Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Your Thoughts and Feedback are Appreciated!

Well another quarter has come and gone!  I have enjoyed getting to know all of you and hearing your opinions in class!  When we started together, most of you hated politics, and now you are ready to go out and change the world!  I wish all of you blessings and success in the future.  Please stay in touch and feel free to visit and post on the blog whenever you like.

So for our last blog post, I would like to get your thoughts and feedback on the class.  "What did you like or dislike about the class?  What could I do to make it better?"  Answers are due no later than Tuesday, September 21st, 2010.  After that, the blog will be down until class resumes next quarter.  To those of you who are graduating, congratulations on all your hard work and achievements!  For everyone else, I hope you enjoy the break!  Signing off for the last time....(okay maybe not the last time, but it sounded good)


  1. My thoughts about the class are good. My dislike is the time. This class should not be a morning class. But overall the class is interesting, I enjoyed myself and learned a lot. The quizzes are fine, I struggled a little with a few of them because I never really got a chance to study how I needed to. I like the open class discussions because you learn more by talking it out and you get others perspective. The language is also broken down so that most people can understand, so that's a plus. My only suggestion is to have an overview of what was learned that day or an overview before quizzes, if there is time.

  2. Tom Whitesell

    I think that the class is perfectly fine, and there isnt anything i would change about it. I really liked your personality and how you tried to make class fun and interesting as much as you could, and it kept me attentive at times when i wouldnt normally be.

  3. the class is fun, even though its about politics. although i still dislike politics and they make me sleepy, but i did learn a lot. the 8am part of the class sucked pretty bad but it got it outta the way so i had time to do stuff during the day. the only part that i didnt like is the United Nations thing... it didnt really serve a purpose that i got out of it. i know its hard to do something like that but i just didnt really learn anything from it. maybe im just missing it.

  4. i enjoyed the class though i don't believe that i'll be watching the news or reading the paper any time soon, but the class was enjoyable none the less. you're doing a great job and i wish you luck for next quarter.

  5. I really enjoyed this class and getting to know some new people from the other areas of study at Ai. I appreciate their interest in the other art forms. Being an older student, the material taught helped to refreshen some information that I had otherwise forgotten. Stephanie is a blast and she keeps the subject comprehensible and fun. Best of luck to her and everyone else in the class.

  6. I enjoyed that class though my political views have not changed :). i think that its a great class and you make a subject that most people dread fun to come and learn things about. i hope that you have a great break as well. and as a graduate i will try and keep in touch with every one and i might just happen to try and post some comments on your blogs..

  7. I thought the class was great. It was fun and the class discussions could sometimes be hilarious and I really enjoyed that. The only I would change is the time. I think this class should be in the afternoon or evening but other than that everything else was great!! :)

  8. I really enjoyed the class. I always look forward to learning something new, discussions, or a good debate. I really appreciated that you let us speak our minds and opinions. I really enjoyed that you wanted to hear our opinions and you let us form our decisions about things. Sometimes with classes with topics like these some teachers aren't as open minded and dont let students speak up. So, thank you for that. I enjoyed the blog it was just hard to remember to get it done two days before the class was. I really enjoyed the class discussions and groups. I think doing a little review every now and then on certain topics would help with the quizes. Other than that it was a very enjoyable class. The only thing I can think of that would be neat is maybe to have some speakers come in sometimes to talk to the class about certain topics. Thank you for a good quarter, it was a pleasure to have you as a teacher.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I absolutely loved this class, and I enjoyed learning everything that you taught us about the way that politics work. I'm not really sure why, but the subjects that we covered peaked my interest every week. The only way it could have been better is if there were a sequel to this class. Thank you very much for sharing your passion for these subjects with us. ♥

  11. The class was good not really my favorite subject but you did a great job at keeping it interesting and i really enjoyed have you as a teacher. and i dont think there is much more you could do you are passionate about the subject and that really comes through and made me more interested!Keep it up your doing a fantastic job!

  12. I enjoyed everything about this class. The first day I didn't think I would because I've never been into politics at all, but you made learning fun and entertaining especially when we talked about Bush. I wouldn't change a thing about this class, thank you for helping me get a better understanding of what is really going on in our world today!

  13. I enjoyed this class a lot. I like the whole idea of just trying to make us more aware of all the politics that are constantly going on around us. I definitely enjoyed the class discussions and the "United Nations" was a fun way to practice working together to resolve issues. I really can't think of anything I particularly disliked or anything you could do to make the class any better.

  14. My feelings towards the class are a little grey.
    I wouldn't say it was "fun", but it was probably about as fun as it could be at 8am. =P
    I really really try to avoid morning classes as much as I can.

    It's going to take me more than 11 weeks to become more aware and involved... but you have to start somewhere! And with this being my last quarter, maybe i'll have more time to pay attention to what's going on around me.

    -Craig Smith

  15. I enjoyed this class for the most part. I feel that the blog was a unique way of getting the students involved in conversation. The final project was enjoyable. This class was graded more than fairly. I also enjoyed the debates in our groups. I don't have much negative feedback or constructive criticism, sorry.

  16. I really enjoyed this class, I think it is always a good time when I can voice my opinion about something and the way I feel about it without having someone tell me I am wrong right away. I thought the United Nations exercise was a unique and fun way to learn how to think like other people might think, and help us all to work together to get a problem solved. I am no closer to holding a "political party", but I am seriously thinking about how to reach someone who can help move the funds around to help with retirement money and away form other areas where it is not so needed. So if anyone wants to help me that would be great. I really don't feel the start time was bad, it's the real world and sometimes you have to get up early. There really isn't much negative, you always had a fun way to make us think about politics and how things effect us. I will most definitely be making comments in the future on here if thats ok.

  17. I loved this class!!! Stephanie, i loved both of your classes! The only thing that i disliked about it was it was at 8AM! Im not really a morning person! The conversations, lectures, and debates were all interesting and kept my attention. Your an awesome instructor. Hope you have an awesome break!

  18. I dont think anything needs to be changed about the class..the time was difficult for me..haha staying awake incase I was hit with some random object. Other than that I thought there were some goo times and funny moments, and I learned a few things to carry on in life.

  19. I've really enjoyed this class. I thought the blogs were great. This is the first time Ive had to do that for a class. I would've liked to have the United Nations groups meet more often. That was fun and it got us out of our seats and into actual groups.

    The morning aspect didn't bother me as much. I really enjoyed you as a teacher. I've learned a lot in your classes even though I didn't participate in class discussions as much. You're an awesome instructor. See you around school.

  20. i really enjoyed this class. You made it a fun way to learn and the homework (or lack there of) was a nice break from all of my other classes. I can honestly say that i learned a lot and will most definitely be able to use this acquired knowledge in the future. Thank so much for a great quarter and a fun class :)

  21. Tristan

    Your high energy level for such an early class. Your love of the subject.
    The minimal outside homework.

    -_- 8am(not your fault)
    Forgetting my blog(again not your fault)

    Maybe a field trip or two, city hall or the downtown library.
    Maybe a facebook fan page for the blog or a twitter to help remind students about the blog.

  22. I enjoyed this class and I learned new laws and ideas on politics. It was very insightful. I wish it wasn’t a morning class but other than that it was awesome. I like the United Nations idea, but I think it would have been helpful if we had all the countries statistics in front of us instead of just our own. It would have made the negotiations easier. Maybe you could have the class talk about other world issues like what to do about curing AIDS, global warming, and world hunger to go along with trading. I really enjoyed the United Nations.

  23. I really enjoy the class because I really learned a lots from being listen from other people's opinions and their view.
    Also of course, I wish I can take the class afternoon because I am not kind of morning person.

  24. i enjoyed getting credit for commenting on this blog. y only suggestion, like always, is more cowbell.

  25. The class was a bit more fun that i thought it would be, but I think that's because of your personality Stephanie. Politics is a very boring topic for me because I really don't know much about it and honestly don't care too most of the time. The fact that I laughed in that class is a good thing especially at 8 in the morning. The powerpoints are helpful but make the class drag on it seems. I do however like the fact that we can sat how we feel and have a discussion over it, most classes don't allow that.

  26. Well I will say that I have truly enjoyed this class. It is only one of a few non culinary classes I've had to take. I will say that for the first time I've been at the Art Institute that I have felt like I was being taught by an actual professor. This class was taught like a lot of my classes at Purdue and I think that is a great experience for people who have come to this school from high school. I like how we are graded on not always our opinions but the fact that we offer our opinions. I think that is an important thing to include. I would say I dislike the blogs because I am not a big fan of the practice myself. I'm not someone that takes the time to spend on the internet discussing my thoughts. I don't even like communicating through Facebook, but the blags haven't been that bad. Thanks for a great quarter.

  27. The class was very good the blog thing was fun we could allways use more stuff to express our thoughts.I diddent dislike any thing about the class it is what it was we all need to learn about history and the isssues that made the world what it is today.

  28. I would have to say the only negative thing about this class was the time it was at. I am not a mourning person so that killed me, but that's not your fault. I really enjoyed the way you involved the class in discussions encouraging us to share our opinions and I really enjoyed your "stick it to the man" attitude about most topics and politics is general. Over a great class and I am glad I had to take it.

  29. I liked how we were able to print off your power points and take notes as you lectured to you. I am also not a morning person (such as markbatta), so I did not like having to get up at 6:30 am to get ready for class. As far as everything else, I had fun. Kind of wish we could've played apples to apples that day you accidentally had it in class though... :)
