Thursday, March 15, 2012

Your Thoughts and Feedback Are Appreciated!

I love my job. I love teaching a subject that I'm really passionate about, but even more importantly, I love being surrounded by the crazy, creative energy that is all of you.  Although I enjoy all of my students, every once in awhile, I get a class that is just "special".  They just gel as a group...we have good discussions, we have fun and we learn something!  For me, you were one of those classes.

I've had a great time with all of you this quarter.  I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. I hope you all stay in touch and continue to post on the blog whenever you want. So for your last blog, I would like to get your feedback on the class. "What did you like most/least?  What could I do to make the class better?"  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, March 21st, 2012.  After that, the blog will be down until class resumes next quarter. For those of you who are graduating - congratulations!  All your hard work paid off.  To all of you - Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Erin Go Braugh!  This Irish girl is signing off for the last time.


  1. I have enjoyed both classes you have taught. You teach some of the hardest subjects to learn, and with you, it's fun and easy. I learned so much and hope to use what I've learned outside of school. I honestly can't think of anyway to possibly improve your class. I enjoyed it all and I loved our discussions along with the United Nations. I didn't enjoyed the quizzes, but hey, who doesn't? I still did well on most of them thanks to your teaching. Thank you Stephanie!

  2. This was my first time being in a class with you, but you were a great teacher. I had so much trouble liking this subject in high school, but your class was fun. I also think the other students have made this class very fun. I have learned a lot and I want to be more open minded with it comes with Political issues. Finding out information is better than just hearing it from someone else. I do wish I could have been at every class! but with so much stress going on at home and not having a car hasn't been easy. Thank you Stephanie for your teaching!
    P.s I would like to wish everyone good luck on finals and have a great break everyone!
    Jessica Smith

  3. I always am surprised at how you and Sarah are able to teach and keep these kind of classes under control. These types of classes always tend to relate with all of our personal lives and it's easy with the whole class' discussion involvement to strike a personal, emotional nerve. That being said, I'm really happy with everyone's respect of each others opinions. One of the biggest reasons I love involving myself at this school is because I feel very little harsh critical judgement. When negative judgement is removed from the equation, it enables one to freely express themselves.

    I enjoyed this class because of how much I learned and how much my mind changed throughout the quarter. I enjoyed the videos and our discussions after everything. I am really glad you decided to give us the freedom of questions before the quizzes at the beginning of each class.

    If there is anything you could add to your teaching style is playing the devils advocate more. Through this quarter I kind of catch myself hating America, when there is still plenty to love about it. Yes we have a few pretty screwed up policies. Yes we have had a few really stupid people in Washington, but what about all the good that has come from America? I want to enter into this class learning about some dark conflicting topics that might stir up my frustration and ignite my motivation, but I want to leave this class being proud to be an American with optimistic fuel to want to better my country rather than fight against it. There is always good AND bad with an action. I want to learn more about both, even if it is difficult to fit in all of that within 11 weeks.

    Bravo Stephanie, I'm glad to have had you teach this class. You might be the only reason I vote from now on.

  4. When I signed up for this class, I dreaded the very thought of talking about political issues. I thought this class was going to be like the government class I took in high school, which I hated every minute of. Thankfully, you proved me wrong. I've enjoyed having you as a teacher and learning more about important events from the past and how they effect us now. I remember some of the things from my high school class, but you explained it A LOT better than my previous teacher.

    As far as making the class better, bring in more food. :D

    --Rebekah Cage

  5. I really appreciate the setup you have for the class, both at the school and on the blog, they work well in tandem. The availability of resources (notes) on ecompanion is highly appreciated, I think that is one way you have funneled the experience of this class into really focusing on politics and history. One of my favorite features of the class was getting together as groups and taking on the mini-responsibilities of a nation and getting to view our country from other perspectives.

    In fact, if I were to ask for anything to change, it might just be to pull more out of the League of Nations game. I wonder if we could have one each week as a short activity to get people to keep their adopted nation on the brain from week to week. It might even be possible to make a goal to create a logical plan to improve a problem that nation faces. Just a thought though...

  6. I enjoy group work.
    Maybe for midterms, you might consider encouraging students to do a small project in groups of 2. This encourages discussions and teamwork. But that's just me.
    I know you have us doing group work with the U.N. but... yeah.
    I also loved the group of people in the class. We had a great combination of people.

    Steph! you need to be my friend when I graduate. you are def invited to my party!!!
    My favorite part of the class was you and your passion, and your funny stories. (you are a hoot!)
    Outside of that, I loved your class. It was by far the most fun this quarter (and I am in 5 classes) so thank you for that.
    Your energy made me forget that it was a night class (which is obviously good) and I love the passionate discussions, even if some made me mad. ;o)

    My least fav was some of the lecturing but it's just cuz it was a night class. I appreciate your energy, like I said, NEVER CHANGE!

  7. Stephanie, I have thoroughly enjoyed your class. As a conservative, I was not looking forward to taking this class at all because I do not agree with much that happens in the political realm, but you made it ok. You have such energy and enthusiasm that it is infectious. You make people want to have fun in your class, because you want to have fun in your classroom.

    We had a great class and it was some interesting debating. The UN discussions were great team discussions, with the Botswana group anyway. And to my fellow Botswana's, may your elephants always stay out of your hut.

    I think this class is just about perfect the way it is, of course your classes in the future will not be near as much fun as ours was.

    Good luck doing your presentations to anyone who has not gone yet, and see you all around school.

  8. I had fun riling up the majority of the class. I agree with caleb that you should expnad the UN activites and maybe make sure that when you do the trade exercise to make the countries look at what thier natural resources are and not just exports. Just cause I make pizza doesn't mean I have a dairy farm and a pasturazation facility in my back yard.

  9. I really enjoyed the UN activities it brought up some great discussions and was quite enjoyable. It was nice to learn about other countries other than the U.S. for once and learn what is common for other countries export & imports not to mention there beliefs and laws. As far as improvements i don't have to much to say I liked the course the way it is. The hardest part for me in the class was the test because I'm not a great test taker but even those were not that bad and were a good test of what I know. I probably should have just studied a bit longer that week. Doing the blogs for homework were also very enjoyable to be able to see others opinions and voice my own. This was a really good class and I had a great time. I hope to see and talk to you all around the school.

  10. I really thought that this class was going to be way over my head but everything was great. I love the way you handled everything from the blogs to the in class discussions. You have so much positive energy and you made me that much more excited when classes start. I'm glad we did the U.N meetings because I don't even think I knew what or where Qatar was. You even made the lectures a little more enjoyable too. I think the entire class was great. I think more discussion time would be the only thing I have to say about the class. Thank you for being an awesome teacher.

  11. This was a fantastic class, and so much fun! Thank you Stephanie for being such a cool person, and a great instructor. I have learned so much in your class. I was never one to be interested in history and definitely not in politics, but I found myself looking forward to coming to class just to find out, "what's next?" I wouldn't change a thing about this class, and would recommend it to future students(only if Stephanie is teaching it;) Thanks again for a great quarter. Have a great break everyone!

    Denise Halcomb

  12. I had fun with this class considering I have a class before this one that stressed me out. Your class helped me unwind. When I saw I had to take another political class I thought I was going to dread it. But you and Sarah both have a way of taking a boring subject and making it fun. The U.N meetings were fun; instead of doing U.N meetings every few weeks maybe do the meetings every week. I also liked the blogs and the many different subjects that were discussed every week also to see everyone's views and opinions.

    Stephanie you were a great teacher and I'm sad I won't have anymore classes with you as my teacher, maybe in the future I hope. Thanks again. Have a great break, I hope to see you in the future.

  13. What I liked most about this class was how you made a topic that many didn't want to sit through for 4 hours and made it very entertaining and informative. I liked the format of the class with the lecture, activities and quizzes; this best utilized our ability to learn these topics. What I didn't like was the final project, however, you did state you were going to change it possibly. The idea you stated of "How To Change Your Own Little World" would be a great final project.

    Only thing I would suggest to make the class even better, is to bring more snacks!!!

  14. Oh my!! I didn't want to take this class AT ALL!! Ha! I was thinking oh my garsh this is gonna suck so bad and im going to want to fall asleep and im not going to learn anything. BOY WAS I WRONG!! =D I absolutely loved this class!! I learned SOOOO much and had such a blast! Im not going to tell you that i know exact names of everything but i most definitely learned a lot! I came into class the class literally not knowing anything, and i honestly feel full of knowledge that i will use for the rest of my life. I am reading up things on CNN all the time while im at work (and now its not only the entertainment section lol). I really feel that from this class on i will be an activist and i am so excited to start changing my ways and to "change my little part of the world" =D

    You are most deff a great teacher and i enjoyed your class for the most part, the only thing i honestly say i didnt like was the united nations thing. I kinda didnt see the point in it. i did enjoy the blogs and i didnt think the quizzes were very hard.

    I want to thank you for making this class enjoyable and actually teaching us! I love that you respect everyones point of view and that you dont just get "stuck in your ways" I love that you are so open to new things but i foremost love that you are such a helping hand!! You are so available and well i hope to keep in contact with you beyond this class as im sure i will have lots of questions with upcoming event and new things that i come against. I can't wait to have business law with you (just because its you, not because its business law)!! Have a wonderful break! =D

    Sorry i wont be in the last class (im really sad) but im excited to meet an amazing activist/photographer and to know that this will mean i am making a statement to stop hate! <3

  15. Personally I think the class is perfect the way it is right now. Normally in classes like this I would be daydreaming instead of paying attention. You constant positive attitude and excitement about the subjects covered really helped me to get interested and stay interested. The balance between the short quizzes, activities, and lecture is great. Thanks for that, and thanks for being awesome and making political stuff fun.

  16. I think you've done an exceptional job with this course. Your passion for the subject shines though and you engage the class. I enjoyed the discussions most of all, it's a rare opportunity to share viewpoints and opinions without judgement and maybe even change your own views. On top of being educated in the process. I learned more then I expected and I was very thankful to have you as an instructor.

    As for altering something for improvement, thats a difficult one, if anything perhaps change the final project, you mentioned something last week about solving a local problem or something. I dont remember exactly. But I have no complaints. All in all, you rock! : )

  17. I think the class was ran well and close to perfect for those of the creative mind set. What I enjoyed most about the class was the way it was ran. Every hour or so switching to something new helped keep my attention better. One thing I would recommend for change about the class is presentations that are given ever week. Instead of just skip over the slides why not take them out. It was just something that annoyed me more than anything.

  18. Aww your so sweetie Stephanie! I am truly going to miss you and your fun, out going, entergetic personality* You made this class fun and exciting and you actually taught me a lot about historical and political issues which I honestly thought it was going to be another GE class that I just do my work in and take nothing from, but I learned a lot of knowledge thanks to you. I honestly can say that there was not anything I didn't like or that you could do better. You are an amazing passionate teacher! You allowed us to speak openly and freely about allowed each and everyone of us to be ourselves 100%. I also really liked the blogs as well so definiely keep those going. I wish you the best in your future classes and in your personal life, and I will keep in touch!

  19. I know this post is late, but I believe you deserve to recieve one reguardless. There was nothing I liked the least about this class so far it was all necessary information and a great learning experiance. I learned a lot about the economic struggles we are having and definitly had the Katrina event problems totally revealed to me. Thanks for being a wonderful instructor and keep doing your best.

  20. This has been a fun class. We touched a lot of key issues and I learned a lot about topics i'd never thought about before. I feel the presentations also brought up topics and issues in detail i'd never considered before. I think overall from this class I've gotten inspired to think and research things before I follow the crowd. Thanks for making this a fun Gen Ed.
