Thursday, July 21, 2016

America's Black and Blue

**Warning – the video links in this post contain graphic footage.  Viewer discretion is advised.**

July isn’t even over yet and already it has been a month filled with violence, devastation and grief.  It was the day after we celebrated our nation’s independence when Alton Sterling, 37, was shot and killed by police outside of a convenience store.  Police were responding to reports of a man with a gun.  Bystanders captured the shooting on video which you can watch here:

The very next day, another man, Philando Castile was shot 4 times during a traffic stop.  Castile has been pulled over for a broken taillight. The aftermath of the shooting was live streamed by Castile’s fiancée, who states in the video that Castile told the officers he had a weapon, which he was legally allowed to carry, and was reaching for his license when the officer began firing into the car.  Castile’s 4 year old daughter was in the backseat.  You can watch the video, which includes the officer, with his gun still trained on a dying Castile, here:

This wasn’t the first time we've heard about shootings of unarmed, Black men.  You can read my posts and your fellow students’ thoughts on Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown here: and here:  However, these two shootings, so close together, and with the accompanying video, set off a firestorm of protests around the country.  It was during one of these protests in downtown Dallas, that Micah Johnson, a 25 year old military veteran opened fire on police, killing 5 and injuring 7 others.

My thoughts on this issue are a jumbled mess.  I was raised to respect police officers.  I have friends and family members who are police officers.  I know that each day they put their lives on the line and are forced to make split-second decisions to save lives.  That being said, I also can’t ignore these videos or the countless other lives that have been taken unnecessarily by police officers.  I know that when I’ve been a car with my Black friends, we’ve been treated differently during traffic stops than when I’m alone, or with my White friends.  In some cases, our Constitutional rights have been violated.  I don’t have the answers, but my heart breaks at the thought of all this violence. 

So my question to you this week is, “How do you feel about these incidents?  What has been your experience with the police?  How do you think the country should start to heal?”  You must answer all questions for full credit.  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, July 27th, 2016.


  1. i feel very sad for the families that had lose people do to this reason i feel like no life should be take from anymore or by anyone these people had kids and family and friends that they talk to and deal with on a everyday bases and it sad that kids have to be without their dads . i have never had a experience with the police but i do know that some of my family have. i feel like the country should be more a wear of what they are doing in this world and stop taking lives .

  2. Every time i hear about a shooting i wonder if anyone has died or got hurt? I pray that the families are ok. When I was growing up in a not so good place i heard it all, from gun shots to fights to everything and to me its all comes back to the past. When I was growing up i was a troubled child but that was because i never had a stable place. I remember the police at my house almost every week because of things going on, but we always trusted to police to help. But getting older and making friends and being outside a lot me and my friends would go to the park to hang out and when the cops were called to the park they wouldn't even really notice that i was there. I wondered why i was being singled out and everything... was it just because I am white? When diving with friends to go out somewhere and cops were around the setting of the place would change so fast. I think that this still has to do with the past and people thinking the south is better and it shouldnt have changed from 100 years ago, well this is 2016. I think that its time that people forget the past and really see who they are hurting, not just the color or your skin or your race or your background, the real person. Thats what i think. But i want to leave with a question... IF you were a police still stuck in old ways and you were called to a family members house who is of the opposite color,and it got heated would you shoot?

  3. I felt upset about July being filled with violence, devastation, and grief. My experience would be about the police pulling Philando Castile over for a broken taillight. I think the country should be free from all the violence.

  4. In the case of Alton Sterling: For the President of the NCAAP to call for the police chief and mayor to resign was completely out of line.
    In all of these cases: It aggravates me to no extent how people just jump on a band wagon just because he was black. This happens to white people all the time too, it is just not exploited in the media like it is when the person is black. In fact, I have seen MULTIPLE studies showing that the amount of whites killed by police is 2% higher than blacks killed by police. Not only that, but UNLESS YOU WERE THERE, YOU DO NOT KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. I also find it convenient how there is never any video footage of what happened in the time leading up to the "brutality." Officials have to take the word of the witnesses who only wants to drive that wedge even further between the races. I cannot understand why you would record your boyfriend being shot? How, with a clear conscience, can you do that and post it all over social media? You're worried about your kid because she was in the car when it happened, but you're going to post that video where not only your child, but the entire world, has unlimited access to it? In that time when your life is in danger because you are in that car too, your thought is "Oh I should record this on my phone"?? WHAT?
    Castile's mother says, "We're being hunted every day. It is a silent war against black people." It was a routine traffic stop. People of every color get pulled over for this same thing every day.
    Trying to call out the specific police officers isn't right in my opinion either because their life is in danger as well. They put their lives on the line EVERY DAY for little pay (volunteer officers get NO pay) to keep our communities safe, so if they feel threatened, yes they're going to act. It is their JOB.
    I have a handgun license and I always carry. If I am in my car, there are two guns within reach. I have never had any problems with police. You can say that's because I'm white, but the truth is, if you just do what they say and do not resist, you will not have problems.
    The world can start to heal by the media changing their intentions. Their job is to report, but they do it in a way to fuel racism and provoke a race war. That is the heart of where this all stems from. Then we need to realize that no matter what color you are, you are a human. The color of your skin is not an excuse for your upbringing or your future. People of all races grow up in poverty. What you chose to do with your life defines you. Lazy people will always have an excuse and find someone else to blame. There are many many people who came from poverty and have been successful or done amazing things for this world and country. You can let your past make you bitter or better, and that ONE letter changes everything.

  5. Also, if you have never been in uniform, how can you criticize their actions? You have never been in the situation, you do not know how it is, how it feels, the stress that comes along with the job. I find it INSANE how you can DISRESPECT those in uniform but also expect them to protect you if something happens. To live in this country and be protected by the men and women that put their lives on the line for this country and only bitch about how awful they are, is a load of crap.

  6. My feelings and thoughts toward this are very clear. I completely agree with police, their up holdings, their beliefs, and absolutely, love their attentive appreciation for people problems, and protecting them when no one else can. With that being said their is bullshit in everything, especially anything that was built by man, meaning flaws. Then I have also learned that I can times it by two if there is a governmental hierarchy involved of any kind. I have been dealing with police for many years, been into many fights, been shot at(only once) by police, and I have watched them do just as much bad as they have good. They killed Alton Sterling unnecessarily and that's just it. I really couldn't believe I was watching it because honestly, its never been THAT bad for me. I have never even been tazed or to jail, I got home safely the night I was shot at, and as far as my many fights, the ones that did have police involvement, my father knew much of the police force in Gary and Chicago so I was lucky. watching the video wasn't the familiar bad behavior that i have been use to for 20 years now, but something that simply makes no sense, made me furious almost.

    What really made the anger flare was hearing them say your dead, then shooting him three times out of the six shots I heard. At first, because the camera turns away for the first three shots, I almost thought that the last three were the only three shots(those you could kind of see him doing). It wasn't until I compared the sounds of the three that I realized just how unnecessary his death was, how much it didn't have to happen. Then again, you still just never know for 100% certainty that it didn't. screw good cop, bad cop, how about that guy could have done a lot of things before this that only certain people know, just saying, cops resign for killing men who are gonna get away with rape or murder so. It angers me I guess because its obvious that there is a race war that only is happening to the people we somehow never encounter in our everyday lives, but instead see on the news for us to make assumptions.
    I will tell you this, they treat black people different, definitely, gays, whites, and purples, but definitely blacks. Granted we can be some scary and routy people, aggressive in our nature, trust me i know because out of everyone in the class i doubt they have tumbled in the public brawling for something someone had done to me. everyone handles problems with words and laws, but i have always known that no lawyer can say anything, no judge can hurt you, fine you, no one can so much as speak your name if you have turned there lips into a swollen Macy state balloons. Violence definitely HAS solved problems, but doesn't really ever make anything better.
    Im done, GiGi

  7. Sad to say, everything that is and has been going on has been going on for decades, the only difference is we have instant proof-technology..and sadly it still hasn't made a difference. My heart hurts and goes out to all the victims and families involved. Personally, I haven't had any experiences with police officers (other than a traffic violation) to date (thanks be to God), but I still get a bit anxious being pulled over for it. The violence just seems to be getting worse and until we can just STOP killing as a whole, I honestly don't foresee healing anytime soon. Lord have mercy on us all.

  8. Sad to say, everything that is and has been going on has been going on for decades, the only difference is we have instant proof-technology..and sadly it still hasn't made a difference. My heart hurts and goes out to all the victims and families involved. Personally, I haven't had any experiences with police officers (other than a traffic violation) to date (thanks be to God), but I still get a bit anxious being pulled over for it. The violence just seems to be getting worse and until we can just STOP killing as a whole, I honestly don't foresee healing anytime soon. Lord have mercy on us all.

  9. I don't know how to feel honestly. I can see from both perspectives on these incidents and it frustrates me on how gray it all is. Especially nowadays, Police officers uphold the law and enforce the law. That was what most people were taught. Now the police officers create a more nervous atmosphere. Its like that feeling when you are going to the speed limit, but a cop drives by and you suddenly get clammy. You aren't doing anything wrong, but you feel nervous about it. As for the victims out of all these cases the one I can agree and disagree with is Philando Castile.
    The only reason I can understand what happened and still be annoyed about it. Is that Castile openly said to the officer he had a weapon on him. When he reached for his wallet The cop was probably jumpy and discharged When he reached for his ID. That is the only part I'm annoyed about. However now that I see the video, I don't know. I don't know whats true or not. I'm confused, and annoyed.

  10. These incidents are extremely sad, and I mourn for the families who are losing loved ones. I feel as though suspicion and mistrust plague America, particularly when it comes to race. This is due to mishaps throughout American history gradually leading to stereotypes. African Americans, along with other races, are automatically seen as guilty in varying situations since they have been blamed over time due to originally being from outside of the country. In the past, this made them easy scapegoats. It is stupid and unfortunate, though undeniable. If a white police officer encounters an African American individual, no matter the situation, the stereotypes subconsciously begin stirring inside of the officer's head, therefore influencing his actions. I have personally never been witness to any police situations that would infer actions were made based off of racial stereotypes; however, I have had encounters with the police where they have assumed the worse and acted unfairly. One time, four of my friends and I strolled around the mall as teenagers. We were simply walking and talking, and one of my friends happened to have his hood up. A group of mall cops stopped us, barking at my friend to pull his hood down and told us to split up, as "groups of five or more are not allowed in the mall". Meanwhile, I could see plenty of families with five or more walking around. While I understand that police are there to protect and therefore must be suspicious, their assumptions blur their vision and bring them to act before necessary at times. This country, police officers and citizens alike, ought to work on mental exercises to minimize existing stereotypes, leading to lowered suspicion and a greater amount of trust between one another.

    ~Jessica Palmer

  11. These incidents that have been happening really frustrate me. I feel like some police officers take advantage of their power and authority because they know they won't have to suffer any real consequences. I personally have had no serious encounter with a police officer so I can't say too much. Our country should start to heal by understanding that what's been done is done and although it is extremely heart breaking and sad, we can only move forward. We are all just people, being a police doesn't make you better than anyone else out there.

  12. I just can't believe these incidents keep on occurring over and over again. It's sad that even though it's 2016, we still have to deal with something so ignorant and petty such as racism. I think our country will never be able to truly move forward until people can get pass racial profiling/discrimination. The experiences that I've had with the police have always been normal. The last time I was pulled over by a policeman was because I was speeding, and he didn't even give me a ticket. Just a warning. I think the country to start to heal by helping people to realize that no matter what race, gender, ethnicity, or religious background, that we are all the same on the inside. "There's only one race, the human race." -MartinLutherKingJr.

    - Jared Shaw

  13. I feel very sad that in the month that we celebrate our independence and our rights and freedoms so much violence is going on. I also feel that the incidents could have been handled in a very different way, I've never really hand any encounter with the police but I understand that they are trying to keep us safe but they should also handle situations with care. I think that the country should start to heal by coming together to come up with a solution to all the violence that is gong on in our nation.

  14. Racism is a big issue and we can't able to solve it in a short period of time. It's happen every day in the US. I don't have any real issue with police officer but I keep hearing or reading topics that relate to "police with racism". It's really hurt my belief about human right in this country. This is one of the these that I just read for couple day ago. "North Miami police shoot black man who said his hands were raised while he tried to help autistic group-home resident"
    In this case, I do believe that the police were actually trying to protect the man but he chose a gun to solve a problem. I think police should consider to "safety problem" they may harm innocent people with their wrong decision. The country should start to sit down and accept human life is equal instead of "judging on color".

  15. I've never been very trusting of Police men due to the authority they think they have over others, and I think they misuse that. And having grown up in Haiti my opinions of American policemen aren't very high. I never truly experienced racism or real bias till I came here to the states. But I feel like its something people are taught and they learn as they grow here in America. Rather then celebrating the uniqueness of everyone, people look down on others based on the color of their skin; which is ridiculous because its something no-one has control over. These loss and devastations are absolutely horrid. But at the same time it could not have come at a better time, these events are able to shed a light on whats really going on in america. Some people think that racism is a rare thing now a days but its something that truly exist. Those that think its a non existent concept are those whose skin tones are white and have never had to go through those circumstanecs like, judging you, or thinking your always up to something. But for those whose skin tones are darker, its something we have to Iive with everyday of our lives; the scrutinization of people and their judgement. And with this election coming up that makes it even ten times more important, of choosing whose right for this job. And let me just say one candidate (Trump), has made his stance pretty clear when it comes to immigrants and those whose skin tone are different from his. (thats all I'm going to say on that subject). I don't truly know how this country can begin to heal because it started out so terrible. So to truly begin to heal people need to be more open, and to STOP the judgments based on others skin tone.

    -Killy V.

  16. I'm a black man who believes in the color of your soul not of your skin, the reason why is one may not have a choice in being born to a certain race or skin tone but we all have a choice on our character and how our spirit is received by others. That being said, I'm disgusted with how the police officers have been handling their jobs in the past few videos and incidents I've seen in the media. Being a darker skin tone I have noticed a huge difference in the way I have been treated police officers when I have been stopped with my boyfriend who is white. They expect me to be submissive wear as a boyfriend can be defensive with little to no worries. However with us both having dreadlocks there is slight discrimination against him too. It's mostly about stereotypes and the way you carry yourself that may cause anyone to discriminate against you. I do think it's highly unnecessary for anyone to go to a gun before a taser especially when one knows that they are not in danger, like how someone told the cop that he was carrying a gun legally but was not armed. In today's Society it is more common for us to want to take action rather than to wait and listen. I do think healing is a long ways away because people are so into black lives matter and not all lives matter. When America in the world can leave behind the fact that a single life and race matters over all races and life forms, that's when we can move on. Because so far I've noticed police officers being white mistreating black or other races over black police officers mistreating other races. Mainly because the media is so corrupt it it changes our view of the situation, but it does not change the fact that people are still being raised into a racist mindset. And we cannot ignore the fact that for 200 years now African Americans have been mistreated in America, but that is also alongside Hispanic, and women of all Races. This world is plenty corrupted without blacklivesmatter trying to make it seem like only one race is the being targeted.
    We all matter.

  17. I feel very upset about these incidents and mourn for the families who have lost lives, but I feel even more upset about the young black people who are exposed to them. What kind of view are we giving to our future POC if all they see on the media is murder of POC. Representation is EVERYTHING to these young kids! I was so happy to see Patton Oswalt in Star Wars, and the new release of Moana...we need to stop white washing in our media and start getting more POC in positive roles. With the way the police treats POC is disrespectful to their culture, families, and well being. We are breeding a generation of POC who grow up thinking that someone is always out to get them, that they can't go to the gas station to get some snacks, they can't be outside LEGALLY selling CDs for a LIVING...that is not a future i want to see america living in.

    Being a white woman, my experience with police has been pretty OK i guess. I've gotten pulled over 5 times for speeding and have never gotten a ticket--just warnings. Do you think if that happened to someone of color they would just have 5 warnings? No. Genetics, in this situation, definitely plays favor in my life. And it's apparent with my interactions with any armed force.

    In regards of what we should do, i think we need to heal the wounds directly. I do not believe in "all lives matter" because, yes, all lives DO matter, but currently it's the black lives that matter. During the Syrian refugee crisis, it was Syrian lives who mattered in that current time. Imagine going to the doctor with a broken arm, and his response was not to fix that one problem, but to say "well let's check all bones first". That has never worked in serious issues in america and it never will. We need to target the source directly.
    I also think a lot of our problem is our incarceration system in america, is just a load of complete and total bull shit and there's so many better ways to make human beings better than throwing them in jail cells but that's another rant for another time.
    We have to stop killing senselessly. I stand in solidarity for black lives matter and any and all POC who are treated unfair and unjust by a systematic flaw in america. We are stronger together.

  18. I am not sure what we need to do as a century to get everyone back on the same page. However, I will say this as American's we are the melting pot of the world and race really shouldn't be a factor to anyone. Because when it comes down to it if your not full blooded Indian then you are part of that melting pot. I really feel that given the way the world is today, color shouldn't come in to play at all, I know it does for some, but it shouldn't. I also feel that we have let the police system get away with to much and to fired them when they should be fired. I think the justice system has field in the worst way for everyone both young and old. By not following the laws and looking at everything justice has field for the American citizens. You should not be able to kill a person and be walking around as if nothing happened no matter what color or race they are. Your job isn't to kill it to protect and service the public however, now the public doesn't trust you. So the question that remains is who do we trust, and the facts are no one at this point because in my eyes the system has field everyone in this country.

  19. It's sad to hear about all of the death and immoral decision making that people were doing and are still doing. yes stereotypes exist, and yes some of them are true but not all and not for every individual. we need to give our policemen and women a chance. they are out there trying to keep the peace and for those who aren't they shouldn't be police to begin with. their guns should be used as a last resort never to be considered in most if not all situations.

    ~Daniel Bliss

  20. My heart is torn, my stomach rolls, and my mind cant find a middle ground. I feel sorrow for the family and loved ones having to experience these wrongful tragic losses. We have more stories coming up, because its time we tell the truth of what's happening around us. From the videos I've watched, I witness innocent men being killed. Maybe they had past records or they were just accused of having a gun on them, however, I saw no valid reason to act quick of authority and call shots. There's no hostility from victims or acting out only the policemen. Sometimes I wonder if it could be a psychological condition when it comes to these bad policemen making these bad choices. What the police have to go through on a day to day basis and risking their lives or witnessing the evil of this World so we don't have to. Each time they are in a shooting(the kind that are for justice when suspects are making fire), dealing with drug addicts, the deaths they have to witness over and over, and other intense situations. They are constantly creating adrenaline rush. A stress hormone that prepare the body for a fight-or-flight reaction in threatening environments. The brain signals the adrenal glands that it's time to produce adrenaline and other stress hormones. When your brain is constantly wanting these glands to produce, I imagine it's the same as smoking a cigarette that damages lungs, and well as the constant adrenaline keeping the brain in that cycle. Some can handle it better than others, and then there are bad cops that probably have no remorse over the matter because they are completely numb. Im not here to justify their actions, but maybe finding a better scientific understanding of why we end up with asshole cops who make poor judgements too quick.

    My experiences with policemen, have been well to deal with, and Im sure that's because Im a small 26 year old white girl who looks 12. I always get so nervous and anxious when they pull me over because I cant help but wonder if I am going to get a ticket or not that I will have to find a way to pay for. I dont usually have anything confrontational and I agree with them and can usually tell them why they pulled me over. I’ve gotten most warnings and a couple tickets. Some I can tell are decent enough, and there has been one I had gotten pulled over by, and first impression was that he was an asshole. You could here it in the tone he talked with his voice. He gave me a ticket of course. But its always a wham-bam, okay, good to go experience. It's very discomforting to know that not everyone gets treated the same. Could more have escalated if I had said, looked, or moved the wrong way? It's scary to know that, and I think about that with any race. It breaks my heart that African Americans get treated the way they do when they are accused without warning of doing something wrong when they are not breaking any laws.

    It will take a lot of courage to want to heal, especially in a world where there is so much evil. I wish I had a magic wand, for I would vanish all the violence that’s happening in our world. Im not really sure how we can stop the violence all together, there are over 6 billion people in the world and would be hard to capture all the bad. I hope that we all can come to our senses and learn to harmonize. I know we all have our differences whether it be race, sex, gender, or any category. Perhaps we need to stop separating ourselves by what history, society, media has taught us to do, and start creating a world we want to live in.

    I saw this video recently and I liked what she had to say, and I would also like racism to end. So we can be a big giant rainbow!

    Racism Destroyed in 1 minute.

  21. I have alot of thoughts on this issue as I really don't care what race or if you are male female, adult or kid. I think that the police are acting way to fast and not really using that tring to work on disarming the supact or what about inacent until proven guilty in a court of law. I think if you kill someone and that person wasn't shooting at you or turely harming someone, then you should face that crime of murder just the same as if the supect would have. Our contury is way out of control. I don't even know were we go from here.

  22. I believe that police need to be orientated on how to be fair towards those that they stop. I have not personally had an issue with the police but the treatment that I see on the news definitely is not fair
