Monday, June 7, 2010

Your Thoughts and Feedback are Appreciated!

Wow!  I can't believe another quarter has already gone by.  I guess time flies when you're having fun!  I had a really good time this quarter; reconnecting with students I've already had in other courses, and meeting some of you for the first time.  I wish you much success in your future endeavors and hope that you stay in touch with me.

For our final blog post, I would like to get your thoughts and feedback on the class. "What did you like or dislike about the class?  What could I do to make the class better?"  Answers are due no later than Sunday, June 13th, 2010.  After that the blog will be down until summer quarter begins.  Congratulations to those of you who are graduating!  For everyone else, have a happy and safe summer break!


  1. Stephanie, the only thing I really want to say is thanks. I no longer fit in the ignorant class. I truly never cared about politics. I guess it doesn't facinate me much. but I found your class fun, especially for an 8 oclock class, which I usually despise. I learned far more in there then I did all throughout high school and middle school. I even voted in the local election, which I never have before. So thanks!

  2. To be honest,I don't have much to say. I enjoyed your class very much. I found all the discussions to be interesting and edifying. I really wouldn't change much. I thought the class was great just the way it was. As a final word, I would like to say thank you. Your passion and excitement in each and every class was very refreshing.

  3. I enjoyed your class very much, and it is a shame I will not be seeing you in my next quarter, as much as I hate to say it my least favorite part about your class is these blogs (as I have no reliable way of using the internet). If you could take these same entries and make a paper copy I have no doubt that this class would have been less hectic for me to participate in. Other than that all the material was nicely explained. Keep up the good work!

  4. The class has been enjoyable. The mock election and making of a bill, was an interesting way of understanding the processes. Thank you for making a history class fun and interesting.


  5. Contrary to what I had expected, the class was very informative and enjoyable. I liked having the opportunity to express our opinions, if they were the same as everyone else or not. It is interesting to hear the viewpoints of others and broadens our horizons. It was very helpful to have the study guides before each test. I like the blog as well. It put responsibility on each of us to post our responses and gave another opportunity to share our thoughts. I'm not sure anyone needed the book. Even though it was only $5, the information we needed to learn was available through the slideshows and the lectures during class. I think you're a teacher that is hilarious and makes things fun as you direct us to group up with your wand. Thanks for the fun class and information this quarter!

  6. Class was usually interesting and fun. I didnt mind waking up that early for politics most of the time. But honestly I didnt think we would get along after introductions the first day. But I was wrong. It was fun relearning and learning things about politics I had forgotten or didnt know.

  7. the in class projects were very fun and the debates were always a very enlightening experience...I personally was just a little intimidated to say anything during the debates because I am so politically ignorant that I would just end up making a bigger fool out of myself.

    I learned alot in this class however, but my fear of speaking out remains

    my least favorite part about the class was just the fact that there was just too much rely on the internet...I dunno...I just dont like fully trusting technology, and also to what Tyler said, we all dont have the easiest access to the web enough to keep up

    what was very frustrating about this blog was it keeps forgetting my google account password every week and I have to reset my password for every single post I have made this quarter.

    Other than that, it was a very fun class

    I hope you have a great summer!


  8. To be honest with you, I simply enjoyed your class! I never thought history can be this much interesting! Thanks to you...I got to learn so many things that I wasn't aware of and really want to learn more about it!
    I loved your blogs..I think they were actually the best part of this class...Got to share so many opinions on so many varied issues...I don't think you need to do anything different to make this class any better...rather I feel the way you teach is great!!!

    Thanks a lot Stephanie...
    have a great summer!

    -sajal Dhingra

  9. I honestly dreaded taking this class, it wasn't that bad. I actually enjoyed it. I learned a lot. It was fascinating to learn how a bill begins and how it goes through the process before it actually becomes a law.

    Your style of teaching is very refreshing and I would not change anything about your class. It is fascinating to meet someone like yourself who undoubtedly has the passion for politics that you do.

    Unlike some, I did enjoy the blogs. I understand it was very difficult for some to gain access to the internet, but it was nice to sit down in the comfort of my home and drink a cup of coffee and read all the different blogs and opinions.

    Keep up the good work and I hope you never change your style of teaching, because it worked for me and everyone else. I hope you have a great summer!

    I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Summer break! It was nice to meet all of you.

  10. I really enjoyed the class talks we had. It was nice to have a class where we could talk about strong topics and no one get anger or completely offend someone. Its was nice to be more knowledgeable about what's going on in the government and ways we can change things. Overall it was a great class and I had fun.


  11. Honestly i thought this class was going to be boring but then i thought about it and said it can't be because Stephanie is teaching this class. The only thing i would have changed is having this class as a morning class. Other than that i really enjoyed the class and thought it was fun. I liked how we can talk about different topics and everyone had thier own opinions or stories to share. Besides that i learned a lot this quarter and wasn't expecting to be interested in it but i actually was. Now everytime i hear politics i think about your class or i would remember what i learned. I did not think politics would be so interesting. I wouldn't change anything about teaching this class and i would definately keep the blogs. They were fun to do and it is great giving our oinions and thoughts.
    Thanks for a fun class and i will definately keep in touch...remember yourone of my favorite teachers..=) hope you enjoy your summer break as well.

  12. i honestly despised your class. i'm joking of course. i found your class interesting and looked forward to it. i wasn't much of a fan of politics, and wouldn't exactly say i like it, but i do like to discuss it more now and have become educated on topics i wasn't before. i'd like to say thank you and continue to do what you're doing.

  13. This class was possibly my favorite class of the quarter. I came into the classroom thinking I knew quite a bit about politics, but after a few lessons I learned twice as much as I thought I knew. The material is very important to our future lives, and you made it so easy to learn. Your teaching style is very unique, but definitely easy to get along with. Thanks more making this a great quarter.

  14. Stephanie, I really loved this class. I have enjoyed being there at 8am to talk politics. My favorite parts are the class discussions; I like to argue. I find it fun. 8) Your teaching style is great the way it is. I enjoyed your lectures and learned so much from them, which I cannot say about many other classes haha. I'm glad this class is required because it helps people open their minds to what's actually happening in this country that those people wouldn't know otherwise. I'm sort of up-to-date because I have Adam filling me in with what I don't see or read. ;) The only thing I've thought throughout this quarter in a slightly negative way is about how easy the tests were to me. (I'm gonna get yelled at for this!) I think a lot of teachers at the school give easy tests, and I feel that they need to be either a little more difficult or have more questions. Just sayin'. Haha! I must have over-studied, which is very unlikely, but I thought the tests were easy. You made politics and debate so much fun so thank you for not being a boring teacher!! :D I'm gonna' miss your 8am peppiness. Have a great (and short) summer break!
    Katt C. Lindemann

  15. Going into Political Issues I was a little nerves because I didn't know a lot about political issues. I think this class opened my eyes on things around me. The discussions made me think more on the subject and state my opinion on the matter. Each debate was fun and I liked watching my class mates get into it. The tests weren't as scary as I thought. Stephanie's classes are always fun and entertaining.
    Jaimie Foutz

  16. Stephanie,
    Thank you so much for enlightening me on a subject I once thought was boring. I really enjoyed everything about this course, you made it very fun and interesting. I didn’t think politics were this important or affected my day to day life this much. I thought everything in this class was put together well and I wouldn’t change anything – great job!
    Thanks to you I will never look at politics the same again – I will look at it in a better light.

  17. Stephanie, you are FABULOUS! Even though my butt missed three classes, one not being my fault and the other two simply exhaustion. Anyways, I appreciate your patience and how you help any student who communicates with you. I appreciate when the teacher responds to emails quickly!! I did learn a lot this quarter in the class, it has opened my eyes to what is going on in the country and to follow current Acts, and see how they are progressing. Also, with your lectures they are easy to follow and the explaining of the government makes so much more sense from you than any high school teacher I had. HRC website is one of my new favorites and New York Magazine online is a great source of information. Have a wonderful short break from teaching! Stay out of trouble, because I know Im going to try real hard!!

  18. I have a few things to say about this class. I thought first that the material tought didnt really apply to me personally im not a political person, but the way that you tought the material and how emotional you were about it really inspired me to learn. I thought you were an amazing teacher with lots of good aspects to your teaching methods. I thought the blog was a good idea. The one thing i didnt enjoy though is all the group work as i am a very unsocial person around people i dont know. The quizes were very well done as well and the project was fun to thank you for doing so well this quarter.

  19. I enjoyed the class, surprising since I was one of the blah politics people. I wish I had gotten to be there for all of the classes. You truly made it entertaining with your odd enthusiasm. And sorry for posting late again. Lori

  20. i enjoyed the class and hearing all of the different inputs about the things going on in our society. it's nice to be able to have different thoughts about things and agree to disagree about so much that is going on. people have so many views and it is interesting to see what others think.

  21. I don't have any suggestions on how to make your class any better; because I don't think it could be any better. I thought your class was very interesting. I liked the open discussion and how you got us to think about these subjects for our selves.

  22. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed a class on politics. In-class discussions with input from different points of view made the class very interesting. I'm sure it's hard to cram all of U.S. political history into 11 weeks, but I feel like I got a very good overview of it and am more interested in politics now and how they can directly affect me.

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