Monday, January 21, 2013

Leaving A Legacy

I started this blog four years ago, right after President Obama’s first inauguration.  During his first inauguration, the President called Americans to a new era of responsibility.  He said in essence, that each of us has a responsibility to help one another, to life one another up.

Today as I sit here watching all of the inaugural festivities, I am reminded of that chilly January morning four years ago, and how much hope we all seemed to feel.  Many of you who know me know that I am a big believer of giving back.  Whether its volunteering time or resources, or just doing a random act of kindness, my mission is to leave my little corner of the world better than I found it. 

With that being said, in the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, who gave our country so much, my question to you this week is, “What is one thing you could do to help your school, community or planet? What will your legacy be?”  Answers are due no later than Sunday, January 27th, 2013.


  1. About once every two weeks I buy a case of water. Whenever I take my trash out it's mostly plastic bottles.

    I guess I need to start recycling. It's easy not to since all we have in my apartment complex is a trash dumpster. If we had a giant recycle bin, I would definitely recycle. More importantly, maybe I should just a invest in a tap filter.

  2. Working for MAC cosmetics for the past 3 years helped me really get involved with helping others, Each year I participate and help raise money for the Indiana AIDS fund. This past year My team and myself helped raised over 175 thousand dollars to go to the MAC Aids Fund whats even more fantastic is that MAC matched every cent of that and helped out the Damien Center here in Indianapolis by letting us deliver a 25K check directly to them. Its truly an amazing feeling knowing how much I help others whenever I can. On World Aids Day (Dec 1st) every year I go to the center and help those living with the (visible signs) of HIV/AIDs virus. Spending time doing so I really see how much joy I bring to them, that I made such a difference in their life. Even when I work I try and think how much can I help others by selling Viva Glam Lipstick/Lipglass, for those who don't already know MACs Viva Glam Products go directly to the MAC Aids Fund, 100%. I want to continue to help those in need and will be doing so.
    To those out there who read this Im providing a link that shows just how far a viva glam lipstick or lipglass goes to help another person.

    ONE VIVA GLAM = 254 male condoms that effectively prevent HIV transmission
    ONE VIVA GLAM = 24 female condoms for distribution by local Health Departments to prevent HIV transmission
    ONE VIVA GLAM = 32 safe sex kits that include condoms and lubricant
    ONE VIVA GLAM = 2 nights of shelter for a homeless person living with HIV/AIDS
    ONE VIVA GLAM = 1 rapid oral HIV test
    ONE VIVA GLAM = 8 home-delivered meals for a person living with HIV/AIDS who cannot cook for themselves
    ONE VIVA GLAM = Monthly transportation to/from medical appointments for a child living with HIV/AIDS
    ONE VIVA GLAM = 4 HIV tests for newborn babies to determine their HIV status
    ONE VIVA GLAM = Medicine for 5 newborn babies to prevent transmission of HIV from their mothers
    ONE VIVA GLAM = HIV tests for 14 pregnant women
    ONE VIVA GLAM = 1 crisis counseling session for a person living with AIDS who is also struggling with addiction and homelessness
    ONE VIVA GLAM = A six month supply of Omega 3 fish oil to help decrease the inflammation cause by the immune system’s battle against HIV
    ONE VIVA GLAM = One year of clean, sterile syringes for an injection drug user to prevent HIV infection
    ONE VIVA GLAM = 3 nutritious meals for 3 children affected by HIV/AIDS in South Africa

  3. Working in the Tech Cage and just around the school in general, I feel that there is a lot of wasted products going down the drain in the trash. Recycling I think is something that I would like to get into doing more of.

  4. I'm trying to plan something with my friends to help the homless by feeding them and also passing out clothes to those who don't have any. I really can't wait to do this because this is what were suppose to do. Were suppose to give back.

    I feel like if i do something to help others , i will feel very acomplished because i did something for my community.

    1. My buddy works at the horizon house in Indy, maybe you could put some volunteer work in there before you step somewhere unfamiliar.

  5. After living by a race track for most of my life, I've noticed that after a lot of events there's a lot of litter and trash. This bugs me because I live out in the woods. If someone throws a beer bottle out their window and it breaks, it's pretty easy for me, a family member, a pet, or a wild animal to get hurt. Also, most of what they throw out doesn't break down naturally or easily. I think I could pick up trash or try to prevent it to help out. I don't like picking up after other people, but who else will?

  6. One of my biggest pet peeves is when I go to a buffet with a group of friends. We grab our plates, we shovel food from the buffet to our plates, then we have a seat to begin our meals. I always get enough food that I know I'll finish, but when I see my friends eat two bites from a full plate, put it away, and go back to the buffet for more, I get a little ticked. Of course I say something. I don't get real mad. I just like to give my friends a little shit here and there. First I point out the "Keep our prices cheap" signs to make them feel like an ass hole.
    What I really think about is how we can put as much food as we want on a plate and not even have to finish it. When there are countless starving people all over the world who could use that unfinished food that just gets tossed in the trash later. I know I sound like your mom at the dinner table trying to get you to finish your vegetables, but this is something that really gets me.
    How do I give back? I talk to people, I'm sincere and honest with them. I have a real problem with how spoiled this country is and how bratty we act when we can't get a signal on our cell phone. I have been there though. When we are catered to, it's hard to take a step down. It's something that is out of our norm and will likely get our stupid spoiled asses killed or something. Sometimes people just need some good old fashioned honesty, and that's what I give.
    Does that make me selfish because I don't give more? I say screw off, I'll give what I can afford to give. I'm a broke young person. I have nothing more to give than eye openers and random generosity.
    Give genuine kindness to people. To people you hate, to people you love, to people you don't even know, and even to animals or lesser beings on this planet. It makes me a happy person.

  7. Inspiring Black Women to Say, “I, Too, Am a Philanthropist!”

    to propel the leadership by becoming more of a leader and speaking up, to inspire a groundbreaking collaborative movement to identify, engage and record Black philanthropic giving. It will create a strong distribution conduit for high-level, high-impact giving to influence positive social change. Ultimately,i want to provide Black women across the globe with a way to become more effectively engaged in the critical issues affecting Black women and the Black community.

  8. It may sound selfish but hopefully someday I can let my work be my legacy. I don't know what I'll be good at yet in terms of my major, but I hope that it will provide enough entertainment for my name to live on

  9. I agree with something you originally said, to just do at least one good act of kindness with expecting nothing in return. This act could be as simple as opening a door for someone you don't know. Or just trying to help people get better or learn for the first time something new. It never hurts to help a fellow human being on the same journey.

    Sean Brown

  10. I enjoy giving back and I've done a lot of volunteer work with my sorority. One thing I would like to do is have a some type of an Advance Shelter for the homeless. Not only will we provide food, shelter and clothes but help them get back on there feet especially veterans. Homelessness is one of the factors that people suffer the most with, it could be losing a job, a home, coming back from overseas, anything that was a set back. I feel that they need more than just food and clothes , they need guidance. Every week, if i can, i always give at least 3 homeless people money and change when I'm downtown going to work. I always think if i was in their shoes, I would like to be helped. Instead of ignoring them think their just on drugs, help!!, you don know their story and what they've been through. That's one of my goals in life is to help the homeless to get back on their feet again.Their apart of the community and they shall be helped.

  11. The one thing I hope I can give back is joy and kindness. As a kid, I grew up with these notions and, to be honest, I don't see it as much as I used to. You see a lot of people act selfish by not taking their time out of their way to help, not just because they're obligated to help someone out, but because helping someone the right thing to do. Also, I would like to believe that what I put in what I do, whether it would be animation or music, would give joy to others when they participate as an audience.

    -Micah Kistler

  12. In my efforts to work closer with the Damien Center we actually started a food drive for their pantry for those who are unable to buy food themselves. Last time I was there the food pantry looked quite empty and what they told me was that they haven't really received that many donations within the past several months. SO my short term goal for a smaller legacy is by starting a food drive.

  13. As of right now, I currently don't do anything to really help the communities I live in. I tried to recycle back home in Kentucky, but after moving to Indy I haven't started it back up because my apartment complex doesn't have a recycling dumpster (unfortunately). My boyfriend and I on last Halloween and Christmas really wanted to do something for the kids at Riley Children's Hospital and the Kosair Children's Hospital, but we chickened out.
    As far as school, I can't really do much. I guess I'm helping them get more money by being a good student, making good grades, and not missing class. Other than that, I don't really do anything else for school.
    After I graduate I planned to actually helping non/low profit organizations with branding and web design (as well opening a place where they could hold their events). I planned to become active in more organizations then, I really like helping people and I'm really big on donating to Red Cross & other organizations that are wiling to help others. I kind of hope that all that helping and getting active in the organizations will be my legacy.

    - Sarah Brown

  14. I love helping the community. I have done volunteer work at the state fair and also do local work for an animal shelter called PAWS. It would be nice if I had more time to give, but currently with school I cannot do as much as I would like.

    I hope to open a reptile rescue for people to adopt, and call if they need help with care or ball python morphs.

    Another thing I would love to do more is recycle. All I drink is bottled water. Once and a while I will try to give my trash bag full of bottles to one of my friends to put with their recycle, as there isn't one near where I live. Overall I love helping out when I can.

    Mariah Shoaff

  15. The best thing I have to offer the people around me is God. As I live my life as a representation of the fact that I don't look like what I've been though. I can't help but be grateful to have someone in my life to complete me. I also like to help people out I get burner by for it but, it's in my heart to do it. I like being around people that care about their environment as well I really like animals too and wouldn't mind helping out a shelter or doing something to benefit nature in some way.

  16. People forget that change happens drastically and that not everything stays the same. One of our biggest fears in life is change. The thought of losing someone, what your futures going to be like, how you will react to things when they come along. Things like this scare us, but that’s what makes us human. If I left a legacy it would be to accept the change that comes along. Fear is nothing until the mind says it is, we need to silence our minds and take time to understand what’s happening around us because I can promise you not everything stays the same forever.

  17. I am hoping to use my camera to capture the way the world is today so people can see the reality of their lives. What happend was all this chaos started happening slowly so we just adapted slowly, but if we could go back in time and look at the future we created we would be scared to death. When I was in the Marines I use a rifle to fight off the insurgents who were trying to kill me and my fellow Marines, now that I am retired my camera is my new weapon, and with it I hope to make the world a better place.

  18. Honestly, I don't know. the point of life is figuring what your legacy can be. But I don't think you need to change the whole world to leave something behind. If you can make an impact with every person you meet then you already have a legacy.

  19. If there is no God, then there is no point in leaving a legacy. If all we are made of is some cosmic dust smashed together, then all we do is for nothing and has no meaning. But my faith is what gives me hope and purpose. I don't need to leave my own legacy, but what I must do is show the love of Christ to all that I meet.

  20. Realistically, what I can do to help my school is to help my fellow students get portfolio work together and get used to working in a real multimedia team.

    Most of my wishes beyond this are next to impossible because of our utterly irrational world.

  21. I think that I want to do for my planet I suppose is that I want to recycle in order to help the earth from "dying" faster than it already is. I'm not sure what else I should do in this world to help it if more than half the world doesn't care about it.

    -Ashlee Adams

  22. I wish my legacy to be one of happiness. I want everyone I come into contact with throughout my life to have a happy memory of me and to be thankful that I stepped into there life even for a day. I wish to make an impact on people and show them that life isint about anything material. It is about being able to love one another and learn from each other. Life is about learning and when things repeat in your life, its becuase you aren't taking a step back and trying to find balance within yourself. This reflects to other people and they see that in you. And maybe I can just show them how to be happy and live life without all the negativity that seems to be in our cultures.

  23. I hope to build a community of artists that can help promote local artistry to the commercial world. I want a place where people can grow in thier education and thier passions. It would sort of be a library but people would live there and pay rent. monthly, i would invite elite clients to come in a tour the facility and check out the galleries that will be held there. It would be very beneficial to the youth and get them out of trouble.
