Friday, November 20, 2009

Thankful for Thanksgiving

Don't you just love it when your class falls on a day that you end up getting off for a holiday? As an instructor, it makes things a little harder, but as a student, I was always very grateful. Now, I have made it clear in class that Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday. I don't like the way schools fictionalize a story that sounds good, while ignoring the sad facts about how we really treated Native Americans in this country. That being said, I have learned to treat Thanksgiving as a reminder of all the things I am thankful for.

This year, as always, I am thankful for my faith, my family and my friends. I am blessed to be surrounded by people who love me. I am also thankful that I have two jobs in an economy where people often can't find one.

So, in honor of the holiday my question to you this week will be an easy one. "What are you thankful for this holiday season?". Answers are due no later than Thursday, December 3rd, 2009. Please be aware that you have almost two weeks until your blog post is due, because we will not have class next week. Have a happy and safe holiday weekend!


  1. During this time of year I am granted the opportunity to reflect and consider the things in my life that I am most grateful for. I have been truly blessed and even throughout numerous circumstances, I realize that I always have multiple things to be grateful for. I am so grateful for my family and the time we have to spend together. Too often we become familiar and do not express to one another how we feel. I am especially grateful that most recently a lot of love has been expressed to me. I am ready to eat and spend time with the ones I love and I hope everyone has a great holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. I am ofcourse thankful for the little things in life, like being able to afford groceries and having a car and a roof over my head, school, my job, my pets, my family and friends and ofcourse my boyfriend. I am thankful that I was raised in a Christian home and for the many ways that God has blessed me.

    When I REALLY sit down and think about thankfulness 3 things come to mind:

    1. On June 17th of this year my family adopted 2 young children 9 and 12 a brother and sister. I am in aw of how God brought them into our family and how much they have improved over being in a sad sad situation. I will forever love them!

    2.The last time I saw my dad was when I was 3 1/2, it wasn't a healthy situation, and even though I was so young I grew up knowing it was for the better, I never lacked for love growing up, I have an amazing family. But what I did miss was the fact that I had 2 half brothers that were with my dad. I was an only child growing up and I would think about them everyday and day dream that we were back together. I always figured that they wouldn't remeber me because I was 3 my younger brother 2 and my older brother 5. well about 9 months ago we re connected on facebook and I have been talking with them constantly and have since seen my younger brother and his wife, but not my older brother and his family. well this Thanksgiving I get to spend with my older brother, his wife and my 2 nephews!! and one little girl on the way!! It gives me chills to think about it and I know I will probably cry!! Its so amazing to me that I have found what once was lost!!!

    3. I am apart of a company where I am my own boss and this company also offers many ways to better yourself. This company is Arbonne International and it is a multi million dollar company that is growing and still giving to those less fortunate in this hard time. I am thankful for my friend who introduced it to me and my upline and the president of the company, everything about this company I love!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As I did a bit of research to find the origins of Thanksgiving, I have found a few points fascinating. One is how we know it commonly here in the U.S. which is as follows; The famous holiday dates back to a well-known incident in 1621 when English pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving to express gratitude to the almighty and the local Wampanoag natives for their first successful harvest on the American soil.

    Since I was a young boy, I was taught about the cowboys and Indians. I knew Thanksgiving had something to do with us taking over the Indians, and I was always skeptical of the reasoning behind celebrating such a holiday. Now, I understand a lot more of why we originally celebrated, and enjoy it much more. We have reasons to be thankful, and I realize this all year round.

    Therefore what I have to be thankful for on this particular day, is something I get often. I get to enjoy a day with much of my collected family. I see my father and stepmother back home in Greencastle. My sister brings her children with my brother-in-law. Being home on this day brings a special warmth, no matter what the weather brings each year.

    I am also thankful for the gift of free will, and the fact I have an opportunity to bring this world back to the journey it was intended to travel. When I figure out how it was intended, I will begin to find a solution.

    However, this Thanksgiving I have an extra person coming home with me. I am thankful for the happenstance of meeting this very special someone, which randomly occurred while attending a Symphony on the Prarie. This fine young lady has yet to deter me away from the thought of spending the rest of our lives together. Cristina is a wise woman, who enjoys every day she wakes. She has this beautiful way of making my day better, no matter what emotion I brought with me. This is mostly because we counter each other's persona, as she is the positive and I the negative in life's equation. Two variables in a linear equation always become one result. This may explain the marital use of 'two individuals becoming one.'

    Oh yes, the Detroit Lions always play on Thanksgiving. I am not typically pleased with the outcome every year, but I am thankful for the tradition.

    I could go on, but I won't.

  5. I am thankful for a lot of things. First of all I’m thankful that God watches over me every day and protects me daily. I’m thankful for my family and friends and being able to socialize with them that other countries don’t have the privilege of doing. I’m thankful for job because so many people don’t have a job. I’m thankful for a roof over my head because there are a lot of homeless people that don’t have anywhere to stay. I’m thankful for food on my table because my next door neighbor could be hungry and I don’t even know about it. I’m thankful for my health because somebody is in the hospital would love to trade places with me. I can actually go on and on about so many things that I’m thankful for. We (Americans) have a lot to be thankful for especially when we look around and see what some of the other countries are going through and what they don’t have (and things that we have we seem to take for granted, like clean water to wash or drink). I’m very thankful! Happy Thanksgiving… Lee

  6. I enjoy this question because I don't think we take enough time in our day to day lives to remember what we are thankful for. As I started thinking, my answer started off slow and then once my brain started going, my list is quite long. To stick with what I am most thankful for is this, my three amazing children-They keep me grounded and focus everyday and I am filled with love for them. I am thankful for my husband who loves and supports me and sticks by me on this crazy journey. My family, who is always there and continues to help guide me, and lets me know that I am never alone. I am really thankful for my schooling, which has given me tools and resources to becoming a stronger woman. All the people who have come into my life due to my opportunity at school; all of my instructors and classmates that bring new energy and excitement to me.
    I am very thankful for the simple things, food, water, my warm bed, spirituality, the seasons, sunrises and sunsets, and my health.
    Happy Thankful Thanksgiving!

  7. I have so much to be thankful for. First of all I am thankful for my three healthy children. They are truly the light in my life.
    I am also thankful for my family and friends. As Americans we are so fortunate to have so many things, but something that I am thankful for everyday is a hot shower. In my opinion there is nothing better. Have a great holiday everyone!!
    Jana Griffin

  8. The holidays are often a time to reflect and remember the good memories with my father. He passed away in 2007, and he is dearly missed by all of the family. Not only do we reflect on the old memories, but we create new ones with one another as we remember him. So what i am most thankful for is my Family, immediate and distant family members who show me love and support. This includes: Mother, Sister, Brother, Niece, and so on I love them unconditionally. Im also thankful for my friends of new and old, who have been by my side through many things. Lastly, im thankful to have a good job in this current economic climate, im thankful to be in school pursuing my goal and the talents the Lord has blessed me with. I hope everyone has a joyful Thanksgiving and the time off from the Saturday morning class!

  9. This is one of the fewer questions that I can't tell it all in words of how thankful I am. God bless me with a life that he knew I could only handle for who I am. I don't take for granted the situations that I've been through even when it's been the worse in my eyes.

    Thankful for being a woman of God at my age that has so many goals in life that I'm determine to accomplish. As well as able to learn from others to gain wisdom in life.

    Most of all I'm thankful for the people who handle and control situations that I'm not capable to do. Things that I couldn't image myself doing, but God place people in different elements and environments that others can't.

    Being thankful is not what you get, but it's what you've been through! ~Anesia~

  10. Well first and for most I am thankful for God waking me up each day. I am thankful for my beautiful daughter, family, true friends, being able to go to college, and all of the other blessings that God has given me. I'm also thankful for having food, shelter, and clothes.

    I've learned that it's the little things that really matters in life. I try not to say, "how come my life can't be like that person?," but instead I just thank God for what he does for me and what he will continue to do for me.

    So with that being said I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!!!!

  11. 1) I am thankful for being born in America and am able to live a (relatively) free life. Compared to some other countries which support oppression, America provides us with a lot of liberties. The rights and freedoms we have in this country are often taken for granted.

    2) I am thankful for not being lost in the crazy drug days of past yesteryears. Several of my old friends from high school have died because of bad decisions revolving around drugs and alcohol. Luckily, I was able to quit sooner than they did.

    3) I am thankful for being arrested at the early age of 20 and going to jail. I was "scared straight" and after that, I knew I would never end up in jail again.

    Keith M.

  12. With thanksgiving, I kind of always new the reasons behind it. Growing up, I spent a few years (3-5) in a foster home. My foster mother was American Indian and my foster father being a fan of westerns (off comdination, eh?). However, on the flipside, they are two people I am thankful for this holiday season. Even though I returned to my folks at 5, they have always been in my life as friends of the family. Every december we use to go and see them, but we have moved since then. They always hold a big part of my heart though.

    Other things I'm thankful for... I am thankful for my mother and father. My mom has struggled with manic depression my whole life, but she has always made sure that the family has what it needs to get by. My father, actually my step-father) has always been my emotional support. I'm so thankful that he married my mom. He was one of the main reasons I was returned to my parents instead of getting 'lost in the system' as my cousin.

    Also, as stange as it may sound, I'm thankful for my good luck. It's not like I find money randomly everywhere or anything liek that but, I never had anything tramtic really happen. I've never been in a car wreach, both parents I know and love are still with me. I have lost my grandparents on my dad's side, but that happens. My father is 7 years odler then my mother. In the most part I'm an only child so I didn't have to deal with sibling issues. I just consider myself lucky in those ways.

    Finally, I am thankful for alot of things I take for gratitent. I'm thankful for a warm bed, a house with heat, a television, my animals, my family, my friends, having the chance to go to college for what I love.

    There are so many things I'm thankful for and I can only hope things continue as they are.

  13. I am thankful to still be alive and on my own since I left high school. (12 years gone by now). I am happy to have such a good close network of friends, relatives, and family who care so much about me, and I in turn am thankful for their love and admiration as I feel the same for them. I am also thankful to still have a job to go to every day that will keep me stable unless things get any worse. I wish things were more solid, but life get's in the way sometimes. I am of course thankful to have a roof over my head and enough money to get the things I need to live, and still be able to attend school. I don't have any extra to spare sorry to say, but I hope for a better financial future in 2010. :)

  14. I am thankful for all the friends that are there for me and have helped me this past year. I am even more thankful for the family that I have. My family has helped me in so many ways that I think it would take the rest of my life to pay them back. I am thankful that I have two jobs that are both very flexible with my schedule and that I still have money left to feed myself after all of my bills and crazy debts. I am thankful to be in school, and to have gotten all of the loans to help me to be here.

  15. I'm thankful for my family. Every family gathering ends up with feelings hurt, harsh words, political arguments and yelling. Both sides do this too. I enjoy the variety in opinion and values that come together. I don't mean this is a bad way either, it was so much fun to go home again.

  16. I am thankful for a lot of things. First of all I am thankful to have a mother that played a dual role as both mother and father. Although I had one parent in my home since I was 4 years old, I never felt like I was without parental guidance. I am thankful for my health, my wife and children,employment, and extended family. When thinking of this class I really wanted to say how thankful I am to be an American. With all of our quirks, biased opinions, and political views it is important for us to realize this is still the greatest country in the world. Our most destitute and surpressed people in our country still have it far better than some less fortunate in other areas of the world. If I could some my personal thankfulness up I guess I would have to say I am thankful for love. Whether it is a feeling I receive or give love is in fact, what makes the world go around. I love my wife, I love my children, I love my country, and I love the reciprical nature that true love gives.In a nutshell my epitath could read,"Here lies a man who was proud to not only be loved, but was given the opportunity to also love in return."

  17. I am thankful for almost everything I have or have had in my life, all the way down to little things such as the food I eat everyday. I could go on forever about how thankful I am for everything in my life. I have a great car, many wonderful friends (many that I met through Ai), a great school, good family, amazing wardrobe, a great - and affordable hairstylist, the gift of being able to draw/paint/be creative with almost everything I do, I am thankful for all the people that have been in my life and have helped me grow strong as a person from small ways to large, for my boyfriend - I am so lucky to have found him, for all the friends/great trips I have taken to Atlanta and had a blast, for the talent to model/go go dance, for the means to get and keep a job and to live in a place that I truly enjoy with great roommates, ability to cook myself good food, the ability to see, walk, hear, smell and everything else! I love it all and am so glad to be living an enjoyable life where I get to meet all kinds of people and learn from every experience I ever encounter thus continuing to grow!

  18. what am i thankful for huh let me see... i am thankful for everything and opertunity that i have. i thank the lord for everything that im able to do and have done and for helping me threw everything ive been through. i am thankful for my family, friends and evryone else that has had a influience in my life. on the other note the thought of thanksgiving reminds me of how our people took and killed those who had our land beofre we took it and we call it patriotism.
