Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rest, Relax and Have Fun!

I’ve been looking forward to the three-day weekend coming up for a long time. I get a “free” day off of work, football season starts and summer ends – which hopefully means and end to the debilitating heat. We always get together as a family and have one last summer cookout. I’ll admit, I’ve never given any real thought to why we have Labor Day until this week.

Labor Day is a federal holiday that is celebrated on the first Monday in September. It was first celebrated locally in New York City in 1882. In 1884, President Grover Cleveland supported making it a national holiday and Congress unanimously signed it into law. By the end of the 20th century, all fifty states had also made it a state holiday. According to the Department of Labor, the holiday is “dedicated to the social and economic achievements of U.S. workers”. It is a tribute to the “contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country”.

So, in honor of the holiday, my question to you this week will be an easy one. “Did you know anything about the origins of Labor Day? How do you plan to celebrate your three-day weekend?” Answers are due no later than Tuesday, September 6th, 2011. Have a happy and safe holiday weekend!


  1. I didn't know that it has been a holiday for so long, thats awesome! Thats funny that it was voted into a national holiday unanimously!

    I plan on going to Raccoon Lake for the weekend and enjoying some much needed r&r. There will be drinking involved. :D

  2. Not surprising that it was a unanimous vote... "You mean we get to decide if we can all legally take a day off to sit on our asses? HELL YEAH!"

    As for what I'm doing...

    Same thing we do every night Pinky.... try to take over the world!!!!

    Errr...... I mean..... never-mind

    Sitting on my ass with my puppy on sat and sun like I normally do then working on Monday like I normally do except that I'll be getting double-time pay.

  3. I'm going to sit around all day today, play videogames and catch up on NintendoCapriSun's Super Mario RPG playthrough. I would do the same thing tomorrow and Monday, but tomorrow I'm being dragged along to visit relatives that I really don't want to see, and Monday is basically a driving day as I go back up to Indy. :(

  4. The way I spent my weekend...went to South Bend and saw my family. While I was there I also got a chance to tailgate the notre Dame football game and go to it. It was crazy cuz the weather got crazy and the game got delayed started at 330 and didn't end till after 9. Wholeot of fun tho. Michael Green

  5. I don't know much about Labor Day at all! I didn't do much this year for Labor Day. Normally I head up to Chicago to visit family and friends. This time around I stayed in Indy and just hung out with my cousins and did a ton of cleaning and redecorating at my house. So that's about it! :)

  6. I knew about the labor day here because we have a labor day in Colombia as well but it celebrates on a different time of the year. I normally don't do much during this holiday weekend. This year, I stayed in Indy and I had two big events that were so important for me. One of my best friend had a baby, who is so beautiful so I had the opportunity to be with her during this big moment of her life. Also, I had time to spend with my host family and had dinner time with them.

  7. That doesn't surprise me at all that making it a holiday was unanimous! Geez, even being in high school, I would have thanked anyone who would have given me a free day off, regardless of the reason!

    Aside from that, although it's Tuesday it's been a fairly easy weekend. Worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and then on a whim, my boyfriend and I decided to take a trip to Cincinnati to go to Kings Island and finish up the day at Ikea for Labor Day. I can tell I'm getting older when I get more excited about home furnishings at a low price point than the Top Gun rollercoaster.

  8. I didn't know the background of Labor Day and how it got started, but now I know. I plan on celebrating my Labor Day weekend sleeping and getting ready for finals. I don't have class on Monday's so its not that big of a deal to me that we have Monday off. Other than that I hope everyone had a good Labor Day.

  9. I did not know anything about the origins of Labor Day but I know I sure loved it when I was in high school and we would get a three day weekend. Interesting though that it has been around for that long.

    This Labor Day consisted of me working all weekend and getting to relax all day Monday which was much needed. Hope everyone else had a good weekend!!

  10. It was started by one of the workers unions back in the late 1800's. That's about all I know about it. I'll be working on labor day...well I did work on labor day.

  11. I never really knew the origins of labor day. To be perfectly honest, I never really thought about it.... I just always enjoyed the three day weekend, lol.

    I knew pretty much the meanings behind all the other major holidays but never this one... well, the more you know!!!

    I don't really have anything planned except maybe some serious R and R. Can we say cookout? It may be the last really good day for grilling out in awhile.

  12. I didn't really know anything about the origins of Labor Day. I planned to just hang out with some friends and relax from all the homework that I've had.

  13. I took the day off and relaxed. I work all week, every week, so it was nice to rest. Obviously I did this post a little late.
