- Although the statistics vary, women make on average, 78 cents for every dollar a man earns, and it’s even lower for women of color.
- It’s estimated that the wage gap won’t close until 2058!
- Although women are now earning more Bachelor degrees than men, women with a four-year degree make an average of $930/week, while men with the same degree make an average of $1,199.
- Only 5% of Fortune 500 companies have a woman CEO.
- According
to the Status of Women 2015, which
looked at the best states for women in terms of jobs, healthcare,
childcare, etc,) five states still earned an ‘F’ and Indiana earned a ‘D.”
We are also bombarded with society's
expectations of how a woman should look, think and act. Beauty
advertisements tell us we are too wrinkly, our hair is too dull and
lifeless, and our bodies are just too fat. Television commercials say we
should be focused on what detergent gets our whites
cleaner, what diapers keep our kids cleaner, and what we should make
for dinner tonight. We are taught from a young age that we need
to aspire to be someone else. To hear more on this topic, stated in a better
way than I could ever say it, check out this speech by activist Chimamanda
Ngozi Adichie, made famous by Beyoncé: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg3umXU_qWc
So my question to you this week is two-fold. First, ladies - I would like to know "How were you affected by society's standards for women growing up?" Guys - This isn't just a female issue. You all have mothers, some have sisters, and many of you will have daughters one day. So for the men, I would like to know "How you think men contribute to these standards for women?" Second, Hillary Clinton is running for President again in 2016. In fact, we could possibly have another female candidate running for President in the next election. So for everyone, I would like to know, "Do you think America could handle a female President?" Answers are due no later than Wednesday, September 1st, 2015.
So my question to you this week is two-fold. First, ladies - I would like to know "How were you affected by society's standards for women growing up?" Guys - This isn't just a female issue. You all have mothers, some have sisters, and many of you will have daughters one day. So for the men, I would like to know "How you think men contribute to these standards for women?" Second, Hillary Clinton is running for President again in 2016. In fact, we could possibly have another female candidate running for President in the next election. So for everyone, I would like to know, "Do you think America could handle a female President?" Answers are due no later than Wednesday, September 1st, 2015.