Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Devil Called.....He Wants His Weather Back!

This week I’ve discovered that hot weather makes people cranky, myself included.  The air conditioner doesn’t work in my car, and I’ve become another person when driving home in rush hour traffic.  This new person is sweaty, impatient and full of rage.  I’m hoping it cools off soon before an incident occurs.

That being said, other than when I’m driving, I’ve been blessed.  I work indoors, in a cool office and go home to a nice cool house.  The community center where I work has been designated one of the eight “cooling centers” in the city.  This means we’re staying open late this week and offering a cool place to hang out to the thousands of Indianapolis residents that have no other place to go to get out of the heat.

I saw on the news over the weekend that city officials were meeting to determine a course of action for the heat wave.  I had never realized how much political decision-making plays a role in weather preparations.  Who is responsible for what?  Should IndyGo offer free bus rides to individuals so they don’t have to walk?  Should IPL suspend disconnection notices so citizens can continue to use their air conditioner?  Should the city of Indianapolis make sure residents have a safe and cool place to go?

So my question to you this week is, “What do you think the city should be responsible for when it comes to public health and safety during weather events such as this?  Should individuals be responsible for themselves, or do public officials have a responsibility to help?  What suggestions do you have to ensure everyone’s health and safety?”  Answers are due no later than Tuesday, July 27th, 2011.


  1. I haven't even noticed there was a heat wave. I just thought it was normal summer heat for a big city. My dad has told me that big cities, where there's more blacktop to reflect the sunlight and less grass to absorb it, generally become hotter in summer than small towns and rural areas, where there's more grass to absorb the sunlight.

    Getting back to the topic at hand, I think the city should organize a public orchestra outside and have play the Song of Storms ( so that it will rain. I know it sounds crazy, but any time I have ever listened to that song outside, it has started raining. I don't know how to explain it, all I know is that it WORKS.

    --Jess Curtis

  2. Thankfully I do have air in my car, but the trip from my house to my car, or car to the school, or work is very brief. The humidity is staggering. The instant sweat is gross and uncomfortable. I hate midwest weather all together. Being from New England, I'm used to mild, but warm summers, low humidity, and comfortable temperatures, never exceeding 95. The winters are MUCH snowier, but not as cold.

  3. It's exciting to hear that the city of Indianapolis is actually taking charge in the health and safety of the underprivileged citizens who make up a part of our growing population. Knowing that there are cooling centers located in the city is exciting! They should expand such a project to include most public buildings downtown. They could offer the public discounted air conditioning units that could help each families cope with the heat during the winter months. There are many philanthropic organizations that dedicate themselves to taking care of the less fortunate, if they could partner with our local government in aiding with air conditioning units, we could begin to solve the problem on a more permanent level. --Rebecca S

  4. The city should have cooling centers (like they already have) and also have a couple days where they sell discounts on fans and air conditioners. They could also have discounts for bus rides on the really hot and humid days.

    On that note, people should also be responsible for their own safety as well as their family. Keep yourself hydrated and make sure you don't get a heat stroke. Wear proper clothing and use the right SPF sunscreen.

  5. I would LOVE to see Indianapolis attempt more aid in helping its citizens stay cool for health reasons. For instance, a couple of years ago, my car broke down in the middle of winter. I was unable to get anywhere unless it was by public transportation or a friend who could help until I could buy another car. Not saying I'm less fortunate than others, but the unbearable winter literally made it impossible to be able to get to my job and school. The prices of buses are unbelievably high, even if you just need a ride a 5 miles away, but prefer not to walk on ice and snow. Air conditioning in my apartment is a nightmare in the dead of summer like it is now. The coolest it will get during mid-day hours is 80 degrees and I'm still paying well over $100 a month on that. I consider myself INCREDIBLY lucky, although I have complained. For the unfortunate citizens who aren't able to find a place to sleep in this heat, or find the ability to make it to a cooling center, or even find an adequate source of water, it must be unbearable. I definitely agree that Indianapolis should help more. Not everyone in this city is able to suffice in this heat wave.

  6. Human's are a remarkably adaptable species, but in recent centuries we have become spoiled, weak, and have forgotten this fact. Air conditioning didn't exist until 1902, before that all the only thing preventing 'suffering' from heat were hand powered fans.
    Personally I don't even think about using my AC unless it's over 90 degrees OUTSIDE (which means it's closer to 100 in my 3rd floor apartment), and even then I only set it to about 85. I often times find myself saying that I'm quite comfortable when everyone around me is complaining that it's hot. Why? Because I'm used to being in higher temperatures.
    We don't see wild animals fretting about the heat and trying to decide if they should help keep each other warm because they instinctively know how to cope with it, and humans have the same ability. There should be no need for government to step in and take any action. Humans like all other animals have dealt with heat, and every other thing nature has to throw at us, for 10s of thousands of years.

  7. I feel for you Stephanie!!! I am without air in my car as well. I have two jobs now and both are about 20mins away from my apartment. Twenty minutes didn't seem that far when the weather was cooler but now it's feels like I am in my car forever before I reach air conditioning. I've adapted by wearing at little as possible on the way to work then changing before I clock in.
    I was driving home from work the other day feeling sorry for myself driving in the horrible heat, when I turned to my left and saw a lady walking down the street. She was fully dressed with a large bag heading towards the bus stop. When she finally arrived at the bus stop, she sat on the ground and let out a sigh of relief. I was immediately humbled. At least I had a car to make the distance between my destinations less.
    I am happy to know Indianapolis has a cooling center for those who may not have air in their homes or people who simply need a place to cool off while walking.
    It is the cities responsibility to provide places for cooling and offer free water stations. Although it would be nice to allow residents to take the bus for free or discounted prices, I could see problems happening with over population and budgeting.

  8. I can definitely say that I was burning up this weekend. I had to house sit for my brother this weekend and they requested I turn off the air conditioning when I go to bed. Well I have been keeping faithful and waking up in my own sweat pool.

    I really do think the city should help by making centers where people can go and escape the heat. Perhaps maybe they should advertise the cooling centers so more people know about it.

  9. Having spent some time in Africa this is nothing. The key is drinking plenty of water and sunscreen. Try to stay in the shade when possible. That being said I think the real issue is plant life. The lack of precipitation due to this heat is what is going to be killer.

    I guess I should answer your question though. I really don't know, it should be the government's responsibility, and the Indiana one happens to be doing a good job from what I've seen right now, which is amazing considering how horribly they do everything else. At the same time there does need to be some responsibility taken by the public. We shouldn't have to wait for the government to do things, the initiative should be taken by people as well. Maybe libraries can keep longer hours to let people out of the heat, as well as gathering places such as malls, maybe not the stores, but the mall itself staying open. Pools should stay open longer as well.

    All this goes back to a bigger issue...climate change, or whatever it is they are calling global warming now. I get tired of hearing these right wing politicians calling it a hoax. Apparently these guys never go outside or watch the weather news. Anyways, enough, I've been staring at the computer too long.

  10. When I get into my car or walk into my house I try to take a moment to take in the air conditioning. I do think that the city should takes steps to insure that the people living in their community have the proper cooling areas to go to in a time of need and places to buy air conditions at a decent price. I think the city is doing a great job of telling people on the news that the heat (if they haven't noticed) is at a point were it can be detrimental to your heath. bottles of water should be given to students, workers and placed on street corners for people to stay hydrated. DRINK WATER PEOPLE :)

  11. I think that weather warnings and public health are subjects that any city should be responsible for. However, it is the peoples responsibility as well because there are weather channels that are on 24 hours so people should know better how the weather is going to be the next day. My suggestion is it should be a partnership between the city and private businesses when it is a weather warning so people can be prepare for anything but without spending any money but the businesses should be compensated.

  12. Absolutely Indiana should put in more work on keeping people cool. There should be more areas in the city that have open space for those to keep cool in. Traveling on foot in this weather is no joke, driving a car with no air conditioning is too painful. When the weather is this bad, and there are too many people ahving health issues, the city should come together on helping out. As for IPL, they should cut back on air conditioning payments during the summer especially when it gets up to 100 degrees. I know that times are hard for people and money can become an issue, but to keep those from having heat strokes, and passing out over the city, we need more businesses to be willing to help out with cool spaces,without there being an issue.

  13. With all that is said in everyone's posts, I can honestly say I feel sorry for those who don't have air in their cars. Yes the heat is intense and suffocsting to say the least. I think it is up to the city officials to help those in need of assistance with the heat... I.E. elderly, the poor. I do think it's up to the individuals however to help themselves as much as possible.

    It would probably be a good idea to start at the bottom and work our way up. It starts with the individual... stop wasting energy! How about driving less and walking more. Maybe riding a bike and usung public transportation when possibe. Car pooling. Keeping the thermostat set at 69 or 70 instead of havng people walking into your house and looking for meat hooks hanging off the ceilings. I do agree that some of the responsibility belongs to a community to help it's citizens, but I also think that people need to be more resposable for themselves and what they can do to help their own environment.

  14. I'm thankful that I have air conditioning in my car as well! The heat has been quite overbearing these past two weeks. The city has advised a heat warning. As for assisting people with cooling stations and such, I think it's the persons responsibility whether or not to leave the house or finding some sort of transportation if they don't have one. There are plenty of states around the US have just as high temperatures and still go on their everyday lives.

  15. Michael Green.....I think it is a persons responsibility to care care of themselves, however with the heat conditions it wouldnt hurt for the city to do whatever they can or assist people that are more in need, or people that might not have transportation, because that does exist. Im not saying that the city should go out on a limb to help a person out, but it wouldnt hurt to atleast provide less unfortunate people who may or might not have the luxury as someone else would.

  16. I think that the city helping people in need is a great idea. I know that I am very thankful to have air conditioning in my apartment and car. Some people are less fortunate and cant afford that luxury. I know how miserable I get just walking to my car. Yes it is peoples responsibility to take care of themselves but its the little things in life that could make someones day and that many of us take for granted everyday. Like not having to walk 2 miles to work in over 100 degree heat.

  17. I work outside doing manual labor when I'm not at school so its hard for me to be very sympathetic to people that over heat outside. I'm not trying to sound cold, ha no pun intended, everyone should know there limits and not do anything that they shouldn't in this weather. I have to pay bills and am young so I choose to work in this weather. If I felt that my life was in danger because of the heat I would work, simple as that.

    There are obviously some exceptions, like the homeless, so for those that can't care for themselves there should be extra help provided for them. Also what happened to people caring for other people without "big brother" telling that you should. Its not up to the government to care for us, its up to us to care for each other.

  18. I think that yes the city should have a plan for these heat waves. Some people just don't make enough money to afford the air conditioning. So at that maybe they should pay everyone more, or make the energy bills less expensive. that's about all i have to say
