Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What's Love Got to Do With It?

This week we started a discussion on same sex marriage.
Same sex couples have practically no rights or protections under the law.

Take what happens when someone in a same-sex couple gets sick or injured. The Human Rights Campaign reports that the Family Medical Leave Act, a federal law granting 12 weeks of unpaid leave to allow someone to care for a spouse, does not apply to same sex couples. Depending on the state, hospitals may or may not allow someone to visit their same-sex partner when visits are limited to "family" only. Oftentimes, same-sex partners are not allowed to make decisions regarding their partners medical decisions, even if they have obtained power of attorney. If someone in a same-sex couple dies without a will, their partner may not have a right to inherit property. Same-sex partners may also not be eligible for bereavement leave from their job.

My question to you this week is "How would you resolve the issue of same-sex couples having rights when it comes to their partner's medical decisions? What rights should they have, if any? Do you think those decisions should be left up to the same-sex partner or the person's 'family'?" Answers are due no later than Monday, July 27th, 2009


  1. Love is love. It shouldn't be up to the family on who gets to make medical decisions, it should be left between the couple. I think any couple should discuss what they want and who they want to make medical decisions, and then discuss it with their family. It's not fair to be pushed out just because there's no law saying a same-sex partner can make any decision for their partner. Love is love, no matter who it is between. Decisions should be up to the person left in charge, or if no one whoever spends the most time with that person. If they live together, then that couple probably knows each other better than the family does.

    --Kristen Rice

  2. I think that the couple should be able to visit their significant other. But I think that the couples need to have a plan for this kinda of thing because they should know laws are not in their favor and they need a will if they want their significant other to inherit anything. But I also think that we cant always make laws to accommodate people, because where does it stop? And if the person does not specify who they want making decisions for them then I think that the decisions are then left to the parents.

  3. The law should apply to same sex couples. I think feel that they deserve the same rights as anyone else wanting to get married. It shouldn't matter if they want to or not to anyone. There decisions don't harm my life in any form. There are too many people in this country that are overly concerned with everyone else's lives.

    -Nicholas Alexander

  4. I believe that this country was created for everyone to be equal. This doesn't sound like equality. The y should be able to share the same rights as any other American. It is an unfair and unjust action that our government is taking and they need to fix it. They should be able to have all the rights a regular married couple would have.
    -Kevin Burkes-

  5. I think they should have the same rights as other married couples. Please don't misunderstand me,for I don't agree with same-sex marriages or couples, because God said that this is wrong, and I agree. But we as a society have accepted same-sex as couples, and through marriages- eventhough not widely, we know this will change in time. We also know that no one has to agree with anything. So since we have accepted what we have thus far as a society, why continue to discriminate? This is why I say they should have the same rights, and let God deal with the right and wrong, as he surely will.

  6. I don't agree with same-sex marriages. Initally, these rights were meant for a male/female relationship. If these rights get granted for same-sex marriages, then I believe another group will come out and want the same rights. Therefore, I feel that these rights should not be granted towards same-sex marriages because another group will want them and then you'd have to be fair and give it to them and so on and so forth; it would get way out of hand.

  7. First off, I don't stand for gay marriages and same goes for gay dating BUT that doesn't mean that I am at all judgemental or that I am attacking them in any way...after all we are all humans that want to be respected. I personally think it's okay to be against the idea of gay marriage and still want to see them have rights just like the rest of us...that is certain rights...I am not for all of them. Honestly, I'm not sure that it's fair to give a 'special privileges to select groups of people whenever the gvernment decides. When it comes to medical decisions I would have to say- "Why would it be such a big deal to help out the other partner if needed?!" Especially if they are really happy in the relationship and would meet any need necessary in times of struggle or when the significant other doesn't have close relatives to help them pay for bills, etc. Honestly, I don't think it really matters whether or not the family and or gay partner has a say so in the medical decisions. Whatever works best. The questions you would ask yourself- How close is the family to the gay partner? Would they help or be against helping due to their stereotype...if you will? How much does the significant other have to conribute towards the bills? And so on.

  8. I can understand what all the discussion is on the side of those wanting their same sex relationships noticed. I would like to hear from the politicians view as to why they don't want it. I mean at the end of the day does it really matter to most people if a gay marriage is noticed or not. With everything else facing our country today politicians could move pass this one and get to bigger things on the to-do list. Or would that hurt them at the polls next time?

  9. I beleive the govenment should provide a free living will service so that either straight, gay, single... whatever the prefference is, the person will be able to have a definite document stating what decisions are to be made and by whom. As far as taking off time from work I wish that and additional bracket would be added to the family medical leave act to secure at least six weeks for a partner or family member, that way you could still have time to take care of your family. I'm not sure that my ideas will ever take place, but it is always worth bringing up.

    -Julia Smith

  10. I don't agree with same sex marriage so I don't believe they should have any rights when it comes to marriage. Due to religious beliefs I do not stand for it, marriage to me is between a man and a woman. I agree with many people on this blog who say "What group is next that wants special rights?" Once you open the flood gates, anyone who can will exploit it.

  11. I agree with the comments of Carey Howerton, I believe the only way to give same-sex couples rights is to define their relationship and through a marriage it would set those terms. Also planning for the future in theory is always the best situation but the reality is no one wants to think about events that are so depressing or relate to death. I believe in equal rights and I don't think this issue is about anything other than being acknowledged as an equal American citizen. Trina Evans

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Although I do not believe in same-sex marriage, I do agree that there are obvious issues that need to be addressed. A same-sex couple should not be penalized as a married couple but not have the right to be married. Same-sex couples do not need special rights, because our rights are adequately covered for all under the Constitution.

    On an individual basis however, I believe that it is the right of the partner in a same-sex relationship to be able to dictate who takes care of them and who is allowed to see them. If they are injured and in the hospital, it is there right, not the hospitals to dictate who they wish to visit.
    It boils down to the fact that there are some clear decisions that need to be made without giving special rights to same-sex couples or allowing marriage, but enabling them to have freedoms and not be penalized as if they already have those rights.

  14. I am 100% for Gay marriage rights. Why shouldn't they have the same rights as you and I. The way I see it if they want to commit to a realtionship in such strict terms, let them. Love is love and who you choose to love should not define the way you 'get' to live your life. What happened to everyone is created equal. I think if they can give women the right to vote this shouldn't be that hard. On the questions, I feel it should be the rights should belong to the partner. They should have those rights.
    -Heather R. Davis

  15. I don't have a problem with same sex marriage. The way I see it is if you love someone then you should have the same rights as anyone else. It's your life and you choose who you want to love. If you want to love someone who is the same sex as you than that's your decision. So I feel that they should have the right to get married and have be able to make medical decisions if it's needed.

  16. I am a huge supporter of gay rights and the institution of gay marriage. I believe that no matter your gender, if you love someone unconditionally you deserve the right to have the same rights as everyone else in love. This includes the same marital rights. When did we become such a black and white society? I understand that based on people's religious beliefs that homosexuality may be frowned upon but this is a nation in which church and state need to be separate. One person's religious views may not be the same as anothers. So it is ok for one person's beliefs to trump someone else's? As far as medical decisions go, I think that it is of utmost importance to be prepared for the inevitable so it is always better to be safe than sorry. No matter your circumstances, have a will made up. But, as most of us haven't really gotten that far, should something medically happen to us our spouses or family are in charge of taking care of things. Well, if you are in a homesexual relationship, your partner has no say in your wishes even though they are the one person that knows you and what you would want. The laws need to be equal for all people because wasn't our nation built upon equality for all?

    -Alicia Davis

  17. I think that everyone should be created equal. I don't necessarily believe that same sex marriages should be allowed because of my religion but this is a government issue and it's not about religion. I think that they should have the same rights as everyone else especially medical rights.

  18. I think that whether states allow same sex marriage or not, there should be some sort of new law passed that grants same sex couples rights such as these, i.e. the Family Medical Leave Act. I ride the fence regarding same sex marriage because of my beliefs and upbringing, but one thing I am sure about is that as citizens of the United States of America homosexuals should get all of the same rights straight people do. I agree with Kelsey that this isn't a religious issue it is a government one, and that is how it should be approached.
    -Casey Frederick

  19. Ultimately the only way we can resolve this issue is if they have the same rights as heterosexual couples. Couples of equivalent committment levels should have the same rights regardless of sexual orientation. I agree with Carey about differentiating between marriage, civil unions, and non-committed relationships.

  20. I believe all the laws should apply to every american citizen and I believe all priveleges should be the same for everyone. I believe that same sex marriage is a very minor issue in America. I believe the only reason there is an issue is because of religious veiws and money.which of course since the beggining of civilization go hand and hand. I do not believe in god and I do not believe in discrimination, But I do believe in the seperation of church and state and i believe that this issue shows first hand that this is not a country of religious freedom. Even though being gay isn't a religion it is a life style and it is definintly a life style that is still discriminated against.

  21. The issue of gay marriage is one that has a very religious undertone. As a christian I am dissapointed that we are shunning our fellow man. I know two people who are attending Lincoln Bible College who are gay yet they are of the christian faith. Personally I do not have an issue with it because I believe everyone has the right to equality. Why is it that Americans have to have a group of people to discriminate against? I just do not understand what the fuss is all about. And I have to agree with Damon because the politicians never say why they do not want gay marriage, if that is their decision then they should be able to provide a reason and or proof as to why they feel that it is wrong. The reason that America was created was for the civil liberties that we wanted. If we impose our will upon a certain section or demograph of society then we are acting as the despots that we rise against. And even though I do not condone their actions, because of moral conflictions, I feel as Americans they have every right that I have and that the government should uphold the ideals that it was founded on.

    j. chambers

  22. i believe that same-sex partners should have the same rights and benefits as regular married couples. I don't find it fair that when two people have spent their lives together and one gets ill, that the other can not visit their loved one in the hospital. i think that all decisions should be placed on the same-sex couple because they are the ones living together, having to go through things together and it should be their rights. Don't get me wrong the peoples family should have say in it as well but not as much as the partners involved.

  23. I see abolutely no reason why same sex couples should not have the same rights as everyone else. A person in a same-sex relationship will love and care for the other person just as in a heterosexual relationship. I believe that if they are willing to make a commitment to one another, that commitment should be regarded the same as a straight marriage. As far is wills and inheritance go, i believe that whomever the person would like to will thier belongings/estate to, should not matter about sexual-orientation. A persons wish is thier wish, regardless of relationship status or gender.

  24. We all have blood running through our veins so we all should have the same rights. We have more freedoms than most governments but we don't have the freedom to openly love. I do find it to be a religious thing, but I also have a hint of it's human nature to resist changing. They will be awarded rights in the future, it is inevitable. Bob Dylan said it best, "Times are a changing."

  25. It's America. That's why people come here to be "free". It's what we were founded on. A place where everyone is equal to everyone else but history has definitely told us different. I think if someone wants to get married then let them get married it's not a big deal. Who care's if it's religiously wrong or if people are getting married for the wrong reasons. Marriage is a fluid concept anyway so if they want to do it then I said let them do it.

  26. I believe that same-sex couples should have all the same rights as a regular couple. Love is Love and it shouldn't matter the sex of the couples but that they are there for each other. Like all couples married or not married they are there for each other and love is what brings them together. It should not be up to the family in the relationship of two people. I have gay uncles and aunts and i believe they should be able to have the same rights as my mother and father or my straight relatives. Marriage is a step two people in love take not for the money but knowing that in time of trouble such as one ending up in the hospital or one dying that the other person will be there for the long hull. Same-sex couples should have every right that any straight couple has and in the future hopefully people can see the truth in a relationship and marriage and not of the couples sex partner. Every person being equal should mean that everyone has the same rights as well as laws to follow.
