Are Appreciated

Well another quarter has come and gone! This is kind of bittersweet for me in that, for the first time in 10 years, I will not be teaching next quarter.  I made the decision because I have been awarded a Human Service Professional Renewal Grant by the Lilly Endowment.  Through my renewal, I will be traveling to Alaska and Europe - and therefore, will not be able to commit to teaching next quarter.  I'm excited about my upcoming travels, but I'm sad to leave a job I love and all of you.I have enjoyed getting to know all of you and hearing your opinions in class!  I wish all of you blessings and success in the future, and hope that you stay in touch.

So for our last blog post, I would like to get your thoughts and feedback on the class.  "What did you like or dislike about the class?  What could I do to make it better?"  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, June 14, 2017.  After that, the blog will be down until class resumes in the Fall! I wish all of you a happy and safe summer break!!


  1. I feel like the class was overall enjoyable. I felt that some of the movies ran long without saying much, and the lectures were kinda boring, but I have no real complaints nor suggestions.


  2. I enjoyed the class for the most part. I have to agree with Peter Holcomb about the movies. Some of the movies were long and boring. I liked the various ways used to teach. Lectures are lectures and there aren't many ways to change that.

  3. I have to agree with Sarah-Lyn and Peter about the movies but other than that I really enjoyed the class.

  4. Well, I always enjoyed the movies. They gave me knowledge in which I love, and gave me time to reflect. I know midterm time is most important for the instructor to exonerate the way they have taught.. what was tough and what was easy so, I won't hold anything against your efforts because youcve done well. Thanks. I felt the need to know more about what I didn't know, than what I've all ready been exposed to. I will work on what I didn't know that I thought I knew. But, in all, the Blog posts were awesome, although, our current changes are taking place in Congress; your blog post served purposefully to the class to view in opinions. Congress can use a blog page like yours since their opinions are everywhere (in-house joke).

    Have a safe, and exciting journey. Take lots of pictures. :)

  5. This class certainly flew by. I liked it. Certainly one of the better general education classes I've taken here. That's just a little bit of fluff though, you're looking for critique. I've learned quite a bit, the lesson plan was organized very well and I found it extremely relatable (though possibly due to outside forces because politics right now is a little scary and it's wise to be informed). I think the primary thing I disliked was how formulaic the class felt through most of the quarter. Every week it was take a quiz, watch a movie and answer some questions on a piece of paper, listen to the lecture, and leave. I was certainly pleased when when events were reorganized later in the quarter. It might just be me, but I have difficulty learning in areas that don't make me want to be an active listener. Perhaps occasionally reorganizing the order of events or throwing in a few different activities that better request attention might help the class from becoming formulaic. Finally, I'd like to say that this blog is probably one of the best "homework" grades I've had. Sometimes it's difficult to remember to do it, but when I am consistent, it is extremely informative and engaging for the entire class any anyone outside of the class who may be reading it.

    Here's hoping your vacation and your trip are fantastic ones. Thank you for a wonderful time.

  6. What I really liked about the class was that I really wasn't into politics at all but I now make myself more involved because it truly is something important and I also think it's good to know that there are other opinions out there from other classmates of what they think as well so for us talking about the issues we have today was interesting as well. The least thing that I liked was the Food inc video because I watched that movie so many times in my life and I just don't care for it and it never changed my mind the way I eat honestly but I love how passionate you are about this stuff and it was a pleasure to have you as a political teacher.

  7. My overall thoughts on the class was pretty good. I learn a lot about the government that I never knew. I have watch the news a little more to learn about what's going on in the world. I can take all this knowledge with me in the future now. I hope to get more knowledge out latter on. What I didn't like was the quizzes. I'm glad I don't have to take them anymore for this class
