Friday, December 11, 2009

Your thoughts and feedback are appreciated!

As I sit down to write this it is hard to believe that another quarter has passed. When we started out together it was still warm and sunny and now there is no doubt that winter is here. I really had a good time with all of you in class. I can see how many of you became more vocal as the quarter went on and I hope you can say you learned something in this class!

For our last blog post I would like you to give me your thoughts and feedback on this class. "What did you like most or least? Is there anything I could change to make the class better?" Answers are due no later than Thursday, December 17th, 2009. After that the blog will be down until class resumes next year.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope that you stay in touch with me. Have a wonderful, safe and blessed holiday season!


  1. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who has no interest directly with politics. Indirectly, it has been shown to be effecting my everyday life. However, I still do not prefer to ever focus on it. Yes, I will always have an opinion, but I will more than likely stay on the learning side of the discussions. I observe and dissect topics using experiences and opinions from my past. Research is always going to solve my curiosities when they arrive.

    Until then, I am going to remain focused this holiday on the beauty that comes every year. The spirit, the music, the snow, the egg nog, the lights, and the emotion I am able to share with my family and newly acquired love. I am immensely excited to spend my first holiday with this lovely lady. I plan to escort her to The Trans-Siberian Orchestra on th 23rd, and New Year's Eve in Vienna with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. Isn't it wonderful to be alive every day?

    Therefore James, you worry about the political issues around us, and I will worry about keeping focus on the amazing life we are living, at the same time try to create more from the further built creativity I have received from the Art Institute of Indianapolis. "If you build it, he will come."

    I am almost done, James. The course meant nothing to me aside from the stepping stone it appeared to be, but you were interesting enough to keep my attention. Stranger than most, but interesting. I expect nothing less at this school.

  2. I love the discussions in class and that participation is necessary, although a little hard to do sometimes if you are not as interested in the topics. I like to know more about people and all the aspects of life instead of what the legal side of it all is, or the negative issues that have been resolved or are still trying to be resolved. Also, I do like the blogs a lot, it was just hard for me to take the steps each week to post them, mainly because it is something new that I am not used to doing at Ai. The only thing that I could say is really difficult are the quizes and the final. I'm not sure what type of scores you get back on these overall, but I know that the questions are hard for me to answer, not being interested in this subject to that extent in which the questions are written. But that may be just me. Thank you for being so passionate about Historical and Political Issues. You make the class really interesting with how excited you are to tell about it all and explain. I know that this class has not been my favorite because of the subject, but I do think you are an amazing instructor and like that you don't let us out easy like most instructors at Ai.

  3. i think that the class really opened my eyes to the true actions of our goverment and how much they coverup items that the public should know. i really like the blog and the discussions in class. some are in my opinion less imortant then some that should be mentioned. i really think that u do a great job getting people involved in the subjects and probably the best teacher ive had yet here at AI.

  4. I try to stay very far away from politics so I was not looking forward to taking this class. After taking this class, I was very pleased with the amount of new things I learned re: politics, the Constitution, and the history of the U.S.A.

    The material was not boring and you made the class interesting. I like the interaction between students and it is interesting to see so many differing viewpoints during discussions.

    What I liked the most: Free donuts in the morning and discovering new things about the Constitution which I never knew.

    What I liked the least: Discovering new things about the history of the U.S.A. which I never knew :O

    Changes to make the class better: The criteria seemed about right. The amount of material to learn is not overwhelming like some other classes I have taken at A.i.i.

    Keith M.

  5. I can sit and listen to other people talk about the government and politics and it never phase me one bit because I knew how to tuned them if I didn’t want to hear about it. After taking this class, I have a whole new appreciation and respect for this subject. Now, when I see a person on TV and their name appears on the screen with their title as Minority Leader , I feel really smart because now I know what is required in their position. I have learned so much from this class and have found myself talking to friends and family members about what I have learned. Stephanie, thank you for making the topic interesting. I couldn’t imagine sitting in this class for 11 weeks with someone who is teaching who is boring, dry, and no sense of humor. Thanks for a great quarter and keep being the person you are. Happy Holiday to you and your family. Lee

  6. I have truely enjoyed this class. It's amazing what the difference is when you put all walks of life into a gen-ed class- it's a great change of pace from my interior design classes. I thought you did a great job of bringing current topics that almost all people can participate in discussing. This helps connect what is happening in the world with why it is the way it is based on our politics of this nation. I know you said that a lot of what we talked about is a review from 8th grade history, but I tell you what, I didn't remember any of these things from 8th grade. I am very thankful that I have learned what I have. The importance of the knowledged gained will allow me to speak and think with an educated view. I wish that I would have known what I know now, along time ago-but I now know and that is all that matters. Every week I have enjoyed the lectures and conversation. All of the videos were very beneficial and were yet another form for me to learn. I thought after the first quiz that going to weekly quizes would be better, but once I got the hang of things, the four quizes seem to be appropriate. I admire your thoughts and knowledge that you give to us each week and I'm very thankful that my path has crossed with yours-Thank you for a great class!

  7. When I first enrolled into this class I was really curious on what the class was all about. I was thinking to myself, do I really need to take this class? So the first day of class you told us that we will be discussing about politics. I was thinking to myself like okay, hmm...

    But after learning about the issues that our world goes through everyday I became more and more interested. Even though I usually watched the news, I started to watch it even more. Everything they talked about became more interesting. I even enjoyed the stories that you even had of your past. I thought those were pretty funny.

    I wouldn't change a thing on how you teach your class. I think you did a wonderful job and would love to have you as a teacher again. Thank you for everything and this wonderful experience.

  8. The class was awesome. My only complaints are that quizzes should never exceed being more than 2 weeks apart. Also, I wasn't thrilled with the fact that participation points are 50 points. I was unable to attend class once and my grade dropped a bit. Thanks for a wonderfull quarter and have a great break! (Everyone)

  9. I've always been interested in politics to an extent. However, this class further piqued my interest more so than before. I think the class was great and i actually looked forward to attending each weekend, despite the hours we had to be there. What i liked most is your energy as an instructor and the diversity within the classroom. I'm sure next quarters students will enjoy the class just as much as we did. As an instructor you're ranked amongst the a happy holiday

  10. I'll be the first to say that I was dreading to take this class, but the outcome of how you taught the class as well as your personality made my point of view change quickly!!! I'm mostly a quite person to myself, but I found out the hard way that no participating lead you to no credit. (smile)

    I'm taking a lot away from this class then I've ever really focused on back in high school. Situations that I would normally look over the legal right I stop and think about the effect and how much I have broken the law & not really noticed. In addition to how I was over looking elements I've shouldn't will now view more closely.

    Again I'm not the best go to person for political right still, but I can now voice my opinion more & follow up with political situations from now having taken this class. Have a wonderful holiday, be safe, & never change your teaching skill, because that's what makes you unique!!! ~Anesia~

  11. I love your class and find it very fun too. I dont think you need to change anything in your class. I like that your very helpful with everyone when we need some understanding
