Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Change is A-Comin', Oh Yes!

Last week, I happened to get home early enough to see that Oprah was celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Freedom Ride with an audience full of original activists. Some of you may have never heard of the freedom riders, but rest assured, our world would not exist as we know it today without their courageous actions.

In the spring and summer of 1961, 436 “Freedom Riders”, boarded buses in protest of segregation laws. The group consisted of blacks, whites, males and females, both young and old. Their plan was to buy bus tickets in Washington D.C. bound for New Orleans. Along the way they would test federal laws prohibiting segregation by having African Americans ride in the front of the bus and by sitting in “whites only” waiting rooms. The riders were trained to be nonviolent and prepared to be met with violence. As the first wave of buses crossed the Alabama state line, they were surrounded by a KKK led mob which threatened them with metal pipes, clubs and chains. They slashed the bus tires, set the bus on fire, and blocked the doors in an attempt to kill everyone on board. After the fuel tank exploded, many people ran off as the riders struggled to get fresh air. Many freedom riders were savagely beaten and left for dead. Others were imprisoned and tortured for months.

On September 22, 1961 the Interstate Commerce Commission issued an order that all segregation signs be removed from bus and rail stations in the South. The Freedom Riders had won. You can check out an inspirational video in which the original riders explain why they got on the bus, here:

I knew about the Freedom Riders long before I saw the Oprah show last week. However, watching the show made me realize just how much they had sacrificed for what the cause they believed in. I’m not sure if we have that same kind of willingness to change the world today. So this week, in honor of the Freedom Riders, I’m asking you the same questions Oprah challenged her viewers to answer, “What do you see wrong with the world today? What could you do to help change it?” Answers are due no later than Tuesday, May 24th, 2011. Please note that you have an extra week to post your answer because I will be out of town May 16th – May 19th. I may not have access to email, but I will be available by phone or text if you have any questions. P.S.  I absolutely loved your blog responses from last week.  You made me proud! Keep up the great exchange of information!

P.P.S.  One thing you could do to help change our world it vote!  On a recent quiz, many of you stated that you weren't registered.  You can now register online in just a few easy steps.  Make a difference!  Register today here:


  1. Rachel Leigh
    Thurs AM
    Says it all, really...

    I think families are what hold the larger society together. The growing rate of fractured families (abuse, emotional distance, broken commitment, abandonment) is serious and scary. I would do what I could to model and educate people in relational skills for marriage, parenting, and lifelong friendship.

    Honor (we can treat each other like the powerful people we are).
    Unconditional love and acceptance (I am not afraid of your shortcomings).
    Freedom (I don't want or need to control your behavior, but we will each learn to manage our freedom in order to protect our connection).

    I think that greater experience of positive dynamics like these will lead to healthier people in beneficial relationships. I think most people agree that the spark of life is found in relationship. Right now, widespread devastation in relationships takes a lot of valuable hearts out of the game.

  2. LeSha Moss....Tuesday morning
    What I see wrong with the world today is too many people are dying due to violence especially young adults and children. Some could be gang related and others just carelessness. I have watched the news and everyday there is someone getting killed and they run the same line, "If you have any information please contact crime stoppers". There seems to be a disconnect, not only with the police department and the investigations, but there has been a wedge between the parents and children as well.
    I remember even when I was growing up, how I could stay out all hours of the night and wasn’t too concerned with being out too late or what may happen. Not that I didn’t realize there was violence and some degree of danger but now-a-days you may be eating breakfast in a restaurant sitting five feet from a murderer or an attempted robbery.
    One thing I would change is how society forces us to raise our kids. You can’t touch them, if you tap them, its abuse. I understand that there are some people who truly abuse their kids and they should be brought to justice but there should be some way to discipline your kids without the law always stepping in to the point where you can’t touch them. My parents told me when they were growing up, if you did something wrong that there was a common respect that everyone followed, and even though it seems farfetched today, in those days it worked. They always told me it takes a village to raise a child. If you were caught doing something there were consequences. Where you did it, is where you get it. I do believe that the reason SOME children and young adults are out of control was because the parents didn’t get free reign to raise their children in a manner that would suite their kids. All children are different and “time out” doesn’t work for everyone.

  3. Bethany Hackman.
    Tuesday Morning.

    Violence! Just like LeSha said, it's all you see on the news. All the time, everyday. It's just sad. It's about 80% bad. 20% good. Back in my hometown, which wasn't that far from Grand Rapids, MI, I swear it was no where near as bad as it is in Indianapolis. I know that when I'm done with school, I'm moving out of the city. I can't imagine raising kids here honestly. It seems like every week there is also drama within the schools. Kids with knives, guns, pills? Seriously. I feel like I was sheltered back in my little county hometown. Because there was nothing like this back home.
    Now, I don't know how I would want to fix/change the violence. Because I know there is no way to completely rid violence from this world. But, one way would be to just start raising your kids better. Share that family time every week - That's what kept my head on straight. I got the good grades and did what I was suppose to. If I didn't do what I was told, I got punished right away for it. And it was real punishment, not abuse, but not just a spot in the corner. Another would be to not 'fight' in front of your children. Because they learn from your action. Any little violent action they see you do, adds up. And it's abuse like this that I believe causes the violence we see on the news today.

  4. Cristiano Mattos, Thursday morning classes

    I always believed that the big problems in the world today exist because the deterioration of the family values. I totally believe that our society is shaped by the moral family values applied in it. In order to live in a health society it is important for the members of this society first be a member of an united and bonded family. Family is the place where we start to learn how to live in the society and if somebody has a non-constructive family experience the chances are that person will turn a problem for the society in the future.

    Older I get, more I believe that those family values based on the importance of love, mutual respect, discipline and the fear of God are the best way to built an united and strong society. Whatever intention of destroying these family values could cause a negative impact on the society. It’s not difficult to understand that if a child is not raised in a home with strong family bonds on mutual love and respect between the parents and children the moral link that holds the family together could bring serious bad consequences for the society.

    As member of the society I believe that I could help the society first of all applying in my own life the family values and second teaching to my children that the family values are the base if they want to become individuals that help the society to become a better place for everybody.

  5. Tuesday Morning

    Violence was and always will be what's wrong with the world. In present time, however, i think what is wrong with the world is the lack of communication. Whether it's from government to government, parents to child, or peer to peer, communication is the fundamental aspect to any kind of good relationship. There is really no peaceful way to solve any problem without understanding what the other is trying to say and i believe that's what starts all the violence.
    As far as changing it or helping to change it, all I can do is work on my communication on a personal level and encourage people to do the same. It's hard to say what the proper way to go about solving the problem at large, however.

  6. I would have the cost of birth control changed. Everyone complains about abortions and how it's murder. Well, if the cost of birth control and pills for women wasn't so high, there would be no problem.

    Maybe start a program that provides free birth control to who ever wants it. I mean, people are going to have sex regardless of religion, rules, etc. So why not make it easier to stay safe.

  7. Thursday Am

    If I had to put a finger on the issue most concerning me with the world is apathy. The world today is full of people that have so-called causes, but there are no fighters for that cause. I am talking about people that are really willing to uncomfortable for that cause that they say is so dear to them. The old saying goes "You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet." People complain about what they don't have, but are not willing to go out and get it. I have never seen so many willing and ready to accept Welfare as they are now. The system was put in place as a stepping stone not a keystone. Decades ago citizens would rise up and make a point to get what they wanted and needed. Back then it was a hush-hush issue that was only talked about once you got off of it. This has become a 'Someone will do it' society. The problem is few are doing it and not enough following the lead. One person cannot make a difference alone, we must still stand together to make things happen.

    My suggestion is this simple. Welfare should be capped. Not by cost, but by lifestyle. If someone is continually not making any effort to get off of the program. Terminate! Not physically, just financially. Make reapplication more distasteful than it is now that they would rather go get a job doing anything than dealing with this government system.
    And for everyone who is doing something or on there way to doing grab someone and take them with you. If they don't want to go because they are scared help them shed the fear of success ( yes, some fear success because they have never really had it) and tell them it will be alright. If they don't want to come because they are too lazy...LEAVE THEM!! All they are going to do is clutter up the space for the rest of us.

  8. Gabrielle Banks
    Thurs AM

    If I could change on thing about the world it would be respect. Countries don't show respect towards each other, let along citizens of the same country. How can we expect to make changes and grow as a country and world if we don't appreciate each others differences or listen to one another? We can't. In fact we do the exact opposite and show hate and violence. Part of resolving issues is knowing how to deal with everyones' diversity and being able to compromise and reconcile.

  9. This was a great moment in (American History).A time when people where bold enough ,to stand up together for a greater purpose .To fight with a idea then to fight with their on fist .Thank you I say,thank you ,for standing up for this ,now that we have moved on. The next (Generation) of people need to know this happened so they can tell their childern what a (Hero) is.

  10. I think we are lazy.... by this I mean we depend on to many things. Farming, factory, even housework. We depend on technology to do so much of our everyday work.I think we need to put down some of the technology that we have and depend on our self to do the job. I also think family is different to. Not to many family's still have dinner everyday at the table or even talk everyday.we need to slow down and live everyday to its fullest. Be there for you family and just give them love. Thats what I wish.

  11. The Freedom Riders were definitely brave and inspirational...They fought for what was right and that is one of the hardest things to do.

    I do not believe that we have a world of people like that today. I think there is a small amount of people with such courage, but not a whole crowd of people big enough to make a difference.

    To change our world today people need to act together as one and stop letting stupid issue come between us as countries and world conflicts. We don't need to be so worried about money, who owns what lands, who has more power over who...We need to worry about keeping the world a clean environment, focus on making new inventions to help the world instead of destroy it and act as God's followers, not the Devils followers.

    I just think the biggest issue is people not being smart enough to understand that our world is in trouble.

  12. I must confess that I have not heard of Freedom Riders until reading this week's post, but I was deeply touched by their courage, union, and determination. They knew all the risks and obstacles they would have to face, and these definitely did not stop them from reaching their dream of freedom. And they won.

    However, despite people's struggles and attempts for peace and equality through the decades, I feel that our world's biggest issue is disrespect. Disrespect is the main cause of all evils in our society, like intolerance, hate,violence, and prejudice. Unfortunately, discrimination against races, religions, gender, sexuality, and social classes is still present and persistent, and the results of this regrettable act can be seen everyday on the news:fights, invasions, murders, and wars.

    Maybe the most valuable thing that I have learned from my parents is that we are all equal, and we all deserve the same attention,love, and respect - and this is what I try to pass on to everyone I know and to those I may meet along the way.

  13. Peace and tolerance is still as much a problem today as it was during the time of the Freedom Riders. True we have come a long way in our country but we are still a long way from world peace. I would have thought that by now the world would be holding hands and singing but the truth is that we still don't have the respect and cooperation from the rest of the world. War, persecution, and violence are still very much a part of the world today. I am a pretty peaceful dude, so I find it hard to belief how we still treat each other. About the only thing we can do to change this is be examples for the world and vote for leaders that will push for peace. We have too much technology and access to the history of the world to excuse making the same mistakes of the past.

  14. Jake Kawaguchi
    Tues. AM

    This is something I really wanted to wait and see other peoples responses to first. I don't usually comment on other peoples comments but I felt this topic was a very good way to measure the effect of modern media on Americans.

    I noticed a lot of people stated that violence was the main problem; too many people being killed, to many violent attacks. Some people actually cited the fact that clearly that is the problem because that is all you see on the news. A quick glance at the Bureau of Justice Statistics
    (link: )
    shows that overall violence has been on a steady decrease since as far back as the 1970's; take what you will from that.

    Some individuals stated that people today simply weren't strong or courageous enough compared to the freedom riders example. I'm not sure if they meant the whole world lacks these people or just America, but either way they're false.

    Don't forget the multiple uprisings happening throughout the middle east as people still fight tyrannical governments seeking freedom in much the same way as the freedom riders, and facing much harsher punishments. Even in America, look at the still recent Wisconsin protests, and on that note protests across the country for the very same reason.

    Look at every gay rights supporter who must come under fire for standing up for what they believe in. It's very easy to say that people aren't being attacked for these beliefs but don't forget the rash of suicides of gay teens. People who lost their lives because they refused to submit to a country that despises them.

    Look at the governments attacks of individuals who are exposing classified documents. People facing years in prison with no trial, no attorney, no due process at all. These are people who felt that the American people were being wronged and decided to fight back.

    This country, and world for that matter, is full of an increasing amount of people who are fighting for what's right, at incredibly high costs.

    The only real difference between activists today and activists in the time of the freedom riders? Looking back you can easily see that the white supremacists were the bad guys, now it's not that easy to label the bad guy. There is no black and white anymore. So I guess for some people it's just easier to assume there's no more fighting, no more standing up for what's right. To those people I say, tell that to the more than 900 dead Syrian protesters.

    Jake K

  15. Sarah Green, Tuesday morning class...

    I was glad to know that freedom riders fought for what they believe in even though they had some fear about the consequence of the out come, they prove to the world that they had faith in GOD and in their selves that they can make a difference and how we live and by doing that they made a change in our society.

    What wrong with the world today is people do not put GOD first in what they do;that why things go wrong because there is a lack of spiritual mortal that goes along with everyday living and that starts at home. To change the world I feel that if two parent work together and rise their children and teach them the right way of living i believe we as a nation would not have so much violence in our world today.

  16. Danielle Kraus
    Tuesday Morning

    I think that it is excellent that their are people who want to make a change like the freedom riders. They stood up for their beliefs. They wanted to make a difference in life.

    I think their are several things wrong with society today. For starters, their is so much disunity on this earth that causes segregation. If people came to the realization that we are all the same and equality we would be closer. Their is so many people hurting other people by committing crimes. Also if people If we could all grasp the idea of oneness the world would be better. Another thing that would be great is if their was no lying or backbiting, especially in elections. We need to vote for who is better by the truth of electors. Also if their are issues that need to be resolved then the people who are higher up need to follow what they say. Do as I say not as I do isn't a way to run a society. We need to show oneness in equality to make a better society by showing true equality to everyone. This will make a better place for us

  17. Rachael Stone
    Tuesday Morning

    I think a huge issue facing the world at the moment is the discrimination against people for being gay or there choice of spiritual beliefs even down to choice of clothing because this can lead to violence and can ruin peoples lives. I think that it is important for people to be able to freely express themselves without fear. Everyone should be entitled to the same opportunities regardless of sexual preference, spiritual belief, race, clothing etc.

  18. Tiffany Needler
    Thrusday Morning

    The issuse in my world is dead beat parents. Wheather that be moms or dads, when you have children you need to be the best parent regardless if you relationship with the other parent is good or not. I grow up with both parents, and now that I am exposed to people that have children who are more into seeking revenge on there ex rather than focus on there children I am shocked. There a tons of couple that would die to have children of there own, but there are a large number of poeple who can not or dont even care to take care of their own children. Family means alot to me, so I would stand for families.

  19. Its good to have people, willing to stand up for what they believe in. However, that story proves that with every positive activist, there will be an opposing negative activist right behind them, and what’s sad is that some of them think that violence is the answer to solving some kind of elusive problem they think or is TOLD is right when it is in fact not right at all. Just a proven example on how people are raised to believe in certain things. Manipulation and motivation ride a thin line. Today in the world terrorism is the problem that inflicts us all at this point. but, just like the freedom riders fought the KKK, and America fought the Nazis, now we fight the terrorists. They are all the same narrow-minded fools if you ask me, following another blind sheep, and looking at their leaders as some kind of savior.

  20. Brett A. Williams - Tuesday Morning Class

    Question One: "What do you see wrong with the world today?"

    This is a loaded question. In my opinion there is a lot wrong with the world today. There is our dependance on non-renewable resources, inability to except other cultures, out-sourcing labor, generational irresponsibility, etc. All of the problems with the world arise because people are no longer held accountable for there actions, largely at least, yes there are governments and institutions that try to enforce rules and policies but are "spinning their wheels". Is it not just as bad to stand by and do nothing when a wrong has been done then do have done the wrong yourself? I believe it is. With that comes an ambiguous responsibility to stand up not only for yourself but for those around you. Even one person, a miniscule percentage of the population can have a very dramatic effect on society and culture.

    Question Two: "What could you do to help change it?"

    There are several ways to go about holding people accountable for what they do but it is not something that I alone can do. However in doing my part, Holding those around me accountable and myself to higher standards than the rest of the world will it starts to ignite conversations and interest into why and how I can do such things. Which then increases the awareness that people don't have to be lazy or conform that even though the road is tougher the outcome is far greater. If everyone held some else accountable for their actions the world would be a far better place. Is this going to happen over night? Is this going to have wide spread adoption across the globe? No, but every little movement, every little person, even every little actions that is in the right direction is progress. I believe that it take a revolution to change the way we are or the way we do things. But doesn't it only take one to start a revolution?

  21. Ryan Pluckebaum
    Thursday Morning

    The thing that I find wrong with the world is that there is just so much hate. There is hate for everything little thing that anyone does. If gay people want to get married people get mad and complain that it is wrong. If someone wants to get an abortion because they got pregnant too young, or during rape, or if they just want one because they aren't ready some one gets mad and starts to complain about it. If someone has different religious views than another person someone is going to want them to change their views and convert religions. People just need to be chilled like iced tea and just cool their jets. Everyone needs to stop worrying about everyone else and just figure out there own lives out. Come on everyone lets all be like John Lennon and give peace a chance!

  22. Justin Mog
    Tuesday AM

    I think that the world, especially the United States, today consists of battling extremes divided by a large apathetic population. Compromise is seriously lacking. The apathetic population lacks motivation to vote on issues that people have extreme opinions about; mostly social or civil rights issues. Most Americans, sadly, don't care about issues that don't concern them, therefore, engaging them to be active is difficult.

    In other countries, such as Yemen and Egypt, people seem to be more active in pursuing freedoms. However, it has lead to violence. I'm not sure what can be done. I would push for peaceful resolve, but when people are outraged and angry, it leads to violence. Perhaps education of peaceful means is a step in the right direction.

  23. Brandon Weienbach
    Thurs am

    There's so much wrong with people it's hard to start. Over all I'd say ignorance and a lack of common sense are primary concerns. These are brought about by religion, a lot of governments, and poor parenting. There are probably too many people in the world to do much, especially when the system allows for people to continue to do bad things, and those who might stop them to be punished.

  24. James thomas
    Tuesday morning
    I think that the world needs to drop their hatred agains other people for what ever reason it may be and live with others with no discrimination. The rich can help the poor and the healthy can help the sick. I think to help change things I have to join a group or start one myself to help a cause that I am passionate about. It will make a chang whether small or big, it's still a change.

  25. PART I (because I'm 300 characters over the limit)

    Shel Copeland
    Thursday Morning

    As everyone can imagine I could list a million things here. In fact, I’ve got a huge draft sitting on my desktop that ridiculously long and I don’t want to be THAT kid in class, like I am sure I already am. So I’m only going to list the biggest, less petty issues. =)

    Can you imagine how different the world would be if everyone could simply respect one another? So you and I don’t agree on each other lifestyles. Well, let’s just respect one anothers opinions and until your lifestyle harms me or others, then I’ll let you do your thing and I’ll do mine. Meanwhile, I got your back if a natural disaster hits. Deal?
    Also, don’t beat my dog because she peed on the floor. Really? Just pay attention to when she prances near the front door and guess what? She will actually pee outside in the grass!

    I am a very firm believer that you can’t have good without evil, that the two will always be battling. But there’s a certain degree in which you can still be a bad person without blowing other people up. Again, this goes back to respect (like many of these issues will do).

    Living Green/Pollution:
    If we could all respect the things around us (am I sensing a pattern here?) and do things in a way that wouldn’t cause humans, animals and the Earth to die slowly from toxins, there would be less angry people around the world. In fact, my boyfriends Men’s Health magazine just published that Indianapolis is #10 on the Angriest Cities in America list and #5….let that number sink in real fast….NUMBER FIVE on the MOST RADIOACTIVE CITY in the ENTIRE U.S. of A.!!!!!! AHHH!!!

  26. PART II
    I think the Aztecs or the Mayans went on record to say that 2012 isn’t the end of the world in general, but the end of the “Fourth World.” Like the world and humanity is going to get a reboot. The world and society that we all reside in the “World of Power and Greed “ (which I bet no one can agree to, right? Crazy!) and that THAT world is what’s going to end. Corrupt Governments will fall, the people will rise and stand together, etc. Personally, I’m all for this.
    Let me also add into this category rising gas prices, rising everything prices, actually. The fact that there are WAY too many options for every product in grocery stores (do we really need 15 different brands of toothpaste?). Um, how about paying $80,000 for an education at a location that doesn’t have 80 grand worth of pros, equipment, or space to it?

    The overproduction of pharmaceuticals and other crap we don’t need:
    This is something I’m super passionate about and this could be a very long paragraph, but I’ll sum it up this way. Three quarters ago, a group of culinary students taught me the horrors of Mass Food Production. I was already an almost vegetarian (I love turkey too much!) but I haven’t eaten fast food at all since doing that project. Did you know that out of 80% of the United States antibiotics and etc, go into the production of mass meat?!? Really think about that. Think of how many medications humans take (which is too many in my opinion) and realize that that number is only 20% of the medication that is PRODUCED! GAH! It’s no wonder that the United States has the highest rates of cancer in the world! It’s because we are poisoning ourselves with crap that we don’t need because we have so many freedoms that we are allowed to produce a bunch of crap that causes our bodies to deteriorate.

    Running out of natural resources:
    I won’t go into this too much, as it’s what my final project is on (although now I’m thinking about doing the above topic). However, this is the simple break down:
    ---We are poisoning the Earth so the lands are as fertile to grow crops.
    ---We are running out of fresh water on the planet (so conserve water PLEASE!).
    ---Thanks to countries that don’t believe in birth control (not just medicine, this means contraception too!) the Earth is overpopulated. ---We’ve dug, drilled, and sucked so much stuff out of the earth’s surface that the Earth is deteriorating around us. Ever hear about the mass sink holes all over the world? The one’s that are thousands of feet deep and usually in the middle of cities and intersections? Put two and two together…freaky, huh?

    My list could go on and on, but I waited until the last minute to simplify it and if I keep typing but then I'd be making three separate postings and Stephanie is probably already skimming this. =)

    Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Hope. Forgiveness.

  27. Stephanie Harrison
    Thursday morning

    There is a lot that is wrong with the world today. The one issue I would like talk about is the fact that people are not taking care of our plant. In reality they trashing where they live and sooner or later it will catch up with them. There are a lot of people that seem to not care much about the earth and the environment. We need to not take what we have for granted and do our part
    The reason I picked this topic is because it is on issue that I am trying to actively help. I do the recycle reduce and reuse but I also take is one step further and buy only things that can be recycled. I use the water aluminum bottle rater than the plastic bottles. When I go to the store I use reusable bags instead of paper of plastic. There are a lot of little things that you can do to help the environment it just task a little bit of effort. Also I would like to eventual get an echo friendly car, as well as have an eco friendly house.

  28. The thing I hate the most is just the overall hate among everyone. It seems like it is fun for us to judge and make fun of one another. Cruel comments can hurt in so many ways and can turn into violence. It has become really bad with kids and teenagers. Late last year a boy killed himself because he was being bullied. Maybe if we as adults tried to be nicer and show kindness then that will influnce childern. Some children might not have anyone to teach them those lessons, so maybe our schools should have a class on kindness or how we should all learn to live and work together as a world.

  29. After watching the video last week on global warming I really think that is a huge problem that doesnt get enough attention. We need to work together to preserve our planet. Ignorant people have the mindset that Earth is too big for us to make an impact on it. This is so wrong and studies have shown that. Even if we dont have an impact on Earth, do you really think us taking care of it and being aware of our lifestyle choices that can improve our environment will do anything but good? It will be and people need to understand that.

  30. Taylor Fleeman
    Thursday Morning

    I do not know exactly what I would get on the bus for, but I know for a fact that I would get on the bus. I believe myself to be a very passionate person and I when I believe in something... I stand up for myself, and my beliefs. There are a lot of things that I do not like about this world, there is a lot of hate, a lot pain, and a lot of sadness. Things that need to be better, and things that need to be changed. The only way you get those changes is if we ban together and do something.

    Al Gore said something in his documentary, and it really made me think, it went something like this: Often people when addressing an issue go from 'denial' to 'despair' they get too overwhelmed with the fact that they can't do anything, or it's too late. People forget about the middle step, they forget that they can do something. And we should do something. Whatever that is. So, yes, I would get on that bus because that represents standing up for what I believe in, it means doing something, and it means making a change.

  31. There are entirely too many things wrong with the world. The one thing I think could really help if we all were a little bit less judgmental. I think everyone is so afraid of "different". Just because something is different or someone does something differently than the way you were taught doesn't mean its wrong. If everyone was just little more open to change and difference I think there would be a lot less hate in the world.

  32. Back in those times we had a lot of things to stand up and fight for. We also had strong leaders who inspired others to stand up and fight for things they would have normally stood back and done nothing about. Today I still think there are issues that still need to be addressed but there is a lack of leadership in this country. There is no one standing up and inspiring others to do what needs to be done.

  33. Janelle Birkey
    Tuesday Morning

    Watching the 2 minute video on the freedom riders was an experience for me. They were only a few words, but they were the strongest and most striking short stories. Today I see people fighting for things. There are protesters, and even if I agree or don't agree with what they are protesting they are still fighting for something. The world has many problems, but to me there are more problems to focus on with our people in our own country. Even though freedom riders won the segregation battle, there is still discrimination. We as a government could try to change that, but it would do no good. People have their own thoughts and opinions and we can not force them to think differently. I feel that people in America are selfish and only help themselves. Unfortunately, I can be included in this. I feel to address the countries major issues we first need to fix our own issues. However, that would be an ideal and not realistic.

  34. Yajaira Hermosillo
    Tuesday Morning

    In the world there are lot of wrong things and become scared of some of them. The worst of all is that young innocent children are dying day by day. I believe that nobody is trying to help the world be a better world. People are in jail being innocent and people are to safer to talk. I think that this world doesn't step up for there own people. To many gangs and violence because of that. I think that people can only help themselves, but at the same time to quiet all the killing I feel that nobody should be allowed to purchase guns. If they do have one they should be tucked where young little children are not able to reach them. I have a baby brother and I know that I would never want nothing to happen to him because he is the love of my life, just like my baby cousins.

  35. When i was a kid there was so many good people back then. But now as i get older i started to see lest and lest. It hurt me that people some people just stop caring about those people that really need the help. Which is why I took some of that power and start to help as must as i can. I know I'm just one men but that the think. It only take one to change people way of thinking.

  36. One thing that I personally see wrong with the world is the reluctance to accept people for the way they are. Do i expect to be able to make everyone love one another. No, something like that would not be possible no matter how hard we tried. I personally would start educating children about other countries, cultures, and people at a younger age. I think that if we assisted children in accepting other people in their younger years, it may not be as difficult to promote acceptance when they are older because it is already something that they have constantly been exposed to.

  37. There are so many problems with our world today, that I am not sure that I could place just one at the top of a list. Acceptance of people, hunger, wars, poverty,corruption, governments,people in general. The list goes on and on. One thing that I noticed was recently on a trip to Chicago. I cannot believe the attitude and some of the inconsiderate people. The change between where I am from to the city is unreal, and that would be a huge thing to see would be people respecting other people.
