Thursday, June 6, 2013

Your Thoughts and Feedback Are Appreciated!

Well another quarter has come and gone!  I have enjoyed getting to know all of you and hearing your opinions in class!  When we started together, most of you hated politics, and now you are ready to go out and change the world!  I wish all of you blessings and success in the future.  Please stay in touch and feel free to visit and post on the blog whenever you like.

So for our last blog post, I would like to get your thoughts and feedback on the class.  "What did you like or dislike about the class?  What could I do to make it better?"  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, June 12th, 2013.  After that, the blog will be down until class resumes next quarter.  To those of you who are graduating, congratulations on all your hard work and achievements!  For everyone else, I hope you enjoy the break!  Signing off for the last time....(okay maybe not the last time, but it sounded good)