I was shocked earlier this summer when I opened my latest
issue of Glamour magazine to read an article on at-home abortions. Many women who can’t afford to travel, who
don’t want their parents or the father of the baby to know they’re pregnant, or
who simply can’t afford a child are finding themselves with very limited
options. As access to safe, legal methods
of abortion becomes increasingly limited, women are resorting to black-market
remedies, which could ultimately land them in jail. Consider the following:
There are still over 1 million legal abortions
performed each year in the United States.
A 2015 survey in Texas found that 240,000 women
had attempted to induce an abortion on their own – and that’s just in Texas!
Last year, Google reported there were over
700,000 searches done on “How to give yourself an abortion.”
In the past 5 years, Targeted Regulation of Abortion
Providers (TARP) state laws have shut down 162 clinics, or prevented them from
offering abortion services. Here in Indiana,
a federal judge recently suspended our new abortion law deeming it unconstitutional. The Indiana law would’ve prohibited abortions
on the basis of disability or race, and required abortion providers to bury or
cremate fetal tissue.
Abortion is a hard topic to come to terms with, at least for
me. I’d like to think if I were
pregnant, my faith would prevent me from considering abortion, but I’m also realistic
enough to know that if I were young, and scared, abortion would certainly be on
my mind. I think it’s just a sad
situation all around, and I’m glad I don’t have the responsibility of
legislating what is a personal and very emotional decision.
Next week in class we’re going to discuss the right to
privacy that most Americans feel they are entitled to. As part of that discussion, we’ll look at
some of the groundbreaking abortion legislation that has come out of the Courts
over the years. So, I’m interested in
knowing what you think – “Do you think we should continue to place restrictions
and limitations on when, where and how woman can obtain abortions? Please explain your answer.” Answers are due no later than Wednesday,
August 31st, 2016.