Friday, February 19, 2010

Good old fashion values....Lucky there's a family guy!?

It used to be that if you were watching an animated series, you were probably a child. All that changed in 1989, when The Simpson’s began airing in prime-time. Since then, animated series such as South Park, Boondocks and Family Guy have all had success on major networks. The shows cater to adults by providing commentary on social issues, politics and religion through use of humor. These shows provide us a way to laugh at subjects that are usually serious, and although funny, the shows oftentimes provide a little truth too.

I still remember the South Park episode in which they depicted Osama Bin Laden making a “Message to the Americans”. The events of September 11th remain a terrible tragedy in the minds of most, but somehow South Park found a way to make it funny. Family Guy has an episode in which Peter makes his own country and throws a party for Slobodan Milosevic, Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein. I would never condone the atrocities committed by these men, but I found myself laughing all the same.

However, some critics say these shows take comedy too far. Recently, Sarah Palin lashed out at the writers of Family Guy for referring to her youngest son Trig, who has Down syndrome. Calling the episode, “another kick in the gut,” Palin wrote that this episode begs the question: “When is enough, enough?” My own household started boycotting Family Guy after feeling that although the show often kept us laughing, we could no longer support the mockery of our faith. That being said, if we tried to censor everything on television that offended someone, we wouldn’t have anything to watch.

So my question to you this week is “Do you think animated series take things too far in the name of comedy? Do you think they cross the line, or do you think the critics just don’t get the joke?” Answers are due no later than Thursday, February 25th, 2010.


  1. I don't think they take things too far. There are movies and shows that were ALWAYS making fun of Michael Jackson for the things he supposedly did with young boys. Was that wrong or was it just funny because we all had our own opinion about the situation?! Yes a lot of people got very upset and I'm sure said a lot of things that shouldn't have been said. But nobody is perfect and we all get a laugh out of one thing or another that a general amount of people would be offended by. If Sarah Palin can't understand that shows do that for their benefit of the viewers then she needs to quit watching television. I'm pretty sure there have been much worse things that have been mocked than her son having Down Syndrome. The truth is that no matter what you say they are still going to continue to mock famous people and rip at their fame. That hasn't struck through anyone before. I think she needs to calm down and take it for what it is.

  2. I personally think that the animated comedies get away with more than regular T.V. shows. Certain words and subjects are monitored in television but the animated shows seems to be an exception for many of those rules. It could be because the shows are deemed "adult" then the producers can display those subjects. It could also be that the stations that air those shows also have more "adult" standards. The connotation of children watching cartoons still apply even today. When I child is mindlessly flipping through channels, they will stop an anything animated no matter what the show many be. After watching for a few seconds, they may realize this is not a kid friendly show and change the channel but others may not. I think animation should be left for kids. I do not watch these shows because of many topics they cover that I do not feel comfortable watching or hearing. Adults can make that choice but make sure your kids know what is off limits.

  3. I grew up watching The Simpsons and I have great morals. I think it all boils down to parents and the way they raise their children. Even though I watched The Simpsons but was taught that it was a cartoon... Its not real. I cant do what they do and its just entertainment. If people are going to complain about Family Guy then they shouldnt stop there. NFL... I LOVE football but what are they teaching childeren? To hit people? To be arrogant and be a poor sport when you get a touchdown? I think that if someone doesnt agree with something then you dont watch or do that thing. Let people who like it... do it. If its not hurting you then leave it alone!

  4. Although they are funny, I do agree with you when you say that they do cross the line. The truth is, however, that everyone's "line" is in a different spot. This being said, the choice to not watch it is a good one if it does "cross your line." Now as for the various shows knowing when enough is enough; they won't know until someone tells them. As a young child pushes the parent until they are told that that is "crossing the line" or "enough" sometime has to vocalize their opinon when it reaches that point, if the shows have not already done so. With all of that being said, some people enjoy these shows and whose to say that that particular show should be denied them. With all the options of shows that are available to us now, if someone doesn't like a show, they can change it and that is that.

  5. Part of being a popular figure, or something frequently mentioned in the news comes with other forms of media attacking or making fun. Magazines always pick at celebrities for their clothing, their weight, their hair, where they shop, who they're dating, what they named their kids, and so much more. Shows like Family Guy, South Park, and the Simpsons simply do the same things but in a different manner. They're another form of media making fun of the hot topics in the news. I don't think they're taking it too far at all.

    Nicole Welty - Friday Night

  6. My whole family watches these shows and we still continue to laugh at it. Its a cartoon, its suppose to be funny. You're not suppose to take them seriously...thats why its a cartoon. Not an actual show with people. I don't think they cross the line, I just think people take them to seriously when they are suppose to be meant like that. They are here to make us laugh, take a break from the world and relax. Or at least thats my point on it. People just want something to fight about which is why some celebs (if thats what you wanna call them) take things to far and try to sue. I think its just fine, i still laugh!
    Jessie Buechler Friday night

  7. While some can argue that theses show might take it too far, I disagree. If these shows are so offensive, why is it that the Simpson's is one of the longest running television shows in history? They are obviously doing something right. Family Guy was actually off the air for a couple years before the fans got the creators to bring it back. These shows have the following that looks for crossing the line in the name of humor. The point of humor is to make people laugh, this often requires making people look bad or feel uncomfortable. I feel people are just too uptight sometimes. Its all in good fun and if it offends you, change the station.

    On a side bar, Family Guy creators hired an actress with Down Syndrome to play the part in this episode. Therefore, they took precautions to protect the rights of people with down syndrome. Sarah Palin just likes to argue with people so she can be in the news.

    Sarah Cason Friday Night

  8. Anna Wilson
    Friday Night

    I feel that comedy is recognized as comedy by taking things too far. Without taking things to that extreme level, things probably wouldn't be the entertainment that we are expecting. Comedy is a hard medium to reach to prevent everyone from being offended. Everyone has their own views and opinions, therefore it is difficult to please everyone. I feel that if an episode is about something that you don't agree with, then just don't watch that episode that day. I feel that some jokes do cross the line, but there are still others that feel that the joke is fine. Therefore, comedy is going to remain the extreme status it is.

  9. I dont think family guy went too far. You look at all the movies that have been made, they all have things that are making fun of people or just joking about people. People are too sensitive about comedy. I mean its comedy, its about making people laugh and not taking things so seariously. Its seems like people have lot there sence of humor and thank everything as defensive and just not having fun. I though it was funny because I look at famlily guy as just comedy not taking things so seriously.

  10. I do think that Family Guy and South Park often take their comedy skits too far, but so do comedians, late night hosts and most television shows on t.v. If we got rid of Family Guy for all of the humor they've taken too far it would not make a difference in the world. We as a whole cannot cater to one person. Someone else will be complaining the next minute about another comment made. It's a show for goodness sake and make people laugh HaHa.

  11. Come on, of course they go to far. They tend to push the envelope as far as they can and then go a little further. BUT being in the spotlight you should never take things like that personal. Seriously if you are in the lime light you tend to get a lot of stuff said about you. Personally if it was up to me I would rather them make fun of me up front instead of all of the nasty things that they would say behind my back.

    In a weird kind of a way when you are mentioned in a cartoon viewed by millions of people it kinda helps you and hinders you at the same time. If people who don't know you tend to google you once an episode is aired.

    Another point is that it is a cartoon. There is a reason why it is a cartoon... it is a parody of you. Not reality...unless you know what they are saying about you is true... then that makes it even more funny... "It's funny cause its true".. Get over it.

    Saturday Morning
    Dave Brown

  12. I think Sarah Palin is way to sensitive. Even the actress who voiced the caracter with down syndrome,(who also has down syndrome herself, in real life) made a public statement saying "Sarah Palin has no sense of humor." If someone with the syndrome themselves thinks it's funny and can laugh at it too, then come on, loosen up! Family guy, The Simpsons, and South Park have always been shows that make fun of touchy subjects; that's what they are all about. They poke fun at religion, different races, homosexuals, handicap people etc. They make fun of everything and everyone not just people with down syndrome. Besides why did Palin defend Limbaugh for saying "retard" but it's not ok when Family Guy makes fun of the syndrome? (who never said retard during the whole skit) She's rediculous and because she is so concerned with stupid topics like this is the whole reason why she and anyone like her could never be President! Get over it Palin, it was funny!
    Carolyn Carden Friday night

  13. Aaron Ford, Saturday morning

    I don't think it pushes the line at all. I find the shows to be extremely funny, and even if I do get offended by something they do or say, I won't quit watching altogether, I just won't watch that one part. Everyone gets offended by everything these days.
    However I would agree that personal attacks against a young girl with Down Syndrome is taking it too far. I wasn't offended, but if I was Sarah Palin's doughter then I would have been. Jokes against a grown man is a little different than someone who doesn't have the ability to defend themselves. They did a good job of not making fun of her because of her difficulties, but they did portray her as being sort of an awful person.
    Writers need to push the envelope more all the time because the audience expects it. I LOVE when South Park grosses me out and I always hope that something even nastier will happen the next week. If someone finds it offensive then just don't watch.

  14. i think that when you are in the spot light you are going to be criticized in so many different ways. Seth macfarlen takes things to the limit and that is what makes people laugh.i hve watched the simpsons since i was little and i have good morals, so i dont think that family guy is going to make people turn out bad. So palin needs to get over it because she is in the spotlight and that stuff is going to happen to her. she didnt make a big secen when people made fun of her when she was running for vice president.

  15. I have to be honest with you I don't really watch any of the cartoon shows. So I haven't gotten to see the political side of the shows. With that being said I have seen enough of them off and on to know that they do push the envelope with all there topics. I think it's pretty sad that our media as well as our politisions have to sugar coat everything and can't be honest. It takes a cartoon to tell us how things are in a round about way of course.

  16. I don't watch a lot of tv but i have seen a few episodes of Family Guy, and i've never laughed like that at anything- it was a mixture of shock and pure amusement- i was surprised at where they went with their humor, and how they tied it with something else to make it funny, or funnier than it could have been on its own.

    the show brought a few guffaws and surprised chuckles out of me- i like it.

    as to what's going too far and what's fair? Who knows. It's obviously not an illegal broadcast as it's fully sanctioned by Fox. There's nothing on there that endangers anyone's lives, so, ... who cares?

    It's not like Peter Griffin is on the show walking people step by step through how to blow up your local national guard armory or something. It's just a bunch of shockingly rude jokes.


    -Demian Stevens, Saturday Morning

  17. The key focus on this issue is subjectivity. When I think about some spineless, 34 year old virgin who spends lonely nights playing World of Warcraft (allegedly) writing a sketch in which a mentally disabled child is mocked, it makes me furious. Where is the ownership and accountability? I've always heard something to the extent of "If you can't tell your racist jokes to an audience of black people, don't tell them at all". I'm sure this guy can belittle retarded kids on a personal level, consequently boosting his self-esteem without thoughts of repercussions. But what if Sarah Palin or her husband were in the room? There seems to be a fairly large disconnect between life and reality (think about it) within satiric adult animation.

    But that's just my opinion.

    Going back to my first sentence, everything is subjective. I'm sure some people may have seen this and thought nothing of it. Others such as myself were angered, but all emotions are short-lived. When I see my faith ridiculed in a comical fashion, I can't help but feel sorry for the blind authors of such blasphemy who will soon burn in hell (call me old school). I recently learned that in Chinese table etiquette, one of the most unthinkable atrocities would be to stand up one's chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice. Who cares? They do.

    I believe in cultural sensitivity, but it ultimately boils down to perspective.

  18. I watch these quite a bit. They are funny and Humorous. The question about them taking it to far. Its is a discussion that me and most of my friends have had especially about religion if its taking it to far or it just being a funny show. What me and most of my friends have though is that they are funny all tho taking them to far sometimes. but people usally only get mad when it offends them. Then people get all mad and say they dont like it, but if they see something that is funny to them it might be offensive to someone else. its the humor of it, its part of the comedy, most comedy is offensive to everyone at some point. That it doesn't mean that the writers are bad people or be leave what they say. They have to catch all the viewers possible so they try to add a variety to the jokes.

  19. I don't think that they tend to take things to far. I love all those shows. They tell you the truth. Plus I love a good laugh from time to time. However I think that it is great that they out that type of stuff on there, people can relate to most of it and thats what grabs peoples attention. Not only that I like it because I hate watching the boring News and all that politics stuff on TV sometimes so some people like me get certain facts about life and whats going on out here in the world threw these cartoons. I personally don't think they take it too far.

    Radine Smith
    Saturday Morning

  20. I think family guy is so funny. People take things to serious. People need to get over it,if they dont like what they hear or see. Turn the channel off. People are so bored with there lifes they just like to get in other peoples business. Family Guy just dont pick on one person or race. They pick on everyone. I have no problem with it.

  21. I think that it’s all in fun. I remember back in the day cartoons were racist. Depicting African Americans as ignorant and lazy. What’s the difference? I know now days it is laughed at just because most of us have gotten past the issue. I feel if we are aware of what the program consist of and we don’t like then turn the channel. It takes so much energy to be mad over the little things. Jennifer Friday nights

  22. I do thing that sometimes they do take things a little too far, but at the same time, I find myself laughing at stuff that shouldn't be funny. I also think that some subjects shouldnt be touched ( Religion, more so than some others)

    People have choices as to what they watch and don't watch, so if it offends you that much, turn the channel.

    P.S....Did you see the episode of South Park with Al Gore? If I had'nt watched the video in your class, it would have been alot less funny. :)

    Michelle Sykes

  23. I can definitely see it from both perspectives. It is really good to be able to laugh at serious events because it promotes positivity in the negativity of a situation/event. But when exposed to this comedy for long periods(years and years) I can see how our lack of care for serious issues has declined and now we just want to be immersed in these fictitious realities(television, movies, video games) rather than being involved in what's happening around us in real life. So maybe constantly laughing and putting off the seriousness could be harmful or maybe it's not. Sometimes when I catch South Park on tv I wonder why is there even censorship anymore when every controversial issue is made fun of on that show. I recently got rid of my tv for other reasons and have realized how addicting those programs are because they take us out of our own lives and into someone elses, which I see as being harmful now that I stepped away from that.
    Grant Monson-Friday 6pm

  24. What some people may find offensive or distasteful may not seem bad at all to others. I know Sarah Palin made a giant stink about family guy using a character with Down Syndrome in their piece that was supposed to represent her son trig,although the character in this case was a female, but even the actress who provided the voice over for this particular character even stated that she finds nothing wrong with what was shown. The actress also has down syndrome and i would presume that the first person to be offended would be herself, but instead she answered back to Sarah Palin in an open letter stating that Sarah Palin simply doesnt understand satire and that those with down syndrome do not need an advocate like Sarah Palin. I believe the Sarah Palin and those like her who get angry over satire dont understand the joke and really just need something to argue about.

    Tatjana McCart
    Saturday Morning

  25. Sometimes I think that cartoons take it to far, seeing as most are catered towards, a younger age group, the kids are learning about things such as sex,drugs and violence, just by watch an episode of the Simpsons or family guy. I believe in some instances that the sarcasm and jokes could be toned down just as tad bit,at least for the kids sake. This is Howard from Friday Night Class

  26. well there is this thing called freedom of speech. no matter how repulsive or offensive what you have to say is, you have the freedom to express yourself! so no, comedic cartoons and what not should not be looked down upon for what they are talking about. now obviously if there is something offensive to you personally, please do not watch it. i dont usually watch them because i get offended! but i do not want to take those liberties away from someone else. the only thing i think would be taking it too far is where maybe a race is being ridiculed to the extent of it being a hate crime. in this case i would say they took it too far!

  27. I've watched the Simpsons since I was fairly young, and now Family Guy is one of my favorite shows. There have been many times that I have been watching that show and thought "Ouch, that was pretty terrible." but it was STILL hilarious. Honestly, it's the standard of comedy now. I don't even think the Simpsons is all that bad when compared to Family Guy and South Park. It's the same with comedians as well. If you're not making fun of someone or something, you're not making people laugh. I am not a tasteless person without care for anyone's feelings because I watch these shows. I still have personal standards and morals for things that I speak about, but that doesn't mean that I can't laugh a little with an ANIMATED show makes fun of FAKE characters. The joke was fairly tasteless, but in their defense, they depicted the child as a female with a different name. Now it was clear and obvious who the stab was meant for, but at least they didn't take it ALL the way. I definitely think that these shows sometimes cross the line, but I also think it's absolutely fantastic.

    Carina Street
    Friday Night Class

  28. I beilive that these shows dance on the line with grace. I feel that if u find these kinds of shows to be to offincive and cross the line then you don't have to watch them! I have my own believes and yes at times they pock mockery at them but in the context of these shows u should be expecting nothing less.

  29. Family Guy is able to get away with jokes like the ones they make because they cross EVERY line. Regardless of your race, age, religion, or political views you are a target for their jokes. In many ways it is the purist form of satire, by offending everyone they are able to make sure that every group has something to laugh at; in the last few seasons they've even made fun of themselves countless times, giving the people who may not like their show a laugh or two. At the same time, Family Guy is on cable TV which is a service you pay for; you can even choose which stations you get on your plan these days. If you don't agree with their sense of humor you are certainly not obligated to sit through their show.

    On the other hand I can understand Sarah Palin's comments. As a parent she would be pretty much obligated to defend herself and her family as anyone would be.

    (On a side note: Here's a great link for a similar issue but involving the internet rather than television:

    Michael Moore
    Saturday Morning

  30. I personally feel that no one should get offended because comedy can be cruel sometimes but that is just the way things are. I agree they can be cruel but no one is forced to watch them so if it offends them they shouldn't watch them. At the end of the day they are trying to make money and if that catches people's attention then other people should respect that if it does offend them in any way they should leave it alone and move on because either way other people can be cruel besides cartoons. In life we will all come across cruel people I'm sure we have to learn to get over it and not let it get to us.
